Chapter 466 - Black Prison

Name:Dragon War God Author:
Chapter 466 - Black Prison

Long Chen smiled in exasperation when he watched the little girl sprint off and disappear from his view. He looked around. Although the gravity was strong, there were quite a few strong individuals in the vicinity. That was why they could still hold on and walk forward, though no one was doing it as effortlessly as Long Chen.

Almost every face had an unnatural expression, as if a large boulder was sitting on the top of their heads. In some obscure corners, there were Ancient Demon Domain disciples working hard. Disciples at higher cultivation levels directly entered the gravitational area and removed all the people who had collapsed. Those disciples were not affected by the gravity like Long Chen. NewW novels updates at novelhall.comon General Typhoon flew high up in the air within the gravitational area, his gaze sweeping across the crowd. He was doing this not only to discover candidates with great potential, but also to prevent unexpected incidents.

“There are so many great candidates this year! Cultivators at the Fourth Passage Stage can travel effortlessly in the beginning if they have cultivated body tempering techniques. Zhao Wuji and that ten-year-old girl are both doing especially well ... The girl’s surname is ‘Huangfu’ ... Could she be ...?”

But he shook his head. “Probably not. There are many people with the surname ‘Huangfu’ in the world, and not all of them are from the Huangfu clan. We’ll just have to see what the Demon King thinks.”

There was a large crowd, and he only paid attention to the candidates at the highest cultivation levels. Therefore, he did not notice Long Chen.

At this moment, Long Chen activated his Dragon Soul Transformation because his body was only super strong in that state. Many others had also activated their Beast Soul Transformations, and all sorts of bizarre beast forms were present, so Long Chen did not stand out.

More and more people collapsed around him, while Long Chen maintained his speed as he traveled towards the inner part of the Black Prison. He could sense the increasing gravitational pull as he walked along, and the gravitational pull here was much stronger than in the Star Devil Prison.

As for Huangfu Qi, because she was competing with Long Chen, she had long disappeared.

Fifteen minutes later, Long Chen noticed that the crowd had thinned considerably around him. Only a few hundred people were within his field of vision, and most were at the Second Passage Stage and above. He was practically the only First Passage Stage cultivator left.

He could feel that the gravity was indeed very strong, though it was not enough to endanger him.

I absolutely have to get those ten thousand Heavenly Passage Pills. It’ll be even better if I can become champion three consecutive times. With that thought, he quickened his pace and quickly surpassed many people.

Several people around him were shocked that he could suddenly quicken his pace here. Previously, they had only thought that he looked too at ease, but they never would have guessed that he was far from his limit.

At this point, Long Chen was confident that he was already in the top seven thousand. More than thirty thousand people had already been eliminated, all of them grieving their loss of this opportunity.

“That teenager! He hasn’t reached his limit yet? But isn’t he only at the First Passage Stage?” Two Fifth Passage Stage disciples noticed Long Chen. They were initially dealing with their data and carrying injured people, but Long Chen had passed them easily.

“Perhaps he has cultivated an intermediate Heaven-tier body tempering technique?” suggested another.

“Probably, but it’s very hard to get intermediate Heaven-tier body tempering techniques. It’s admirable that the brat actually has one.”

“The top one hundred will receive generous rewards, right? It looks like he’s about to enter the top one hundred!”

Seeing as he was about to pass her, she huffed with all her might and her cheeks turned red. She hurriedly looked ahead and did her best to withstand the strong gravity.

“Don’t chase me!” she cried with some panic.

“Don’t worry, silly girl. When we’re out of the Black Prison, Xiaolang will still play with you.” Long Chen suddenly appeared next to her, and she jumped in fright. Indeed, no matter how hard she tried to shake him, he still caught up to her!

Since she had short legs, she could no longer catch up once Long Chen started to stride away.

Long Chen made a face, then he passed her easily.

In the beginning, she was about to cry from panic, but Long Chen’s promise gave her huge comfort. Long Chen and Zhao Wuji were the only ones who were in front of her. She did not know how far the people behind her were.

I’m not going any further! I can’t catch up to that psycho Big Brother anyway! I don’t know where he gets his strength from, to be able to walk this far. Hmph ... But thankfully, the puppy will be mine! Thank goodness!

She had rushed ahead mainly because of the bet with Long Chen.

After Long Chen took second place when he passed Huangfu Qi, he had successfully attracted all the audience’s eyeballs. One of the viewers was a large, black horse. No one knew who this Beast Warrior was.

“I wonder who will be number one, him or Zhao Wuji?” Demon General Typhoon was very interested. He descended to the ground and watched them with great interest.

There was a huge commotion in the crowd.

“There’s still fifteen minutes left! It’s the last stand! Only the top seven thousand can progress to the next round!” Demon General Typhoon’s booming voice echoed across the space.

When the participants heard him, they fought with all their might to trek forward. Zhao Wuji, who was at the very front, also quickened his pace to maintain his rank.

Suddenly, he heard a sound coming from close behind him.

Has someone caught up? Is it that girl? Zhao Wuji quickly turned and saw a red silhouette. He knew he had never met this person before.

Who is this? Why is this person so strong? Zhao Wuji gasped. He could barely stand the gravity at this point, but he was doing his best to go on. However, Long Chen looked like he was less affected by the gravity!

Where had such a powerful person come from?

Zhao Wuji gritted his teeth. He knew that he couldn’t allow Long Chen to surpass him, or his dream to be the champion in all three stages would be ruined in the very first round!

When he saw Long Chen fast approaching, he roared and trekked ahead, withstanding the heavy pressure. His body trembled with every step, and he felt like he was starting to fail against the powerful gravity!