Chapter 622 622:- The Dragon Grass [II]

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
Chapter 622 622:- The Dragon Grass [II]

622 Chapter 622:- The Dragon Grass [II]

This chapter is dedicated to Reader 'osomabinsmokin'. for gifting this novel with an Inspiration capsule. Thank you to reader 'osomabinsmokin'.


At this moment everyone in The Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert was looking at the sky. The sun was directly above their heads.

Suddenly Aditya felt as if time around him had stopped flowing. He widened his eyes Crimson eyes as he looked around him. Everything around him was frozen. Not completely frozen but everything around him had become extremely slow to the point that he felt as if time had slowed down.

'What is happening.....?' Aditya asked himself.

He did not have to wait for his answer long as he felt a sudden connection with the Dragon Grass that was about to appear.

The next second everything had returned to normal.

"It here...!!!" With Aditya's words, the sun was being covered by another celestial object. It was the moon. As the light from the sun disappeared, everyone in the Beast Continent felt that the world was ending as the light from the sun was completely disappearing. Everything was becoming dark.

Endless darkness had consumed the entire Beast Continent.

This phenomenon happened every time a Dragon Grass appeared.

The entire Beast Continent had become dark. Unlike the darkness of the night where there was the light from the moon and light of the stars, this darkness was frightening as there wasn't any source of light in the sky. The sky had become an abyss of darkness.

The entire Graveyard of Sand Dunes desert had fallen into this darkness.

In the Celestial Terrain,

Amelia frowned as she could not see anything on the screen at all.

Amelia quickly opened the window. Everything around her looked normal. She could not find anything abnormal in the capital. There was sunlight in the capital. The sun's light hadn't disappeared from the Celestial Terrain.

"So this strange Phenomenon only happens in the Beast Continent. Because of the Dragon Grass...!!!" Amelia closed the window and came to the living room to continue watching.


Around 10 seconds later, A powerful wind began blowing from every direction.L1tLagoon witnessed the first publication of this chapter on Ñøv€l--B1n.

A few seconds later, the whole Graveyard of Sand Dunes began to shake back and forth. The shaking was really strong. Many soldiers even fell down to the ground because of this shaking.

At the same time, the sea around the Beast Continent turned turbulent. Huge and powerful waves began crashing onto the shores. Even the smallest waves were astonishingly over 20 meters tall.

Thankfully, many cities situated near the coastlines had protective Mana barriers. These barriers were robust enough to shield the cities from the destructive Tsunamis. The Tsunamis were so mighty, and the sea had become extremely chaotic. It seemed as if the world was coming to an end.

Following that, volcanoes began to erupt. Several enormous volcanoes on the Beast Continent spewed molten lava and ash into the air. At the same time, some volcanoes erupted beneath the sea, creating a vivid underwater spectacle.

The ground shook with tremendous force as lava flowed down the slopes of the volcanoes, setting everything in its path ablaze. The sky darkened with thick clouds of ash. But in this darkness, no one was able to see anything.

Aditya gently grabbed the Draogn Grass and pulled it out of the ground. As soon as he pulled it out of the ground, he noticed a few sharp white teeth of an animal coming out of the ground. Not even a second later, the huge mouth of a giant Animal came out of the ground. The Magic animal tried to directly eat the Dragon Grass before anyone could get it but Aditya was a bit faster.

Aditya did not waste another second. He knew the Dragon Grass would die if he did not put it in the special container. He put the Dragon Grass in a special container which was made from glass.

And then he put the special container which contained the Dragon Grass in his storage ring.


However noticing the Dragon Grass was with this human, the giant beast angrily roared at Aditya.

While everyone's eyes were on Aditya and on the giant Animal's mouth that came out of the ground, no one noticed Riya quickly using her powers to take all of the seeds that came out with the Dragon grass. She sneakily took the seeds and put them in the special container as well.

Meanwhile in the Celestial Terrain...

Seeing the Dragon Grass, Amelia was mesmerized by its beauty. But then her heart almost stopped when a giant animal was about to eat the Dragon Grass but Aditya was one step faster.

"He got the Dragon Grass...!!!" Amelia felt really excited.

"Now get out of this desert as soon as possible." Amelia knew of Aditya's ability to teleport back to the Dragon Palace from anywhere in this world. By doing this Aditya would be able to get out of danger.

From the sky, Alicia and Julia were also very relieved to see that the Dragon grass was in Aditya's hands.

"Hurry up and use teleportation....!!!" Alicia and Julia nervously held their hands while staring at the mirror before them. It would be impossible to see anything without using this artifact.

Aditya quickly grabbed Riya, Sasha, and Lilith's hands.

"Let's return home...!!!" Aditya used Dragon transfer.

One second passed nothing happened.

Two seconds passed nothing happened.

Three seconds passed but nothing happened.

Seeing this Riya, Sasha, and Lilith looked at Aditya in confusion. They could see the enemies from all sides were heading in their direction. Not to mention the giant strange animal that was also forcing itself out of the ground in anger.

"What happened?" Riya asked.

"Something is....!!

To be continued.....!!!


Really Thank you very much to all those who send support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

The picture of the Dragon Grass in the comment section