Chapter 759:- Formation of Black Lotus

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
Chapter 759:- Formation of Black Lotus

"Like a priced Treasure?"

"Yeah!! Exactly!!"

"The outcome of the battle was in my favor. Even though I was injured, I managed to wipe out the Duke and the rest of the Human Kingdom's army."

"The Human Kingdom brought all of its 5th-order Cultivators." "It was also in this battle that I found that all the members of the Red Assassin of Dune were brainwashed and were under the mind control of the Duke. They were doing everything that the Duke was ordering them to do. Their faces had no emotions." "Just like how Luna controlled our allies?" Aditya asked. Lilith nodded her head. "He tried to do the same to me, but I was resistant to Mind Control." "Although I had to kill about 1/3rd of the members of the Red Assassin of Dunes, the rest were spared. In the end, I decided to take the remaining members with me and leave the Human Kingdom."

"I heard that about seven months later, the King was killed, and the whole Kingdom fell into the hands of the Great Starry Sky Empire." "How strong was the Great Starry Sky Empire?" Aditya became curious and couldn't help but ask while interrupting Lilith. "Very Strong! The Empire was considered to be the Powerhouse of its times. It was the Overlord of the entire Beast Continent. It was Prime, and no other major powerhouse was even allowed to step into the Beast Continent. All the Beast Kings bowed their heads in front of the Emperor."

"Even in the Six Continents, the Great Starry Sky Empire had a very strong presence. Even The Dune Sovereignty had to acknowledge the Great Starry Sky Empire's powers." "Do you know why the Great Starry Sky Empire attacked the Human Kingdom?" Aditya curiously asked. "I am not entirely sure. Since that incident, I very rarely went to the Beast Continent. I heard that the Human Kingdom and the Great Starry Sky Empire had some kind of agreement, but later, the Human Kingdom broke the agreement, which started this whole war. The Great Starry Sky Empire destroyed the Human Kingdom within 15 days."

"It wasn't a war but rather a one-sided slaughter of all the nobles, troops, and even the King." "Due to this incident, I began wearing a veil to hide my face." "After returning to my clan, I learned that my clan was in trouble. As a rival clan of ours, along with our enemies, were joining hands to destroy us once and for all." "Around the same time, the Red Assassins of Dunes decided to thank them for saving them. Once I took care of all the enemies of my clan, the Leader of My Clan suggested making an Assassination Organization just like the Guilds."

"That way, our Clan won't be targetted. And this is also the reason why the name of the Organization was kept so secret." "About half of the Red Assassin of Dunes decided to join the organization. The members of the Red Assassin of Dunes were mostly orphan children who were trained from the age of 5 or 6 to become Assassins. They could not see a life beyond Assassination. Others who left were kidnapped, teenage children. They had assassination-related classes, which is when the Duke Kidnapped them. They left to be with their families." "Though, a few years later, a few of them did return to work under me." "Once Black Lotus was, I was the most active member. As the leader, I took on all the difficult missions and succeeded in them without failure. And with that, our reputation in the Upper noble circles also grew." "Compared to other Assassin Organizations, we charge a huge price for our targets. But we were known for our high success rate. The success rate of our missions was over 91%. And if the mission did not succeed, half of the money was returned, which wasn't a thing in other Assassin Organizations."

"After nearly nine centuries, the Black Lotus is the most dangerous and top Assassin Organization in the Six Continents." Lilith was extremely proud of her work. She looked very proud when talking about the Black Lotus. "Due to the addition of the members of Red Assassin of Dunes, we allowed Assassins outside of our clan to join the organization."

"Then, over the years, we had other interactions." Aditya looked outside of the window and realized that it was almost getting dark outside. He and she had been here for so long that they had not noticed how fast time flew by.

"I think we spent enough time here. Let's call someone to clean this room."

Lilith happily nodded. She was very happy to spend so much time with him. Talking to him about her past experiences was really fulfilling. ••• Later in the night, Aditya was lying on his bed and reading a book. It is one of the books that Amber gifted him on his birthday. Till now, he hasn't found much time to read these books. Since he was the only one in his room, he felt spending time reading one of these gifted books would be the correct choice. Knock!! Knock!!!

"Come in!!" Aditya felt strange. At this time of the night, other than his women, no one else would visit him. Julia, Alicia, and Riya and even Lilith did not knocked. They opened the door and came without knocking. As the door opened, he saw that it was Lara. "Lara...!! Come inside." Seeing Lara, he immediately closed the book. 'I guess Alicia and others must have sent her here.' Lara looked very shy. It seems she knew what was about to happen.

She was dressed in a cute white pajama set, which included a soft silk T-shirt and matching white shorts.

Her smooth, long legs were really attractive. "Husband...!!" She slowly came and sat on the edge of the bed. Aditya guessed that since Lara was too shy, they would send her to his room first. They were going to come later. "It's alright!! Come here, let me hug you." Seeing him spreading his arms, she did not refuse. It seems the hug instantly calmed her down. Both of them kept hugging for a few minutes before he slowly took the initiative. He began by letting her drink his blood.

'Fortunately, the new bed is really big. So there should be enough space for all the girls to sleep together.' Aditya was grateful that he asked Watson to make a bigger bed for his room after the Dragon Palace was upgraded. With the upgrade, the size of his bedroom increased by 3 to 4 times. The reason he asked for a new bigger bed is because the old bed looked really small in this room. Besides, the number of people staying in his room was only increasing day by day so a bigger bed was really necessary. Tonight was going to be very exciting. •••

Later in the night, Just as he had expected, things took a wild turn when others joined. Even the shy and innocent Lara became very active. While all of this was happening, he also took the time to explain everything about Rin. All the girls supported his idea to go out and save Rin. By the time, they were done, it was already 3 in the morning. But it was alright. Even with this little sleep, no one will feel exhausted or tired. Aditya also decided to sleep tonight for obvious reasons. But strangely enough, he did not meet Rin. Rin didn't pull him into the spiritual world as he thought.

When the next morning, Aditya was really worried. 'Did something happen to her?' "What happened?" Julia noticed him looking worried. "I thought I was going to see her, but....!!" "She did not come?" Julia asked with a look of surprise. He shook his head. "I think something happened to her."

"Alright!! Try to relax. Let's hope that she is alright." Aditya nodded without saying anything. Regardless of how he felt, his work cannot stop. After having breakfast, he immediately asked all the Generals to gather for something that he and Spencer had been thinking of introducing to the Imperial Troops. "Spencer, come with me. We are going to the Training Ground." ----------------