Chapter 441 441:- The Price Of Tradition

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:

With the break of a new day, the city-sized stadium once again hummed with life. Swarms of spectators flooded in, the undercurrent of their anticipation and excitement almost palpable. Even though the news of the sudden demise of the four old nobles had cast a shadow over the tournament, the event was not put on hold. The three dukes and the duchess already had successors lined up, but according to Deep Sea Palace's rules, they couldn't assume their roles until the tournament concluded. This left the seats of power empty for the next six days, adding to the suspenseful atmosphere.

Aditya found himself at the tournament once again. However, today was different. Today, he was in the company of Laura's personal maid, Kate. Kate was well-connected, and thanks to her, Aditya had managed to secure VIP seats. He was now comfortably nestled in plush seating, with an unobstructed view of the entire arena.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," a sonorous voice rang out, drowning out the excited chatter of the crowd. "It's time for the fifth match of the Elimination Round." The crowd fell silent, eagerly hanging onto each word. "From Group A, we present to you, Laura." A cheer rose from the crowd as Laura, a vision of grace and strength, swam into the arena. "And from Group B, we have Triton." Triton, a formidable looking Selkie, also emerged into the spotlight, greeted with a mixture of cheers and whistles.

"Let's give them a warm welcome!" The announcer's voice echoed, resulting in an uproar of applause and cheers. The crowd was hyped, and the anticipation for the match was at an all-time high. Today is promised to be an unforgettable day.

Laura, her every movement as fluid as a water dance, made her way into the heart of the arena. Following her was Triton, his muscular form and the sinewy strength that every Selkie was known for, evident even from a distance. The energy in the arena was electric as the two contenders entered, ready to lock horns.

"Now, folks, it's time to put your money where your mouth is," boomed the announcer's voice once again, breaking through the fevered discussions and the anticipatory murmurs. "Place your bets! Remember, we won't accept anything below ten white gold coins!"

Like a tidal wave, the crowd erupted into a frenzy, rushing to stake their bets. Money changed hands at dizzying speed, an atmosphere of reckless, fevered anticipation filling the air. Such betting sprees were common throughout the stadium, each corner alive with its own microcosm of excitement and uncertainty.

As all this unfolded, Aditya and Kate merely glanced at the frantic, gambling crowd, a detached amusement in their eyes. Neither of them seemed particularly interested in joining the betting pandemonium.

"Who do you think will win?" A bystander couldn't contain his curiosity, addressing the seemingly nonchalant duo.

Kate's answer was immediate. "Obviously, Laura."

The spectator nodded, his eyes reflecting understanding. "Betting on Triton would be like throwing away money. The guy's a Peak 4th-order cultivator, who barely scraped through the group stage. But this is the elimination round. It's a whole different game. It's a battlefield for the most potent and ambitious competitors. Laura's might is undisputed, one of the tournament's absolute powerhouses. Triton's chances of winning against her are less than 0.1%."

A different voice chimed in, adding, "And let's not forget Triton's defeat in his third group stage match just yesterday. I'd be a fool to bet against Laura." The surrounding crowd murmured their agreement, their faith unwavering in Laura's prowess.



"Begin the match!" The authoritative voice rang through the arena, resonating with anticipation and high spirits.

The moment the announcement ended, Triton, Laura's opponent, mustered all his strength. His focus, determination etched across his features, he began to charge a concentrated beam of energy, aimed at Laura. His every muscle strained, his entire being concentrated on his offensive move. The crowd held its breath, the air alive with anticipation.

But Laura, serene as a still sea yet swift as a striking shark, closed the distance between them before Triton's attack could fully form. Before Triton could even blink, she was already before him. There was no time for him to react, to defend or to attack, and her punch, swift and powerful, landed squarely on him.

He slumped, crumpled like a felled tree, unconscious before he even hit the ground. The impact echoed across the silent arena. Triton was out cold, his planned attack dissipating into nothingness.

"The match concludes as quickly as it started. Laura only needed a handful of seconds to establish her victory. What a tremendous display of power!" The announcer's voice rang out, clear and sharp, throughout the stunned arena.

The audience, however, was visibly disappointed. They had anticipated a struggle, a clash of powers, but the fight ended even before they could fully immerse themselves in it. Not even a full ten seconds had passed since the match started.

Two burly guards swiftly made their way to the fallen Triton, lifting his unconscious body with practiced ease and retreating off the stage. Meanwhile, Laura, with her usual grace and poise, walked back, leaving behind an arena stunned by her overwhelming strength.

"Well, that was anticlimactic," Aditya remarked, his voice revealing his boredom. For him, the match ended far too quickly, almost abruptly, leaving a lingering feeling of disappointment. He had expected more.

Minutes turned into hours and the day continued to pass as the rigorous elimination round of the tournament continued. Like a harsh tide sweeping away everything in its path, the number of competitors dwindled steadily, gradually eroding from a robust thirty-two to a lean twenty-eight, then to a slim twenty-four and kept on dropping.

Eventually, the bustling crowd of contestants diminished until only sixteen valiant fighters remained, eight from Group A and eight from Group B. The arena bristled with tension as the second round of the cutthroat elimination stage was about to commence.I think you should take a look at

During the fierce and unyielding battles, one particular fighter had piqued Aditya's interest. A merman, named Zephyr, who bore an imposing frame, carved with muscles that told tales of countless battles and relentless training. His power level was on par with Laura, making him a formidable opponent to any who dared to cross him in the ring.

His matches, just like Laura's, ended in mere seconds, leaving a lot of his capabilities shrouded in mystery. The fights ended before anyone could gauge his true strength, before anyone could figure out the tricks under his sleeve.

'Zephyr could become a thorn in Laura's path,' Aditya pondered, his gaze never leaving the merman. The way Zephyr fought was a harsh contrast to Laura's graceful but quick tactics. His style was ruthless, baring his fangs of merciless aggression in the ring. He seemed to derive a cruel pleasure from tormenting his adversaries, stringing them along before dealing the decisive blow.

On top of all this, Zephyr was an arrogant fighter, his pride as clear as daylight. He wore it like a badge, his every move screaming confidence and self-assured dominance. He was indeed an opponent not to be taken lightly, a potential stumbling block in Laura's path to victory.

As dusk cast a veil over the city, Aditya and Kate gradually blended into the dispersing crowd, leaving the eventful day behind them. However, unbeknownst to Aditya, a pair of sharp eyes were trained on him, a mischievous glint twinkling in them. A woman, a human woman to be precise, stood unnoticed in the crowd, her wild grin tugging at the corners of her mouth as she stared at Aditya's retreating figure.

Days sped by like the fleeting shadows of fish under the sunlit water. The roaring waves of the tournament continued to surge, their momentum unyielding. The second, third, and fourth days of the rigorous elimination round had the stadium brimming with relentless action and hair-raising suspense.

As the battles waged and the crowd cheered, only two warriors managed to stand their ground, cutting through the ranks and emerging as the mightiest. Laura, the enchanting mermaid princess from Group A and Zephyr, the ruthless merman from Group B.

[Ladies and Gentlemen, here we stand on the 6th day of our grand tournament. Today, we will witness the grand culmination of this unforgettable saga. Today, our champion will rise. From the fiery trials of Group A, we bring forth Laura, and from the turbulent battles of Group B, emerges Zephyr. Let us extend our heartiest welcome to the two valiant finalists.]

At this announcement, an electrifying wave of applause and cheers swept across the spectators, the roaring crowd mirroring the surging excitement in the grand arena. The decibels soared as the spectators, each favoring their preferred champion, vociferously voiced their support, the final clash was about to begin.

From their vantage point amidst the sea of spectators, Aditya and Kate listened to the announcer's rallying voice with nonchalant expressions. Aditya shook his head slightly, a ripple of disapproval reflecting in his eyes. "No offense intended, Kate," he began, his tone hinting at the seriousness of his words, "but this whole method of determining the next ruler, it's just... absurd, don't you think?"

Kate looked at Aditya, her eyes revealing a silent curiosity as she chose to listen rather than to challenge his perspective. She knew well that such words, if uttered by any other citizen of the empire, would have triggered a violent backlash.

"The monarchy should work on a system of hierarchy," Aditya continued, his voice steady as he outlined his thoughts, "It should be a power passed down from parent to child, not something gambled on in a tournament."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "Strength, while important, should not be the primary qualification for a ruler. A ruler needs vision, intelligence, wisdom, and calmness in the face of adversity. They should have the ability to unite their people, to inspire loyalty and instill a sense of belonging in each citizen. They should be capable of making hard decisions, acting with justice and fairness, and leading with wisdom, not with brute force.

"This tournament," Aditya gestured broadly towards the arena, "is nothing more than a colossal waste of time. Not everyone who steps into this arena possesses the necessary attributes to rule, not everyone is as balanced in their intelligence, wisdom, calmness, and strength as Laura. The demise of your previous ruler can be directly attributed to his arrogance and lack of wisdom."

His final words lingered in the air between them, casting a new light on the ongoing spectacle. Kate remained silent, digesting his perspective while around them the crowd continued to cheer, oblivious to their solemn conversation.

Aditya rubbed his chin thoughtfully, his eyes still focused on the thrilling spectacle happening within the arena, but his mind clearly elsewhere. "I get it, you know," he began, turning his gaze towards Kate, "Tradition plays a massive role in the identity of your Empire. But I must tell you, not every tradition is beneficial, and some can even be harmful. This tournament, for example, seems to be one such tradition."

Kate was quiet, her eyes locked onto Aditya's, captivated by his unconventional viewpoint. She knew it was her duty to defend the traditions of her land, but the sincerity in Aditya's voice made her question. Instead of arguing, she chose to listen.

Aditya continued, leaning back in his chair, the casual manner not quite hiding the seriousness of his words. "You see, I've noticed that this tournament has a divisive effect on the different races that inhabit your world. It's like an unseen wall that splits the unity of your Empire. Let's think about it for a second. How many previous Rulers of this Empire were Aquatic Elves? Almost none, right? The throne has been primarily occupied by mermen and mermaids."

His words were punctuated by the sounds of the crowd, their cheers and boos providing a fitting background to their somber conversation. Aditya sighed, shaking his head slightly. "Honestly, I'm astounded that the Deep Sea Palace is still standing, despite such flawed practices. If similar events were occurring in the land above, your Palace would've been invaded and captured multiple times over by now."

Kate remained silent, swallowing hard. His words stung because they were true. The unfairness and imbalance were too real and staring right at their faces, and it seemed that she, like many others, had been choosing to ignore it. The echo of Aditya's words left a bitter aftertaste, a hard pill that the maid found herself reluctantly swallowing.


Really Thank you very much to all those who sends support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!