Chapter 83: Memorial Diamonds [2]: The plot unfolds

Name:Dreambreaker Author:
Chapter 83: Memorial Diamonds [2]: The plot unfolds

Noah's POV(point of view) :

With each clash against the werewolf, my body was propelled through the air, only to land forcefully on the ground.

But I refused to relent, employing strategic leaps and rolls to swiftly reengage in combat.

As if the werewolf wasn't enough, the constant barrage of arrows from the vexatious vampiress added to the annoyance factor.

"Huuut!"— I exclaimed, springing back a distance of fifteen meters, executing a series of backflips to create further separation between us.

Observing my efforts to create distance, they attempted to close in on me.

In an act of command, I held out my left palm, uttering the word, "Stop."

Miraculously, both the werewolf and the vampiress obeyed my command, freezing in their tracks.

'What are they... fools? Why would they stop?' This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Damn... I can't believe they actually listened . Well, whatever works, I suppose?

Swiftly shifting my weapons, I retrieved my bow from my dimensional bracelet.

While I lacked arrows, I wasn't concerned.

The Solaris Amulet possessed numerous capabilities, with two being particularly significant: defense and crowd control.

By discarding the Solaris Armor, I could unlock the power of the Solaris Arrow(The CC aspect)

Krrk! —the bow made a sound as I pulled back the bowstring.

Even though it was empty, I took aim at the vampiress and the werewolf as they stood frozen before me, most likely confused by my strange actions.

With intent, I swiftly discarded the beautiful golden armor that adorned my body.

A powerful golden glow emanated from the Solaris armor, filling the entire area with light. It was as if the sun itself had descended.

Soon, the glowing armor burst into golden fiery particles and small fragments that floated in the air. And along with that, the fervent brilliance receded, unveiling a manifestation of ethereal golden butterflies that materialized from the fiery motes of my Solaris Armor.

A myriad of incandescent creatures fluttered throughout the lobby, as if infused with life's vivacity. Countless butterflies adorned the space. A beautiful kaleidoscope.

One particular specimen gracefully settled upon the palm of the vampiress.

Her inquisitive voice rising as she questioned, "A"

Enigmatic wisps of golden sand tendrils wafted from it, resembling ethereal wisps of smoke, exuding an ethereal yet captivating beauty.

Sadly, this very butterfly soon dissipated into golden motes, fading away into the ephemeral air, alongside its winged counterparts.

The kaleidoscope of beauty devoured by absence.

As the mystical display reached its climax, a breathtaking transformation occurred within my grasp.

From my fingertips that delicately held the bowstring, a radiant arrow materialized, beginning as a soft glow and gradually solidifying into a magnificent form.

The arrow emitted tendrils of flares like wisps of smoke, its tip stunningly crafted into a golden lotus made of shimmering energy, rather than metal.

I released the string, propelling the arrow forward.

"Dodge!" —urged the vampiress, her voice filled with urgency.

They were unsure of the nature of my attack, but the elaborate buildup hinted that evading it would be the wisest choice, instead of attempting to intercept it head-on.

Regrettably for them, it was too late. Dodging is not an option.

Locking eyes with the werewolf, I projected what I hoped was a chilling and threatening tone. I had no clue how to be truly intimidating, but I pressed on. "If you don't answer my questions, I won't hesitate to plunge this dagger into her throat."

I tried to contort my gaze into a more fearsome expression, but I fear I only managed to look cringe-worthy. Oh well, who really cares anyway?

"Alright, human. I'll give you what you want, but swear you won't slay us once I've answered", the werewolf demanded.

I nodded firmly, my gaze unwavering. "You have my word. I won't harm you."

The werewolf paused for a moment, collecting his thoughts. His eyes darted around, uncertain of the consequences of his forthcoming revelation.

"I'll ask this only once. Answer me truthfully, and your lives shall be spared. But dawdle or deceive, and I won't hesitate to put an end to your existence right here. Don't test my patience", I asserted, hoping to instill some fear into my words.

He nodded slowly, a gulp escaping his throat involuntarily. It seemed he understood the gravity of the situation. Excellent.

"Three questions . Why did you launch the attack in Geniva? Who orchestrated this operation? Was it a pre- planned attack?"

"We targeted Geniva to seize potential heroes of the future. We were aware that today was the scheduled arrival of the students from Arcanum Blades Academy. This operation was devised as a comprehensive scheme, and we operated as an independent unit under Sir Mikhail. Our group was tasked with abducting students while Sir Mikhail created chaos in oder to divert Central Union's attention. The person who issued our orders goes by the name Aleksandr. He serves as an informant for Tal groups."

Tal groups?


Confusion washed over me, causing an involuntary frown to appear on my face.

'Abduct students? I thought their purpose was to eliminate them', I pondered, a bewildering thought crossing my mind.

"Why the need for abduction?" I questioned, seeking further clarification.

The werewolf responded, his voice filled with an earnest plea for trust, "They turn living humans into memorial diamonds. It's something to do with taking orders from a higher-ranking criminal organization. I swear, I don't know much beyond that!"

The mention of "memorial diamonds" triggered a squint in my eyes, not specifically directed at the werewolf, but rather reflecting my confusion and attempts to comprehend the peculiar concept.

Nano detected my confusion and provided me with further information—[Memorial diamonds are lab-grown diamonds created using carbon derived from humans or pet animals].

These revelation were overwhelming, as it delved into details I had never wrote in the novel.

I had no idea that the plot I wrote as a fun was so intricately crafted in real life.

Emotions within me started to shift even before I could fully comprehend them.

My tone unintentionally transformed into a chilling demeanor as I inquired, "And who exactly is Mikhail?"

"He is a King ranked vampire"—this time the vampiress answered instead of the werewolf.

"No need for you to answer", I snapped, my hand instinctively rising to deliver a resounding slap across the her cheek, leaving my imprint behind. "Keep your mouth shut."

Redirecting my gaze towards the werewolf, I activated my [Perception] skill, closely examining him.

Based on my analysis, it appeared that he was telling the truth.

Abruptly, a sound reverberated through the air, accompanied by an authoritative voice that interrupted my ongoing inquiry. "This is the Central Union! Stay where you are!" spoke a gruff man, joined by several others donning the recognizable uniform of the CU.

They positioned themselves in front of Aeravat and the others, an unwavering presence shielding them from harm. Among the group, I noticed healers attending to their wounds.

The Central Union conveniently arrives just in the nick of time to rescue the main characters just like in the story.

But how did they manage to enter without me noticing?

Ignoring their presence, I shifted my attention back to the vampiress, locking my gaze with her eyes.

Her expression morphed into one of horror, seemingly sensing something unsettling.

Without hesitation, I swiftly plunged my dagger into her throat, crimson blood erupting from the wound as she coughed and struggled to breathe.

"You said you wouldn't harm us", the werewolf uttered calmly, though his tone masked underlying shock and lingering sorrow that could erupt at any moment.

"I lied", I responded flatly before vanishing from the scene, teleporting away.