Chapter 767:- Demand Exceeds Market Supply

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
Chapter 767:- Demand Exceeds Market Supply

Ne/w novel chapters are p/u/blished on no/vel(/bin(.)c/o/m

[If, before all of this ends, your father and brother change, then we will immediately give up our plan. What the Istarin Empire ultimately hopes to achieve is peace. We do not want war, nor do we promote war.]

After reading the last part, Soraya felt complicated. The chances of her brother and father changing are next to zero. If they did change, she would be the first one to stand with them.

"Someone is preparing for war." Soraya completed Mira's sentence. Mira silently nodded her head. "War is the least common and non-surprising thing in the Dune Sovereignty Empire." "Yeah!!! However, since the war has continued for many centuries, the prices of weapons and pills in the market have stabilized. But this time, the demand exceeded the market supply." "Although we tried to find out who was responsible for this, it wasn't easy. The buyers were different people from different fields. They weren't able to find any connection between them."

"But that doesn't mean this isn't done by the orders of one person. Maybe, you guys haven't found the common factor that connects all the buyers. But the fact that suddenly so many buyers suddenly started purchasing pills and weapons is very unusual and odd." Soraya seriously said. She can currently think of one person who might have done something like this. "What should we do?" Mira asked with a serious face. "Nothing!! Just keep gathering information as usual. We can't do anything other than that." In the end, Soraya sounded bitter about this fact. "Understood!!!" Mira nodded before her eyes fell on a book. "Milady, I am curious to know what book you were reading last night." The book cover was crimson red, and there was no title. It was a very thick book. "Oh.....!! It's a history book. In this book, the story of the Rabbit Princess, also known as the Moon Princess, is told." "What made me read this book is that her story is very similar to mine. Though, her story was already completed more than fifty thousand years ago." Soraya looked out of the window. There was a look of longing in her eyes. "In the end, she manages to overcome her inner conflict and the cold-blooded Emperor's life with her future husband. Having no one else to rule in order to make sure that the Empire doesn't fall, she reluctantly sits on the throne and becomes the Empress." "Though, just eight years shortly after ascending, she was poisoned to death by her own husband's second wife." "Why would she do that?" Soraya's maid asked while holding the thick book in her palms. "I don't know. This whole story was written from an outsider's perspective, so it's missing a lot of information."

"For example, there is very little information about the Husband's marriage life. I don't know how many wives he ended up having."

"It's not even known if the Rabbit Princess became the first wife or ended up becoming the 3rd wife or maybe even 4th." It made sense since no one would share their private story to be published. "Well, let's not get distracted." "Mira, continue gathering information. If you're lacking funds, don't hold back. Let me know when you need funds." As the Princess, Soraya had a few small businesses around the Empire that her men ran. She also received a monthly allowance, though she can't easily use it as it raises questions about where she is using her funds. Other than that, she had accumulated a small fortune over the past few centuries. In the past, Soraya mostly collected information about the capital so that she could use it to invest in businesses. "I will!!" "If there is nothing else, I will take my leave."