Chapter 48: A different outcome [2]

Name:Dreambreaker Author:
Chapter 48: A different outcome [2]

Noah's POV:

I currently had 669 points.

'Was this enough? Or should I get some more?'

In the novel, Aeravat had 850 points. nove(l)bi(n.)com

Although my own performance may not earn me as many, I was certain about landing in the top fifty.

Taking a deep breath, I exhaled as my steps resonated through the canopy. The rustling of branches, bogs and fallen leaves echoed beneath. I knew I had to reach at least the top fifty.

Besides the extra plate of a thousand credit, and a steady supply to not care for the months to come, I also had a small desire to do good in this trial. Securing a top fifty would also open the doors for the future tournament.

But those thoughts could wait for later.

"Kraaa!" Suddenly, a growl broke the silence.

An unintelligent life form—a lava chimp lunged at me from above, but with a simple sidestep, I evaded the bastardized simian.

It tried to char me with scorching lava, but once again, I easily dodged.

It didn't take me long.

In just a matter of moments, the lava chimp lay lifeless in my hands.

Yes, I was in the battle mode.

With the last monster finished, I turned back and made my way to the dungeon.


Third person's POV:

In a flurry of swift movements, a young man with dark-brown hair and matching pair of eyes sliced through the ranks of enemy.

Each strike eliminated his enemy, his katana moving with a deadly grace of unknown style.

After each victory, he smoothly sheathed and unsheathed his weapon, poised and ready to dash to the next group.

Suddenly, an onslaught of arrows flew at Karthik with terrifying speed—????????????!!

Using the blunt side of his katana, he deflected the attack with a resounding metallic tung.

But the force of the arrows pushed him back, causing him to stagger a few meters.

Watching the scene with a smug expression, the girl responsible for the attack couldn't help but taunt,"You're not as strong as the rumors painted you, Karthik."

Indeed, the figure standing proudly before her was none other than Karthik, his strength was of (F+).

But it didn't meant much to Sera of class A3, her own ranking was (F+).

In a quick reaction, the guy with white hair conjured an ice wall, attempting to hinder my advance.

Without halting my momentum, I swiftly spun on my heels, twisting my body, and delivered a forceful slam with my mace. The thick ice shattered in one mighty blow.

Meanwhile, Arisha launched a javelin towards me.

With agility, I evaded it mid-air and snatched it with my left hand before swiftly hurling it towards Adin, who was foolishly charging at me from behind. To my surprise, the projectile found its mark, impaling Adin's shoulder, as a short cry of pain escaped him.

Ignoring the pain of his impaled shoulder, Adin charged at me like a raging bull, with Kenta and Arisha following closely behind.

Using my own momentum, I spun and delivered a swift blow towards Arisha, who swiftly reacted, parrying with his spear, but still getting pushed back. In the midst of this exchange, two fireballs hurtled towards me.

With a nimble mid-air spin, I managed to evade one, while the other was deflected by a forceful swing of my mace, sending it back towards Kenta, who skillfully dodged it.

Before I could catch my breath, Adin swiftly launched another attack with his sword, which I met with a retaliatory strike from my mace, sending him reeling back two meters.

Undeterred, I rushed at him, slamming my mace once again, but Adin rolled to my back and swiftly regained his footing.

Surprisingly, the javelin was still lodged in his shoulder, yet the fool was determined to fight me.

Without granting me a moment's respite, Arisha leaped above Adin's head with a long jump, aiming to strike me with his spear.

"Fuck this shit!" I exhaled my fury.

"Yeah!" With a battle cry, I unleashed a powerful strike from my mace, sending Arisha hurtling back to where he came from.

Without pausing, I spun on my heels, deftly dodging Kenta's fireball, and swiftly struck the javelin impaled in Adin's shoulder.

As a result, the massive guy was flung through the air, the javelin piercing through his body and impaling Arisha's left leg.

Seizing the opportunity, I glanced behind me only to find Kenta unleashing a fiery tornado spell towards my classmates, eliminating most of them.

Without skipping a beat, I dashed towards Kenta and delivered a resounding blow, eliminating him from the battle.

Adin, now laying on the ground, met the same fate and was eliminated.

Witnessing all of this, Arisha decided to surrender, realizing the futility of continuing the fight.

He too soon got eliminated.

With a smug smirk, I found myself wondering, "I wonder if Aeravat will pose any challenge to me? " But, I quickly snapped out of my arrogance and regained my focus.

As I thought about the battle, a realization struck me.

There was something off about the way these guys were behaving during the fight- their heavy breathing and unusual gait.

It almost felt as if they were drugged? Or perhaps, I was mistaken.

Interrupting my thoughts, Kenta appeared by my side. "Done with your little ego trip, Myung Myung?"

I shot him an angry glance. "Don't call me that, asshole."

"Yeah, yeah, sorry," he replied cheekily, flashing an unapologetic smile. He continued, "But now we're only left with 30 students. What should we do next? Oh, and by the way..."

Scanning the faces of our remaining classmates, he proceeded to explain, "Those guys you sent earlier to trail class A1 have discovered the entrance to the dungeon."