Chapter 203 Keeping Promises

The realization dawned upon Ian that he was facing an opponent who possessed resilience beyond his expectations. His arrogance waned, replaced by a newfound caution as he contemplated the extent of Ethan's abilities. He knew he would have to dig deeper, tap into his own reserves of power and skill if he had any hope of subduing this formidable adversary.

"I can take this with ease, but were you planning to use this against Emily and Aline?" Ethan asked. "If that is the case, then I underestimated your determination, and breaking a few bones won't do with you. Well, I am sure you can endure some pain."

"We prepared for all kinds of interruptions. Naturally, we expected that you two would come as well," Ian replied. "I was planning to stop you all using different means, though… less painful ones."

"I feel offended if you think that holding back against me will actually help," Ethan furrowed his eyebrows. "I am going to complain on the internet."

"Even after suffering this much damage, you are still planning to laugh?" Ian asked.

"You must have had an easy life in the other world if you think that something like this can be considered real wounds," Ethan said. "Well, I guess it makes sense that a speed type would avoid getting hit. Still, that doesn't build your resilience at all. A single attack of mine and you will be done for. Are you ready for that?"

Ian began to walk to the sides while thinking about how Ethan grabbed him. Ian knew that he was at the very least five times faster than Ethan, so it was impossible for him to suddenly get as fast as him.

"Unless…" Ian thought.

Ian's eyes widened with a mix of surprise and realization. In that fleeting moment, it became clear to him that Ethan's actions had transcended mere reflexes. It wasn't a lucky guess or a split-second reaction. Ethan had orchestrated the entire sequence of events in his mind, envisioning each step with calculated precision. He had planned his movements, anticipating Ian's every action and countering it flawlessly.

A gulp caught in Ian's throat as he absorbed the weight of this realization. The gravity of Ethan's abilities sank in, causing a sense of unease to wash over him. Ethan's mastery of the situation went beyond what Ian had initially comprehended. It was a testament to his experience, skill, and strategic thinking.

Nervousness crept into Ian's demeanor as he grappled with the implications of facing such a formidable opponent. Ethan's ability to envision and execute his actions with such precision made him a force to be reckoned with. Ian understood that dealing with Ethan using conventional means would be insufficient. He had to acknowledge the danger that Ethan posed and adjust his approach accordingly.I think you should take a look at

The revelation left Ian with a heightened sense of caution and a need to reassess his strategy. He realized that to confront Ethan effectively, he would have to think outside the bounds of normal means. Ethan's experience and tactical prowess demanded a more nuanced approach, one that accounted for his ability to foresee and counteract even the most well-planned attacks.

"Speaking of which, those guys will soon return even if you teleported them to the other side of the world," Ethan suddenly said. "Do you think that you have time to take it easy?"

Ian flinched for a moment, and then Ethan used that chance to throw his sword at Ian. Thanks to Electric Enchantment, the weapon flew even faster than usual… Ian barely dodged the attack by twisting his neck, and then he felt an ominous aura surrounding Ethan.

Ian's eyes widened in disbelief as he witnessed Ethan unleash the power of Berserker. This technique was reserved for dire situations, a last resort when he was truly intent on overpowering his adversary. Ian couldn't fathom that Ethan would go to such lengths to stop him.

Ethan's movements became a blur as he kicked off the ground, hurtling toward Ian with an unimaginable speed. The sheer velocity of his charge was enough to make Ian's heart skip a beat. Before Ian could fully react, Ethan's fist was hurtling toward him with incredible force. Yet, Ian's instincts kicked in, allowing him to narrowly dodge the incoming blow.

The exchange continued with an intensity that left Ian on high alert. Ethan's punches were lightning-fast, delivered with a relentless ferocity. Ian's agile reflexes allowed him to evade each strike. Still, the relentless onslaught prevented him from turning the tables or escaping. He found himself focusing solely on dodging, his mind racing to find a breakthrough.nov?/?/o\?

As the battle raged on, they reached a clearing beyond the beach, where trees stood sentinel. With his back against the trees, Ian felt his options dwindle. But before Ethan's punch could connect, Ian swiftly lowered his posture, narrowly avoiding the blow. The force of Ethan's strike collided with the trees, instantly uprooting them and sending them hurtling through the air, disappearing into the distance.

Ian's eyes widened at the sheer destructive power exhibited by Ethan's attack. The realization hit him that his opponent's strength surpassed his expectations. Ethan's unwavering determination, coupled with his immense physical prowess, posed a formidable challenge. It became clear that Ian had to recalibrate his strategy if he wanted to gain the upper hand.

Drawing upon his own resourcefulness, Ian assessed the situation and sought openings in Ethan's relentless assault. He knew that merely dodging wouldn't be enough. The battle had escalated to a level where quick thinking and calculated maneuvers were necessary. With each passing moment, Ian's focus sharpened as he sought to exploit any weaknesses in Ethan's relentless onslaught.

After that happened a few times, Ian got used to it, and then when he lowered his posture to avoid the punch, it never came. Instead of it, he saw Ethan's kick approaching his crotch… he recalled that Ethan wasn't the type to lie, and he truly meant that his first attack would be a kick on the balls.