Chapter 792:- Starfall Mountain

Name:Dragon Monarch System Author:
Chapter 792:- Starfall Mountain

"That old man is dead, which is kind of an unfortunate thing." A man was talking to himself while looking through something hidden in the bushes. "I kind of liked the old man." "He even helped me learn a powerful lightning skill. Without him, I wouldn't be running all the criminal activities in Bluemist City." After searching for a while, he found a small trigger. It was in the shape of a small ball that looked like the ball of children. As he put his Mana into the ball, the ground shook.

The man stepped back and watched as the bushes separated. The ground moved in two opposite directions, revealing a square-shaped space. The square-shaped space was full of various items.

"I guess today will be the last time that I deliver things from the old man."

"I hope you are resting in peace." The man began taking out all the items one by one. After putting everything in his carriage, which he had brought to the park in the darkness of the night, he prepared to leave. As for the shaped box that was their hiding spot, there was no use for this anymore. The mysterious man closed the space. The carriage slowly moved through the streets. Upon reaching the southern entrance of the City, the guards, and the Mysterious man just exchanged a look. Before passing by the entrance, he dropped a heavy bag that was full of gold coins. Once he was outside, the guards closed the gates as if nothing happened. Without saying anything, one of them picked up the leather bag and checked its weight. "It seems this time we are receiving a bonus." The guards did not know what this mysterious man was smuggling outside of their city. A few years back, this mysterious man approached them and offered them a deal that they couldn't refuse. Not to mention the fact that this mysterious man was really powerful, and rejecting his offer meant that he would forever silence them. So, out of fear and greed for money, the guards agreed to keep their eyes shut and allow him to enter and exit the city whenever he pleased. "You know, I have a feeling that the mysterious death of the professor has something to do with this man." One of the guards said. Shush!!!

Another guard gestured for him to remain silent. All of them agreed not to talk about anything related to this mysterious man. After all, there is no telling who is listening to their conversation. Sometimes, even walls can have ears. "Let's divide our earnings." "I have a feeling that this is the last time he will come here." "This time, there is at least 2 to 3 times more money in the leather bag." With this much money, they wouldn't need to work for the next 4 to 6 years. The guards looked very excited. •••

Meanwhile, in the darkness of the night, a lone man with a Carriage was moving towards the Bluemist City. The distance between the two cities wasn't this big. It would take him 4 to 5 hours to reach Bluemist City. The mysterious man regularly observed his surroundings to make sure that he wasn't being followed by anyone while returning to the Bluemist City. Around a few hours later, he stopped in front of a tree that was next to the pathway leading to Bluemist City. "Boss, you're back!!" His subordinates came out of hiding. They were waiting for him. "You have no idea just how bored we were." "Yeah!! Only if we were allowed to play with those women. Perhaps things would have been more interesting." Another larger carriage came out of hiding. In this carriage, there were a bunch of women. Their hands and legs were tied, and their mouths were sealed. These women were normal villagers that these people captured on this journey. Joye Allen glanced at the women that his subordinates caught. "It seems this time you guys have caught some good-looking women." The woman in the middle looked really beautiful. "Haha!! That's because we were able to capture the daughter of a Village Leader. Unlike other women, her body was properly taken care of. Our buyers will be happy to pay a very high price for her." "It's a shame that she is still a virgin. Otherwise, we could have some fun."

"Like I told you all before, none of you can play with what we will be selling," Joye said in a stern tone. Hearing this, some of his subordinates were very displeased, but they did not say anything since they also knew the importance of keeping their hostages pure when selling them. n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

"Boss, now we won't need to go to that city every week. That's a good thing." "Unfortunately, our job isn't over. Our superior will probably find another target."

"This means that we will have to go to that target every week to get supplies." "I never understood why do they need so much supplies every week." One of the subordinates complained. He hated being used as a delivery man. "I don't know. But from what I have seen in the last few years, I can guess that our superiors must have been using these supplies for some kind of research."

"Look, I will say this once and only once. We don't want to know what they are using us for."

Hearing this, Joye became a little bit relieved. 'I am leaving Stardawn by tomorrow.' Now that he has given information about this mysterious group, he is going to be hunted to death. So it was better to leave this Pocket Dimension and go to some place where he will be able to grow stronger again. Aditya looked at the girls who were giving him pleading looks. Their eyes were telling him to free them. "Free these girls!!" Once someone freed the girls. Aditya destroyed each of their cultivation. All of them were rolling on the ground. "Not killing all of you was already too merciful. Now, pay the cost for kidnapping countless innocent girls from their homes and illegally selling them."

"Can you girls take care of them?" Aditya asked. The daughter of the village leader stepped forward and nodded. "We can!!"

"Thank you very much for saving us!!" The girls bowed their heads to express their gratitude. "This world is full of danger. Be careful."

"Maybe you girls can use the money that these guys have to bring your family somewhere out of Stardawn." All the girls seriously nodded. "Goodbye!!" With that, Aditya disappeared from their eyes. He flew beyond the white clouds. What Aditya did not know was that his suggestion would be the reason that an entire village would move to stay in the Istarin Empire. This movement will trigger others who are also fed up with all the injustice and living in constant fear to move to the Istarin Empire.


Scene Change__

A man who was frozen in ice suddenly opened his eyes. The ice around him that kept him in this prison for an unknown amount of time began to vibrate.

The vibration started becoming stronger and stronger. Bang....!!!

All the ice shattered like glass. The man stepped out and began stretching his arms and legs.

"You're finally awake!!" The man paused and looked at the man who was sitting at the other end of the room. "I need you to head to the Dune Sovereignty Empire for a task." Without saying anything, the man just nodded.