Chapter 444 - Inherited Blood Essence Appears Again

Name:Dragon War God Author:
Chapter 444 - Inherited Blood Essence Appears Again

Long Chen was startled. The fact that he was a Dragon Warrior was his deepest secret, and this Wang Chen person was the second Dragon Warrior he had ever heard of. However, he did not know what dragon his Inherited Blood Essence came from. What Long Chen was sure of was that it was likely not an ancestral dragon, seeing as an ancestral dragon’s blood essence almost never appeared.

Very few people in the Ten Thousand Nations Territory knew about Dragon Warriors, so Long Chen pretended to look confused.

“I knew it. An ant like you wouldn’t know how terrifying a Dragon Warrior is. All I can say is that my older brother is like a god to you, and Ling Xi is my brother’s future wife!”

Wang Chao’s words were like thorns piercing through Long Chen’s brain. He was tortured.

Future wife? Dragon Warrior, strongest in his generation, Wang Chen?

These words echoed through Long Chen’s mind. Being his future wife did not mean anything. Even if Ling Xi was forced to marry him, Long Chen could snatch her back if he was strong enough. But he had a bad feeling when Wang Chao told him these things.

“Just now, Ling Xi’s grandmother sent me back here to wipe your memories, so you’ll become an idiot. Be good and stay still for me. Though she said that since you saved Ling Xi’s life, I must not kill you ...” Wang Chao paused, then he looked at Long Chen with a small smile and continued, “But after meeting you, I have changed my mind ...

“My older brother would never let someone who has hugged his future wife live. That is why, in order to prevent myself from getting a scolding from him, you’ll have to suffer ...”

Then the teenager shot up into the air. Long Chen looked up and saw a black dot in the sky. A booming voice shook all of Baiyang Town!

“You ant! How could you fathom the strength of my clan? You’re a toad, but you think you can eat swan meat? Haha! Today, I shall show you what true power is!”

Everyone in Baiyang Town heard his voice. They looked up and saw a black dot in the sky. The booming voice made them think that they were looking at a god, and they were all stunned.

Wang Chao did not give Long Chen time to react. After he spoke, his attack fell on the whole town.

Perhaps it was just a random punch from that brat Wang Chao, but an invisible ripple crashed through the town like a tsunami, pulverizing everything in its wake.

“No!” Long Chen let out a panicked shout. However, the ripples covered a massive area, and it was impossible for him to escape. Where would Long Chen hide?

“Is this what true power is?” Long Chen finally understood this point, but he realized that the moment he understood what true power was, he was going to die.

Wang Chao’s strength was indescribably terrifying. He was capable of killing Long Chen instantly.

With no time to react, Long Chen, Xiaolang, and all the people and buildings of Baiyang Town turned to powder from a gentle punch. They disappeared completely.

Long Chen placed his hand on his chest, covering the talisman.

At that moment, he sensed just how powerful he could be.

Right now, there were three infinitely powerful things on his body. He had the ancestral dragon Inherited Blood Essence from the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragon, and at this moment, he could only control a thousandth of its power.

Previously, he had not placed much importance on the Primordial Dragon Talisman, but from the miraculous experience he just had, he understood its value. Although it could not compare to the Inherited Blood Essence, it was still an ultimate treasure with terrifying potential.

It was a little unbelievable that the Primordial Dragon Talisman and the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragon’s Inherited Blood Essence would appear in an insignificant place like the Cangyang Kingdom.

The most important item was the dragon jade, which Long Qinglan had given him. The dragon jade had only given Long Chen a superior comprehension ability so far; otherwise, it was mostly silent. However, seeing as it had the ability to suppress the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragon’s blood essence, the jade was more terrifying.

These would be Long Chen’s tickets to becoming the ultimate master!

Long Chen sensed that the mysterious dragon jade was a living being with its own independent sentience. So far, it was not under his control. He also felt that the Primordial Dragon Talisman could think for itself.

He was feeling his body in puzzlement when another sudden change occurred.

Previously, the Primordial Dragon Talisman had recovered all of Baiyang Town. This time, a change occurred to the Ancient Bloodsoul Dragon’s Inherited Blood Essence that made Long Chen terrified. He roared and charged towards the outskirts of the town.

He did not want to bring another disaster to Baiyang Town because of himself!

As he charged in a crazed manner, he directly ran into the Desolate Mountains. He remembered absorbing the Inherited Blood Essence for the first time here.

One year later, he was back here again, and something was happening to the blood essence.

More specifically, the mysterious dragon jade had brought about this change. Under its control, a hundredth of the Inherited Blood Essence separated and left his sea of consciousness, appearing in his body.

The one-hundredth of the blood droplet quickly dispersed. Just like venom, it quickly spread through his body. Long Chen was ecstatic and thought to himself, The dragon jade would not joke with me. This means that my body is completely capable of withstanding a hundredth of the Inherited Blood Essence!

Initially, the one-thousandth sliver was dispersed in his body, which was spread extremely thin. Right now, the one-hundredth fraction was ten times the previous amount. This meant that the blood essence in every part of his body would multiply by ten!

Ten times more Inherited Blood Essence instantaneously covered every corner of his body.

Then the changes began!