Chapter 782:- Making a Deal

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
Chapter 782:- Making a Deal

"Your Majesty, it seems you're following my approach." Lady Eleanor said with a smile. She was referring to his new face, which was clearly a disguise. This also made her curious as to why the strongest man in the Six Continents, who was also known as the Slayer of 9-Headed Hydra, had to disguise himself in Stardawn, where he was the closest thing to invincible. Aditya let out his Aura for a while so that Lady Eleanor could recognize who he was from his Aura. That way, he won't need to bother explaining who he was or prove that he was Aditya. "Strongest Beast King of the Beast Continent, Lady Eleanor, I am here for something," Aditya said in a cold tone. Lady Eleanor's smile brightened. She nodded her head with a smile and then gestured for them to head inside.

"Shall we talk inside?" Aditya nodded his head. Once they entered the Mansion, the servants closed the doors and shut the windows. "What would Your Majesty like to have? Tea, coffee, wine, or juice?"

This was the first time they were meeting in private. Before this, the last time that she saw him was during the race to get the Dragon Grass. Everything that happened in the Beast Continent was still very fresh in her mind. She clearly remembered the way he fought against everyone to get the Dragon Grass. Aditya wanted to refuse at first but then accepted her offer. "Tea!!" He wasn't going to drink wine with her. Their relationship wasn't that close. At most, they can be considered acquaintances. "Alright!!" Lady Eleanor looked at her secretary, Lin. Lin nodded her head and then left the living room.

"Your Majesty, I certainly wasn't expecting to see you here of all people." In order words, she was curious to know what he was doing here but she asked the question indirectly. "I'm here to find someone." Aditya wasn't going to tell her who he was here for or what her name was. He felt that this much information was more than enough. From his response, she understood why he had come here. 'He is here to look for someone.' This was a very good opportunity for Lady Eleanor. Never did she think that one would the Dragon Monarch would come to get her help. 'But then again, life is full of unexpected twists and turns.' Aditya's rise would be the most unexpected thing she had ever seen. "I am surprised that you even found me. But then again, I don't expect anything less from the Dragon Monarch." Hearing this, Aditya smirked. "I am curious about one thing. I want to know what one of the Beast Kings from the Beast Continent is doing here." "Your Majesty, I am sure you already know the answer." Lady Eleanor said with a small smile. "What I know is very limited. I want to hear the reason from you." The meaning behind his words was clear. He knew what she did in Stardawn but he wanted to know why she was doing this in Stardawn. After all, she is currently the most powerful Beast King.

Lady Eleanor also understood this. "Your Majesty, you're still very young. When you have lived so many centuries, staying in one place becomes really boring." "I wanted to try something new, so I arrived here and started a new life." "I tried to keep my identity as the Beast King a secret but some people eventually did end up learning my identity. But this ultimately helped me establish myself in Stardawn."

"In this world, I am nothing but a merchant. I bring things from Beast Continent to sell here or things from this world to sell in Beast Continent."

"Miss Eleanor, I am looking for a person in Stardawn." "Your Majesty, I will do my best to make sure I find that person for you. But that won't be for free, of course." But inside, Lady Eleanor was feeling very nervous. What if this man snapped again for adding the last part? "Of course!!" Aditya nodded with a small smile. "I wasn't looking for a free service when I thought of approaching you."

Aditya learned of Lady Eleanor's organization through Alicia. When he was about to leave, Alicia informed him that Lady Eleanor had a strong information-gathering network in Stardawn. "Your Majesty, can you please tell me more about the person whom you're looking for?" Lady Eleanor was quite relieved. With his words, she felt assured that he won't suddenly snap at her. "This person's name is Professor Ryan." Lady Eleanor thought for a moment before shaking her head. There wasn't anyone named Professor Ryan among all the big shots in Stardawn. "Your Majesty, can you please tell me more about him? The more information that we have on him, the better our chances of finding him will be."

Lin, who has been standing behind Lady Eleanor, took out a paper and began writing down all the information. "He is an old man. He is bald-headed." Lin quickly began writing down everything that she heard from his mouth. "He has a big red mustache that he plays with whenever he is deeply thinking something." "That's all I know about him."

"He is someone very knowledgeable. He might be a researcher or an alchemist." The last part was Aditya's assumption. Aditya then looked at Lady Eleanor and waited for her answer. He wanted to know how long it would take them to find this person. Lady Eleanor naturally understood what he was waiting for. She has been in this profession for over a century now. "Your Majesty, you can rest assured. We can filter our search down to a few people using all the information you have given us. So it shouldn't take us that long to find this person." "Alright!! How much do I need to pay for using your service?" "Your Majesty, this time, I don't want money. I want something else, if you don't mind." "I know that asking you to do something for me might be 100, if not 1000, times more expensive than the amount of gold coins we would charge you for our service, but you can rest assured. What I want from you is something that might benefit you as well."

Aditya wanted to refuse but hearing the last part, he decided to listen to what she wanted to say. "Alright, go on!!" "I would need you to help me with two things. The first can be done by but for you, it would be extremely easy. But the second thing that I want will be extremely tough even for you." "You better not ask for anything unreasonable," Aditya said in a cold tone. He won't agree if this woman wants to use him to kill innocents or do something that would go against his morals or his interest. "Of course not!! I have a treasure map. I need your strength to find this treasure." Lady Elanor quickly said. She was worried that he might misunderstand her intentions and refuse her. Hearing this, Aditya nodded his head. Seeing this, she secretly sighed feeling relieved that he did not refuse her. "You can rest assured. Just give me one day. I will get you the information about the man that you're searching for. I am 100% confident in my abilities." "Alright, what is the first thing that you want me to do?" Since it was going to take a while for her to find his target, he decided to complete the first task in his free time. It's not like he had anything else to do while he waited for his target. "Your Majesty, the reason I gave you the first task is because they are someone whom you know very well."


"They are someone from the Night Rider Sect. Some disciplines from the Night Rider Sect have been running my name around the city and also reducing my business. I have barely made any profits in the last 4 months." "I need you to send them back to the Main Continent. Of course, don't kill me or cripple their cultivation. Please approach them in a way that they won't suspect that it was me who sent you to deal with them."

"Alright!! Give me their locations." ----------------