Chapter 10: Mana Affinity[2]

Name:Dreambreaker Author:
Chapter 10: Mana Affinity[2]

While writing the novel, I included many side stories.

Some were completely unrelated to the main story, while others were important for later development.

One such story I remember writing was about an incident during the school entrance arc; a short story about a group of low-ranking adventurers who died during a dungeon failure.

I don't recall the exact date or the people involved in the incident, but I remember the event itself without the finer points.

As everything thus far in this world has adhered to what I've penned in the novel, I bear some responsibility for those adventurers' deaths.

I am possessed by a strong urge to somehow rescue them.

Now, don't mistake me for a saint.

The only reason I'm considering saving them is that they have no relation to the story.

If their deaths were to cause a significant shift in the latter half of the story, I wouldn't save them.

If the story deviates from what I have planned, I wouldn't even know what kind of twist it would take.

And honestly, I don't want to create a scenario that could bring misfortune to me.

Taking me out of my thoughts was the principal's voice, "But it all means nothing if you do not work hard to achieve those goals."

He continued his speech, "Arcanum Academy is a place where we push students to their limits, but it is also a challenging enviro..."

His speech continued for the next 10 minutes, and everyone listened intently to every word he said.

After the boring speech was over we were required to test for core affinity.

Currently our class was being led to section A-1 Wizard's workshop.

That's were our core affinity will be tested.

According to the storyline, Doschit Voss is the Wizard Instructor.

We were being led in groups like little children and I could glance to see Professor Riya walking at the forefront.

They test the mana affinity by a simple ritual using a mana crystal.

While mana crystal is a rare object it wasn't so rare.

People in higher position after all did posses them.

At the front, I could see Takahasi Aoi and Aurora together.

Behind them, Emily Reed, Sophia and Kai Lee, among others, followed.

I glanced at my side and found James Reeves walking silently without saying much.

He looked at me and gave me an awkward smile.

'Is he nervous?' I chuckled.

As I sauntered, I began to notice something strange.

Takahashi and Aurora were whispering to each other and constantly looking behind, at us.

'Were they looking at me? No.'

Then I noticed that some girls were looking at my direction and blushing.

But as soon as my eyes met a student in that group, she looked at me with disdain.

'Was my visage really so hideous, that you had to give me that kind of look?'

I returned her gesture with a contemptuous stare.

This seemed to infuriate her as her ears turned crimson, likely thinking along the lines of, 'How dare a lowly rank like you?!'. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Seeing her reaction a smirk established in my lips.

'That's better.'


I followed their line of sight and realized that they were actually looking at Aeravat.

His behaviour most of the time was like an object, which came to life rather than a real living, breathing human.

Very slolwy did he start to gain emotions in the story.

Aeravat removed his hands from the crystal and walked out of the room as if nothing happened.

No one approached him to ask why he left the room.

Well It was not neccessary to stay in the room once the ritual is over but still its considered a formality.

"Next Rank 2, Takahasi Aoi step foward and place your hands on the crystal."

Takahsi Aoi stepped forth and placed his hand on the crystal ball, it began to shine with a violet light.

Every student present in the room could feel the energy emanating from the ball and were left awestruck once again.

The reason for their behaviour was simple.

Violet light indicats 'darkness' an extremely rare element.

Light and darkness were one of the rarest qualities.

No one in this school possessed a light element? I think.

Only Aurora's father has a light affinity.

-"It's Violet? I've only heard rumors about that before!"

The instructor stood silently, watching Takahashi with a smile on his face.

I am pretty sure that the instructor knows Takahashi but I can't remember the storyline properly right now.

'Fuck, why is my memory this weak?'

Takahashi himself looked smug as he surveyed the room, taking in the wide-eyed expressions of his fellow classmates.

With a smirk, he removed his hand from the crystal and turned to leave the room.

-"Wait, where are you going?" barked out one of the students.

'Oh boy, why would you ask that.'

Knowing his character, I'm sure he will reply with something like 'I've got more important things to do than wasting my time here with weaklings'...or something along those line.

"I've got more important things to do than waste my time here with weaklings," replied Takahsi, his voice dripping with disdain.

Yep I was right.

This is so stupid honestly...

And with that, he strode out of the room, leaving the rest...

I knew exactly where he was headed to. He wanted to met Aeravat.




Instructor Duscit Voss called out,"Rank 1872,Noah Grey."

'Finally it's my turn. Time to shine.'

As I approached the crystal ball, I put my palm forward.

But, nothing happened.

It was as if the crystal was not there.

I turned towards the instructor, who was regarding me with a look of concern as he peered over my shoulder.

'Is it because of my mana capacity?'

"Is everything alright, Noah?" he asked.

'I don't think so... '

Without answering him directly I put my palm on the crystal again, but once again, nothing happened.

At this point, my butt cheeks collapsed, and my balls began to sweat.