Chapter 788:- Decision of Jenny

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
Chapter 788:- Decision of Jenny

"Anyways, do you know anything about the people that your dad used to work for?" Aditya asked in a hopeful tone. If she didn't know anything, then Aditya would have to use extreme means, which involved slaughtering a ton of people. Aditya wouldn't prefer to use such a method. After all, the sacrifice is just too much. A lot of blood will be spilled. Aditya wasn't a monster. Yes, at times, he can be very cold and indifferent, but he also has soft sides. The current Aditya wasn't that fond of taking the lives of the innocents.

His actions might also make a ton of people his enemy, especially the ones from the Main Continent. But he was still prepared if there was no other way. To him, Rin mattered more than anything else. "I don't know anything." The girl honestly shook her head. Her sentence made him feel very disappointed. 'I guess there is no other option left.' "But I do know that there is someone whom Dad meets every week. He comes to take research-related supplies from Dad. And today happens to be that day."

Hearing this, Aditya widened his eyes. 'There is some hope!!' "Little Jenny, can you please tell me more?" Aditya seriously asked. He tried not to appear impatient, agitated, or aggressive, but it was very hard. "You want to avenge your father, right?" Aditya asked. The little vigorously nodded her head. "I promise I will avenge your father." "I want to rescue my future wife. While doing that, I will also avenge your father." The little girl easily agreed. Aditya had gained her trust through his actions.

This explains why she was the only one from the orphanage who got the chance to study in the academy. Without the support of her father, an orphan child like her could never have been admitted into the academy. "But if you come with me. Then I will make sure that you get everything. You will be staying in an orphanage but that is much better than your current orphanage. You will be able to attend the best Academy in the Istarin Empire."

"You will be under my protection, and no one will dare to bully you." "And since you have helped by providing such valuable information, I will provide you with enough cultivation resources till you reach Peak 5th-order." This was Aditya's promise. The information that she has shared is too valuable. Without this information, Aditya probably wouldn't have been able to find any clue to reach Rin. "In addition to that, I will provide you with a monthly allowance of 1000 Royal gold coins. But the caretaker in your orphanage will be in charge of your money till you reach the age of 14."

"Once you have reached the age of 18, you won't receive any monthly money. Rather, I will give you another 5 million Royal Gold coins so that you will have enough money to do whatever you want in life." Aditya felt that for a little girl, understanding all of these things would be very difficult. She might even forget most of what he promised to give her. But he intended to keep his word and provide her with everything. "So, would you like to come with me?" Jenny understood some parts of his words. 'If I go with him, then my future will be secured.' This is what she understood from his words. "Alright!! I will go with Big Brother!!" Hearing this, Aditya nodded his head while rubbing her head. "Jenny, for now, I won't be able to take you." "As I said before, I am here to find a big sister. Once I have rescued her, we will leave Stardawn together. As for your dad's burnt Mansion, I will make sure that this whole Mansion is repaired so that one day you can return here."

"Alright!! I will stay here and wait for you." Jenny wasn't ready to leave this city yet. She had so many friends and people that she knew. She wanted to say goodbye. She also wanted to say goodbye to her father. "Let's return to the orphanage." Letting her hold his index finger, they walked towards the orphanage. "Jenny, what about you mom?" Aditya felt that no child deserved to live in an orphanage. Every child deserves to grow up with their parents. So, if it was possible, then he would like to find Jenny's mom if she was still alive. And then bring her together with them. That way, Jenny will have a parent figure while growing up in the capital. She won't be lonely. "Dad told me that mommy died while giving birth to me." Hearing this, Aditya's heart became softer for this girl. At such a young age, she has lost so much. "Don't worry!! I will take care of you." Aditya rubbed her hair. Aditya looked at little Jenny and wondered if this was what it felt like to have a daughter. 'I never knew I was capable of loving a child.' The Aditya in the other world was a very cold and ruthless person. But with the warmth that his women have provided him, slowly, he has changed. 'It wouldn't be so bad to have a daughter.' Aditya felt very excited when imagining himself walking with his daughters and boys. 'Surely, if Julia and Riya work together, they will be able to produce a potion that increases the chances of being pregnant from my sperm. And if Sasha's blessing is also added, then the difficulty level of having my children should be somewhat reduced.' 'I am getting distracted.' Aditya shook his head, feeling distracted. All of these things will come once he is done with all of his enemies. Without realizing it, they arrived in front of her orphanage. The orphanage appeared to be very small. All sides of the orphanage were surrounded by 2-meter-tall wooden walls. Aditya can see many other children of her age playing beyond the wooden walls. The orphanage had big, empty, grassy fields on all sides of the orphanage building. "Jenny, don't tell anyone about me or the fact that you will be leaving." "After I am done with my work, I will come to find you. At that time, you can say goodbyes to everyone you know. At that time, you won't need to hide who your dad really is." By then, Aditya will destroy this organization and everyone related to it. So it would be safe for her to reveal the truth. "Thank you, big brother." She sounded very happy. Who wouldn't be happy to let everyone know that she has a father and her father was a man that everyone in the city adored. "Big brother, I will see you soon." Jenny waved her hand to say goodbye to Aditya and then ran inside the orphanage. After sending Jenny to the orphanage, Aditya wrote a letter to Lady Eleanor. He needed her help in acquiring the ownership of Ryan's Mansion. Now that he was dead and legally he had no children, this property now belonged to the City Lord. In the wrote, he also expressed his desire to rebuild the entire Mansion just as it looked before.