Chapter 671 671:- Celebration

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
Chapter 671 671:- Celebration

After meeting the Istarin Empire, Felix did not immediately leave the Capital of the Azure City. Since this was his first time in the Capital of the Mighty Istarin Empire, Felix felt that he should use this chance to explore this beautiful city. The Capital had a ton of amazing things to offer.

Right now, Felix and Eloise are having lunch together.

"Congraulations, Felix. I won't lie, I am really happy that everyone went in your favor." Eloise said as he poured wine for Felix. His words were a mix of sincerity and flattery.

Felix knew that Eloise was constantly trying to flatter him. Felix did not mind. Flattery was the common thing in the upper society. Now Eloise was flattering Felix. But before Felix was flattering Aditya.

"Thank you," Felix said as he picked up the wine glass.

Felix is very happy today. 190 Billion gold coins was a huge amount. If everything went according to his plan, then he was going to become super rich.

'This money is going to help me a lot in my future plans.' Felix thought while taking a sip of the red wine.New novel chapters are published on

'I need to increase the production of weapons.'

"Felix, I have always admired you. In the world of merchant, you always have been my role model." Felix smiled hearing and said nothing else in response. He knew that Eloise was just flattering him.

But who doesn't like to hear sweet words about themselves?

"You're the best merchant in the whole Dying Isle Continent."

"I don't think that's true. Even though I really want to be at the top, there's someone else in the Dying Isle Continent who deserves that place more than I do." Felix has been a merchant for a long time. But that person hadn't been a merchant for no less than 15 years yet she stood at the very top. Her position at the very top was undeniable and unquestionable. It was a fact that everyone had to accept regardless of whether someone liked her or not.

"Who is this person?" Eloise asked curiously.

"You know this person."

"Everyone knows her."

"She is known by all as 'The Goddess of Wealth'."

"And as long as she is in this continent, I can never be at the top. The number one position would always belong to her and no one else." Felix really respected and even admired Alicia as a merchant.

Eloise could feel the respect that Felix had for Alicia in his voice.

"Although I don't know much about Her but I do know that She is engaged to the Emperor of the Istarin Empire," Eloise added. When he and others learned that she was engaged to Aditya, they were shocked to their cores.

For a long time, they were unable to believe it.

"I heard that when the Goddess of Wealth was just 7 years of age, she was so smart that she could calculate very complex mathematics within a very few seconds. It is widely believed that no one in this world is better at mathematics or calculations than her." Felix continued as he took another sip of wine.

"I don't know if it's true or not but I have heard that she has started her business Empire with just 10 gold coins. When she started, she did not use her identity as the Princess. Instead, she disguised her identity and built her business Empire with the identity of a commoner. And so she has so many businesses that her worth is unknown. But it is widely accepted that she is the richest merchant in the whole world. She has more wealth than any other Empire."

"That's not true," Sylvie replied slightly louder. She looked flustered.

"Yeah.....!! Yeah....!!" Alicia ignored her and sat down to continue with her work.

"The person that you're wishing to find is already in your heart. Just close your eyes and try to draw a picture of him in your mind." Alicia seriously said.

"As if...!!" Sylvie did not believe her words but she still decided to give it a try.

Sylvie closed her eyes and started imaging.

In Sylvie's mind, everything was shrouded in darkness. But then a bright image of a figure slowly started to walk up to her. As the figure came closer to her, his face became clearer.

Sylvie's cheeks grew slightly red as she stared at the person standing in front of her.

He was holding a black sword in his left arm. His upper body was naked. He had long blue hair that he had tied into a ponytail.

Alicia noticed Sylvie's cheeks had turned red.

"Well, whose face did you see?" Alicia asked. From her best friend's reaction, it was clear that she had seen someone's face.

" one's...!!" Sylvie looked nervous. She ignored Alicia and tried to go back to work but she couldn't focus.

'Stupid....!! Why did I have to see his face?' Sylvie asked herself.

'Maybe, it's because I have been seeing him regularly these days.' Sylvie came to this conclusion.

"Did he have long blue hair?" A voice asked her.

"Yes.....!!" Sylvie was still in her thoughts. It was only after she replied that she realized the voice belonged to Alicia.

When she turned to her right, she found Alicia standing next to her. She was staring at her with a teasing smirk.

"Wait, let me explain." Sylvie became very embarrassed.

"Even though I said he had long blue hair and blue eyes, I never said it was Aditya. So please don't make any wrong conclusions." She hurriedly tried to explain herself.

"So it was Aditya...!!" Hearing this Sylvie realized that she had accidentally revealed the truth. Knowing this, she knew that there was no use in making excuses. She became silent and lowered her head.

"Please forget about this matter," Sylvie said in a low tone while lowering her head.

"Hmm.....!! Sure." Alicia was going to tease Sylvie about this later. For now, they had to finish their work.


Really Thank you very much to all those who send support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!