Chapter 620 620:- The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
Chapter 620 Chapter 620:- The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert

?620 Chapter 620:- The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert

Finally, the time for the appearance of the Dragon Grass has appeared. Many Kings, Emperors, Nobles, factions, and generals, have been waiting for this moment for years. And finally today the Dragon Grass was going to show itself to the world.

Just like Helen had said, even though the 7 Beast Kings tried to suppress the location of the Dragon Grass, the information was somehow leaked to all those who had come for the Dragon Grass today.

The Empires and factions did not know about the Dragon Grass's location now, they had learned the location by seeing all the big forces from many different continents gathering in The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert.

Today, countless empires have sent their military forces to The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert to get the dragon grass at any cost. It was not about who could get the Dragon grass first, it was about who could keep the dragon grass at the very end.

After all, regardless of who gets the dragon grass first, that person should have the power to protect himself, and also keep the dragon grass from the hands of others.

Once someone gets the dragon grass almost every empire's military force will attack that person and will fight to take the dragon grass regardless of the cost. This was the true reality.

This whole thing was not a race, but rather a fight for the position of the dragon grass. In the end, there will be ultimately one winner and many losers.

This is the reason why so many empires have sent their military forces to The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert.

The number of military troops that each Empire has sent is at least in million. They are empires that have sent 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 troops just to make sure that they are empire got the dragon grass. This itself should be enough to show how valuable the dragon grass was.

This is no longer a fight between the factions and powerhouses in the beast continent, this has become a fight between all the empires in the whole world. Even forces from the main continent come here to get the dragon grass. Just like any other time in the past this time also, millions of troops are going to die. There will be a lot of casualties. There will be a lot of bloodshed. There will be a lot of corpses. The whole The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert is going to become a true graveyard.

It was not just the empires and kingdoms who were going to be fighting for the position of the dragon grass, millions of magic animals from all over the continent, and some magic animals from other continents had traveled here just for the sake of the dragon grass. Even magic monsters from the oceans and seas also have come to get the dragon grass.

The biggest desert in the Beast Continent and the second biggest desert in the whole world was today full of magic animals and troops. There were countless Desert ships in the Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert. Anywhere one looked, there were small or big desert ships and desert ships.

"I have taught you two how to use the solar cannons of the flying ship. If you see that we are in a dire situation, then on my signal, don't hesitate to use the full power of the Solar Cannons to destroy the enemy." Alicia and Julia nodded their heads.

"Also, if you two notice any enemies heading in the direction of the Dragon Grass, then don't hesitate to use the teleportation array and return to the Dragon Palace. Your safety is more important than this flying ship."

"Before leaving you can press the self-destruct button of the flying ship. Within 5 minutes, the ship itself will explode and destroy itself." Both Julia and Alicia firmly nodded their heads.

Aditya could have brought the Istarin Empire's army. But his desire wasn't to fight other empires. As long as he could get the dragon grass in his hand, he was planning to directly teleport back to the dragon Palace with Riya, Sasha, and Lilith and avoid any unnecessary confrontation.

Normally, Aditya isn't the type who would run away from a challenge. He loved Fighting tough opponents. After all, he had become so powerful that it was extremely difficult for him to find someone who could give him a real challenge.

But this matter was very serious. Aditya wasn't going to waste his time trying to fight forces from other empires. He wanted to end this as soon as possible. As for the rest, they all could die and he will not care about it.

Aditya wanted to cure Lara as soon as possible.

"Let's go.....!!!" From the deck of the ship, each of fly down.

Alicia and Julia watched Aditya and their sisters leave. At that moment, both of them felt weak. They also wanted to go with Aditya but because of being weak, they couldn't accompany their husband. This made both of them feel frustrated.

'I must put more effort into my cultivation.' This was the thought that both of them had in their minds.


The army of The Beast King Alliance also has arrived using the Desert ships. More than 100 massive desert ships carried the 6 million large army of The Beast King Alliance. Each of the massive desert ships was carrying 60,000 troops of The Beast King Alliance.

"This time, the Dragon Grass is completely ours, those who dare to stand in our way will face killed." Eldric Thornehart arrogantly declared to everyone in The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert.

The voice of the strongest Beast King also reached the ears of the Dragon Monarch and other strong figures.


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