Chapter 452 452:- 8th General

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:

After concluding his fun-filled sparring session with Alicia and partaking in some good-natured teasing, Aditya decided it was time to freshen up. He returned to the comfort of his room and indulged in a refreshing bath, letting the cool water cleanse his body and rejuvenate his spirit.

Once he was done, he made his way to the dining area of the palace, the delightful aroma of a hearty breakfast guiding him. As he stepped in, his eyes fell upon two familiar faces seated at the dining table - Leo and Clara, his adopted younger siblings.

"Good morning, you two," Aditya greeted with a warm smile, feeling a surge of affection for the two youngsters.

"Good morning, Big Brother," the siblings chorused, their youthful faces lighting up upon seeing him.

Aditya then turned his attention to Leo, his gaze thoughtful as he studied the young lad. He could sense the remarkable changes in Leo's aura, a clear sign of his cultivation progress. "Leo, you've grown stronger again, haven't you?" Aditya noted, his voice tinged with admiration.

Leo was a diligent and committed cultivator, astonishing everyone with his rapid growth despite his tender age. Already standing at the beginner 4th-order level, he also demonstrated an admirable dedication to honing his martial arts skills under the guidance of General Henry. Aditya couldn't help but feel proud of Leo's unwavering determination to grow stronger.

"Big Brother, I appreciate your compliment. But without the incredible resources you have generously provided, my cultivation progress wouldn't have been this swift," Leo replied earnestly, showing a level of humility that was truly impressive for his age. His gratitude was heartfelt, his humility unwavering even in the face of growing power.

Leo was undeniably a prodigy in the realm of cultivation, but he fully recognized that his accelerated advancement to the Beginner 4th-order was largely due to the extraordinarily supportive environment he was fortunate to be in. Being the adopted younger brother of the Emperor came with many benefits, and one of those was the unfettered access to the Empire's vast resources. Aditya spared no expense in providing Leo with everything that could aid his cultivation journey, never holding back any potential advantage.

One such advantage was the special 4-star cultivation pills gifted by Julia, Aditya's first fiancee. These pills worked wonders in enhancing Leo's cultivation speed. Moreover, being of Dragonian lineage naturally endowed Leo with a higher cultivation speed compared to others.

Yet another major factor that significantly contributed to Leo's swift cultivation progress was the unique atmosphere of the Dragon Palace itself. The palace was permeated with an exceptionally dense concentration of Mana, far more abundant than that found in the outside world. The act of cultivating within the Mana-rich environment of the Dragon Palace had the effect of propelling Leo's cultivation speed to unprecedented levels.

"Leo, it's truly astounding to see the transformation you've undergone. Only around nine months ago, you were a frail and delicate boy. But now, looking at you, I can't help but be filled with pride for the strong, young man you've blossomed into," Aditya praised warmly, his eyes reflecting his genuine admiration. "You've achieved something that none of your peers have been able to do. I don't think there's ever been a case of someone your age reaching the beginner 4th-order. Even those widely acclaimed as geniuses haven't been able to replicate your feat. In fact, your cultivation surpasses even mine."

Hearing Aditya's words, a radiant smile spread across Leo's face. Ever since being adopted by Aditya, he had made it his personal mission to live up to his big brother's name, to avoid any potential embarrassment. But Aditya, in his wisdom and kindness, had never imposed any pressure on him or Clara. He granted them complete freedom to pursue their own paths, to live their lives as they wished.

As they sat there, Aditya seemed to ponder for a moment before turning to Leo with a sincere look in his eyes. "Leo, I hope you won't find this question too sudden, but I've been wanting to ask you something," he began, his tone indicating the seriousness of his question. "I know you're young and there's still plenty of time for you to figure things out. However, I am curious to know if you have any future aspirations. Is there something specific you're aiming for, a path you wish to follow?"

Caught slightly off guard by Aditya's question, Leo was momentarily taken aback before quickly regaining his composure. "Big brother," he began, his voice steady and filled with determination, "I do have a certain ambition I wish to fulfill."

Intrigued, Aditya urged him on with an encouraging smile. "Please, feel free to share, Leo," he said, genuinely interested in his little brother's aspirations.

Gathering his courage, Leo spoke, "I wish to become a General. My goal is to lead the Dragonians into the battlefield." He finished with a sense of trepidation, apprehensive about whether he'd crossed a line. The Dragonians were elite soldiers, the pinnacle of military strength in the Istarin Empire. Even though their numbers only totaled around 25,000, their collective might was far beyond the millions of other regular and elite troops the Empire boasted.

However, instead of meeting a frown or reprimand, Leo found Aditya looking at him, not in disappointment or disbelief, but in surprise. His big brother finally spoke, carefully weighing his words. "Are you certain, Leo? It's not that I question your ability to lead the Dragonians into battle. Rather, the role you desire is fraught with perils and unpredictability."

Aditya's smile broadened as he addressed his little brother, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "You see, Leo, I had originally envisioned you taking control of our territories in the Southern region, governing as you see fit. I imagined you becoming a Duke of this great Empire. However, it seems that such a life doesn't appeal to you, does it?" Leo responded with an emphatic nod, his resolve unshaken.

"I aspire to become a General, big brother," he confessed, his voice ringing with determination. "I want to hold the title of the 8th General of the Empire." At these words, Aditya's eyes widened slightly, taken aback by the unwavering conviction and sheer grit reflected in Leo's bright blue gaze.I think you should take a look at

A ripple of surprise swept across Aditya's face as he commended his young brother, "Leo, your ambition has genuinely taken me by surprise. I have no qualms about your becoming the 8th General of this Empire. However, there's a condition you must meet before you can assume this role. You must reach the age of 18." As Leo opened his mouth to protest, Aditya raised his hand, cutting him off.

"Leo, you're still so young," he began, his voice a gentle reminder of the impetuousness of youth. "Use this time until you reach 18 to delve into the art of war. Aspiring to become a General requires more than just martial prowess. It demands a keen understanding of war tactics, politics, diplomacy, and much more. I can see you have a lot of learning and growing to do."

Leo's expression remained determined as he nodded his head. "Alright, big brother," he agreed, his voice filled with resolution. He was wholly committed to becoming the best general the Istarin Empire had ever seen.

Switching gears, Aditya's expression softened into a teasing grin. "So, how are things going with your sweetheart?" he asked, the glint in his eyes hinting at his mischief. Leo's cheeks reddened at the mention of his romantic life, a clear indication of his embarrassment. He had tried his best to keep this under wraps, but it appeared that his big brother's intuition had managed to uncover his secret.

"Things are...progressing well," Leo responded, his voice barely audible. He dropped his gaze, unable to hide his shyness at the topic of his girlfriend. It was quite the juxtaposition to see this future General of the Empire blush like a schoolboy.

Aditya chuckled heartily, ruffling Leo's hair with affection. "My little brother, aiming for the stars as always!" he exclaimed. "Winning over the heart of Duke Marvin Sarlus' daughter...impressive indeed! Hahaha!" Aditya's laughter echoed through the room. Duke Marvin belonged to one of the oldest noble houses in the Istarin Empire, wielding enormous political influence. The Duke's daughter, who attended the same school as Leo, was quite the catch.

"So, today's your last day of school before the new year break starts, correct?" Aditya inquired, turning his attention between Clara and Leo. The two of them nodded in unison, affirming his question.

"Have you considered asking her out on a date during the holidays, Leo?" Aditya's words hung in the air, his suggestion eliciting no response from Leo, who had chosen to stare at the floor instead, obviously mortified at this continued discussion about his love life.

Unperturbed by his brother's reaction, Aditya turned his gaze towards Clara, the mischievous glint returning to his eyes. "So, little one, has our dear brother Leo made any moves on the young lady yet?" he asked.

Clara rolled her eyes playfully. "Big brother, Leo's still lingering in the first phase," she revealed, her tone borderline sympathetic. "He hasn't even summoned the courage to hold her hand yet." Leo shot her an indignant look, somehow feeling as though his younger sister was condescending him, and disappointment echoed in her voice.

Aditya let out a soft sigh, shaking his head lightly. "Come now, Leo," he said, injecting his voice with brotherly encouragement. "You can't let yourself be intimidated by a girl. How can our future esteemed General of the Istarin Empire shy away in front of a lady? Show some courage, little brother. Reach out, hold her hand, ask her out on a date." His words were filled with a lighthearted yet earnest sincerity.

"You better be careful, Leo," Aditya chimed in with a playful tone, his lips curling into a mischievous smile. "If you delay any longer, you might find that someone else has swooped in and captured her heart."

Clara, seizing the opportunity to further tease her brother, added, "Indeed, just the other day, I noticed her engaging in a rather friendly conversation with another boy around your age, and I must say, he was quite handsome." She punctuated her statement with a playful wink directed at Aditya, who responded with an amused smile.

Fortunately for Leo, the relentless teasing was interrupted as the dining room door opened, and in walked Spencer and Aria, providing a timely diversion. They seated themselves next to Leo, their curious gazes sweeping across the faces at the table.

"Good morning, Your Majesty," Spencer greeted, his voice laced with curiosity as he tried to gauge the topic of their discussion. As the Prime Minister of the Istarin Empire, and a significant part of the royal family, he held an influential role in the empire's affairs. "What was the topic of your lively conversation?"

Aditya couldn't help but chuckle lightly at Spencer's curiosity. "Oh, nothing much, Spencer," he responded with a casual wave of his hand and a warm smile dancing on his lips. "We were merely discussing the budding romantic life of our dear Leo."


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