Chapter 6: Mystery of teleportation

Name:Dreambreaker Author:
Chapter 6: Mystery of teleportation

-"Did you go to e*dmy?"

-"No, jsghi but it nwmr feditly-"

-"Ksjiirj fpkzai for which I z#**"

-"This jss tjkrmt but dont worrry xkz will kdn dbt anfbuy scymfrom wonf c#"

This is what their conversation is sounding to me right now.

I can clearly hear their voices, but I can't understand what they are talking.

I can understand, their tone of questioning, exclaiming and expressing emotions, but I dont know what the fuck they are talking.

The train I was on now emitted a slight noise when it moved. Most likely due to its outdated design.

To me it was an out dated model, but here, it's actually quite modern for this world - an electric train capable of reaching speeds of up to 300 km/h.

In my world, we had hydrozen fuel cell trains which ran on magnetic levitation tech and compared to what I'm used to, this still feels like garbage.

Despite my every efforts to eavesdrop on their conversation, I was unable to understand what they were saying due to the cacophony and commotion resonating throughout the train.

Although frowned upon, I felt justified in attempting to eavesdrop on the conversation between these two kid.

After all, they were the fucking main cast of this world.

"I wish I could hear them properly," I exhaled.

[That can be done, master Noah] Nano's mechanical voice rang in my head.

Surprised, I asked,"How?"

Nano explained, [With the advanced nano technology of the 23rd century, as a Nanite, I have the ability to enhance the hearing and other senses of the user.]

I nodded in understanding and agreement.

[Affirmative. Improving auditory input abilities] Nano confirmed.

In that instant, every sound in the train became audible to me

—from the faintest breaths of the passengers to the clinking of chains.

The sensory overload was overwhelming and I found it impossible to concentrate on any one thing.


[Task completed]

Nano confirmed that the task of adjusting audio was complete.

As a result, I was finally able to concentrate on Aurora and Aoi's discussion, and all other distractions in the train were filtered out.

"Soft as always." Aurora giggled and played with Takahasi's cheeks.

"Stop," he interjected in an irritated manner.

After sometimes, Aurora fidgeted in her seat, stealing glances at Takahasi who was sitting next to her.

"So, what's new? We agreed to go to the arcade today, right?" she asked, trying to sound casual.

Takahasi put down his phone and looked at Aurora. "Yes, we did. I'm looking forward to it," he replied in his usual calm voice.

Aurora, intrigued by his sudden agreement, couldn't help but ask, "Hey, what brought on this change of heart? You usually shoot down all my ideas."

Aoi chuckled softly, " is different"

Before She could ask further he continued ,"My parents know about my personality and, as a result, they usually do not allow me to venture near the outskirts of the city."

It makes me wonder, why did I named to it as the '4th' instead of the 3rd cataclysm?

Strangely enough, the reason why I excluded the 1st cataclysm from my novel eludes me. I mean, I only ever mentioned the 2nd cataclysm in the story. Where did the 1st cataclysm go? Vanish into thin air?

Well whatever, it probably does not matter.



The terrain was rougher than I expected, making it hard to collect my breath as I went deeper inside the forest.

I had to stop my bearing, as there was no path for me to directly follow.

Two hours has already past since my journey and my breathing was a bit rough.

Right now, I was making my way towards the deepest region of the forest where there supposedly is a huge stone below a giant banyan tree.

That's where the [mystery of teleportation]resided.

The reason why no one was able to find it till now is because you have to do a ritual for it to show itself.

Banyan trees usually grows in forest clearings. A scientific fact.

That's where I was headed to right now.

There was a huge forest clearing at the northern part of Dark Forest, according to what I have researched.

After some more minutes I finally saw it.

"Haaah...", letting out a long breath I dazedly stared at the scenary presented before me.

"I expected something out of the norm but this..."

A huge towering tree stood before me. The Banyan tree.

I retrieved a knife from my bag and sliced open my palm; blood immediately began to flow out.

"Time to level up," I said.

Nano's robotic voice interrupted my thoughts.

[Injury detected. Initiating healing process.]

To my surprise, I watched as the tissue in my hand began to reform, like a spider spinning a web, until my wound was entirely healed, leaving only the blood.

"Remarkable," I muttered without realizing it.

I held up my left hand and began to chant in a language unknown to any. It was a mantra I wrote in the novel for the mystery of teleportation.

My voice grew louder and louder, as I chanted, "Om ignis Lux. Invictus Mentis!Lux et Spes!"

The words echoed off the trees and bounced back at me.

The wind began to pick up, causing the leaves to rustle and dance around.

Suddenly, the rock beneath the banyan tree began to vibrate with hum.

And then... it happened.

The large rock under the banyan tree started breaking as if glass is shattering, and a chunk of it was now hovering in the air, a few feet off the ground.

At first, I thought it might have been held up by some kind of invisible support, but as I watched, it became clear that it was floating on its own, almost as if it was alive.

The boulder fragment crept languidly along, as though controlled by an invisible power, eventually settling upon my left hand.

Gradually, it proceeded to absorb the blood from my left palm like a sponge.

Soon the rock began to alter in both color and shape, gradually morphing into a red bracelet encircling my left wrist.

[Acquired The mystery of teleportation! You have acquired a mystery! A legendary achievment !]

A message popped up in the system infront of me. A small smile slowly formed in my lips.