Chapter 786:- Starfall City

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
Chapter 786:- Starfall City

Starfall City

A bald old man was teaching his students.

He was in a classroom. Standing in front of his 24 students, he introduced Mana to the children. "Mana is a very strange and mysterious energy that is around the world around us. It's not known when Mana first came to our world or if Mana has existed since the dawn of time. But one is clear. Without Mana, there would not be any cultivators. Our entire world will become completely unrecognizable." One of the students from his classroom raised her hand. Seeing the face of the student who raised her hand, the old man's expression softened. "Yes.....!!" The little girl excitedly stood up and asked. "Fa....I mean, Teacher, is it true that Mana enters our body when we breathe?" The girl little almost let everyone know of their secret. But she was able to correct herself. It was common for children to sometimes mistakenly call their teachers 'Father' or 'Mother.' "That's a very interesting question, Miss Jenny." The old man stroked his long red mustache.

"The simple and short answer to your question would be yes."

"When we inhale air, it's not just oxygen that enters our lungs. Depending on your location, a certain percentage of Mana do enters the body. The amount of Mana in the air can be higher or lower. So the amount of Mana that enters the body while inhaling can vary from place to place." "To give you all an example. If you were to go to a remote place that is very far away from cities and towns, the Mana of that place would be pure and slightly denser. But of course, a non-cultivator will never be able to tell this difference since the density of the Mana does not change to the point where even ordinary beings are able to feel it." All the children were really focused. Their teacher taught things in such a simplified and interesting way that instead of feeling bored with his classes, the children always looked forward to his classes. This is perhaps why no students struggled to get good marks in the subject that Professor Ryan taught them. On average, every student scored above 70 marks out of 100.

"Now, moving back to the topic of inhaling Mana along with other gases, while every being is able to inhale Mana that is mixed with other gases, not everyone is able to cultivate. Can anyone tell me the answer to this question?" Professor Ryan looked around the class. A few hands were raised. After raising one hand, the little boy answered. "It's because of the Cultivation Technique."

"Yes!! Good job, Roland." "However, it is almost important for you all to know that not all Cultivation Techniques follow the principles of absorbing the Mana that the body gets through inhaling air. But most Cultivation Techniques do follow this principle since this method of cultivation is easier to learn." "Earlier, Miss Jenny asked if it's true that Mana enters our body through cultivation. The answer is this is the case 99% of the time." "There are some special individual or special cases which you will learn next year. For now, there is no need to do so. You might not be able to comprehend this at this point."

"There are other methods of cultivating. Some people absorb Mana through the little tiny pores on their bodies." Ryan was about to continue, but he realized the children might not know what pores are. "Do you know what pores are?" This wasn't his subject to teach but the knowledge was required to understand what he was going to explain next. A few students shook their heads. "We have tiny pores on our bodies. These tiny holes, where sweat comes out, are simply called sweat pores."

"But these sweat pores can also be used to absorb Mana from the air."

"This is where the second method of cultivating comes in. It's absorbing Mana through the pores. Many cultivation techniques were made following this principle with slight variations in each."

"The third method of cultivating is a combination of the previous two principles. This means that a cultivator absorbs the Mana that he/she inhales with air and also uses the sweat pores to absorb Mana." n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

"You might be familiar with this one." The Professor had a bad feeling in his heart. "Debt Collector!!!"

Just hearing these two words, Ryan's pupils contracted to the size of needles. The glass from his hand fell to the ground and shattered into pieces. His face turned pale. His hands and legs started shaking. After being in this organization for so many years, how can he not understand what these two words meant. The word 'Debt Collector' is a code word that is used when the organization needs to eliminate some of its useless members. The most ironic part was the fact that it was Professor Ryan who gave the Boss this idea. He was the one who came up with these two code words. Never did he think that one day, these two words would be used against him. "Professor, I am really sorry. But orders are orders." But there was no trace of Guilt on Ross's face. He instead had an amused smile on his face. By the time Ryan noticed the position of the members, he was already surrounded. "Adian, do it!!" Adian brought a dagger to his throat. Ryan could feel the cold blade touching his throat "Why?"

In the end, Ryan's heart was filled with nothing but regret. He spent his entire youth working for this organization. Even when he was retired, he continued helping the organization by providing information and supplies. Yet, for no reason, he was ordered to be killed. "I don't know, Professor."

"But you know how things work. No one defy the orders from the Boss."

Ross then looked at Adian and nodded his head. Slit....!!!

A second later, the Professor's head fell to the floor. His body was still on the chair.

"Our work is done here."

"Burn this entire house."

Before Ryan returned home, they had checked every inch of the house to make sure the Professor hadn't left anything that could be traced back to them. At the same time, they took all of his research papers. Although he wasn't ordered to do it, Ross knew very well that these research papers might be useful someday. Ross stood up to leave. He turned around to leave but stopped as if he remembered something. •••

Aditya rushed to Starfall City as fast as he could. But just when he entered the city, he noticed something was on fire.

From above, he could see that a house was burning. 'Could it be?' Aditya did not waste any time. As he landed 400 meters away, he saw a crowd of people had gathered surrounding the burning house. Some were trying to save the Mansion, but it was already too late. "I can't believe a good person like Professor Ryan was killed in his own Mansion." One of the people in the crowd said. "Yeah!! He was such a gentleman."

"My kid really loved his classes."

'Professor Ryan was killed....!!' Aditya stood staring at the burning Mansion for 10 minutes while being in shock. He thought everything he was doing to save her was a secret, but it seems these people have somehow found out. At the same time, Ross and his men calmly exited the city from the other side.