Chapter 102: Meeting

Name:Dreambreaker Author:
Chapter 102: Meeting

Noah's pov:

'Here's a strange fact: murder a man, and you feel responsible for his life—possessive, even.'

'You know more about him than his father and mother; they knew his fetus, yes. But you know his corpse.

'Only you can complete the story of his life'--The thoughts visted me like waves rolling in from the sea, to visit the dry sand.

Why was I thinking about life and death?

I don't know.

Perhaps because I was in the estate of the strongest mage of this world?

I don't mean that Seraphina would be some mindless maniac who would kill me for no reason at all but...


My eyes fixed on an elderly man who was standing atop the beautiful garden infront of me.

His hands were in his pockets.

Black pant, white shirt—its sleeves casually rolled up to his forearms.

He stood facing away from me, fixated on the sunflowers.

The sunflowers had their faces turned towards the east, basking in the warm embrace of the sun.

"The Seneschal, Mr. Liam"—the butler informed me, the same one who brought me to this expansive garden that appeared to stretch on indefinitely.

The garden was very vast, several acres perhaps?

I couldn't tell. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Had pools and stuff.

"Right.",I said and started walking towards the Senseschal.


Third Person's POV:

Liam looked at the ordinary sunflowers with his old eyes. He felt that someone was approaching from behind, but he didn't bother to look.

But suddenly, something strange began to happen —the sunflowers, which had been facing the sun, started to shift from the east.

Liam's eyes followed their movement.

Eventually, the sunflowers stopped, all of them facing the south.

Liam found it strange.

Sunflowers are supposed to face the sun, so why would they turn away and point towards the south?

No, the sun flowers didn't 'point' towards the south, it pointed towards a guy. It was like the flowers were bowing to him.

Effect of the Solaris Amulet of course, Liam didn't know.

Liam's gaze shifted from the sunflowers and met the sight of the young lad approaching.

The boy had one hand tucked inside his blue pant.

He was wearing a black shirt that accentuated his moonlit complexion.

Noah Grey—Liam guessed.

Liam didn't share the same level of excitement as her excellency Seraphina when he heard that someone came regarding the cure.

But now, looking at how Liam wasn't even able to sense the mana core of this young lad, certainly left him impressed.

Liam was a highly skilled mage, capable of sensing anyone's mana core in a hundred meter radius.

Concealing one's mana core is not an easy task either.

However, with every passing moment without any positive news, hope was growing on my nerves like poison.

"I can't focus like this," I muttered, closing the file in front of me. With a snap, I illuminated the room. Suddenly, with a click, the door opened, and Liam hurriedly walked in. His forehead was covered in sweat, his eyes wide in shock as he came toward me, shouting, "Madam Seraphina! You won't believe this!"

"Calm down, old man. And how many times have I told you not to call me 'madam' during informal hours?" I shook my head in disappointment.

"No, madam, you have to look at this! It's working! It's working!"

"Can you please relax and explain properly? What's working? What happened?"

"The cure is working! Svetlana's cure! The guy who visited today gave me a small vial of drug. After confirming it with our medical professional team, it's giving positive results when used in Svetlana's cells!"

I stood up immediately, surprised by the news. "What?! Really?!" I snapped.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to contain the sudden burst of happiness. It felt like something funny was trying to crawl under the skin of my feet.

The excitement was boiling.

I tried to speak calmly, but I just blurted out, "That's great news! We should immediately start the procedures to treat Svetlana!"

"Alright! Alright!" Liam said, but he seemed to be thinking about something and added, "No, we can't."

"What do you mean we can't?"

"We don't know how to administer the drug. It's definitely effective, but our medical research team has never encountered or seen such a complex serum before. The proper medical procedure for administering it is unknown. Only Noah would know."

"Noah? The guy who brought the cure?" I asked.


I calmed myself and said, "Arrange a meeting. I would personally like to meet him. And regarding the cure, keep this matter within the walls of this manor."

"Understood," Liam replied.


The next day—

Noah's POV:

Anticipation, nervousness, excitement, fear, hope, truth, vision, life—these were the sensations occurring inside my body.

Elegance, decor, solemnity, honor, wealth, intricate chandeliers, prestige, art pieces—These were the elements surrounding me.

My eyes bore witness, and my feet served as the chariot.

The hallway I walked through could be deemed a work of art itself, with pristine, beautiful white walls and pillars adorned with golden designs and textured patterns, accompanied by rows and rows of exquisite chandeliers.

And, of course, there were butlers and maids everywhere.

And the maids were fucking beautiful!

Beauty here, beauty there, beauty is everywhere!

I was currently being escorted by Seraphina's personal assistant, Ophelia Delacroix.

And man, she was also fucking beautiful!

I didn't ask for her age, but judging by her appearance, I would estimate her to be around 22 or 24, the same as me. If not for the current circumstances, I might have already her out.

Suddenly, she glanced back at me and gestured, "This way, please."

Following her lead, I finally came to a stop at a door.

And when she opened it, I involuntarily asked, "Am I in heaven?"

Ophelia chuckled softly at my words, delicately hiding her lips with her hand. "Oh, I assure you that you are not." She made it clear that I was not in heaven.

[Don't worry, Master Noah. You are still very much alive]—Nano reassured.

But, my attention was quickly redirected by an unseen force of nature, drawing my gaze away from the heavenly beauty of the room to a woman gracefully seated on a chair.

With her dark red lips, porcelain-pale complexion, exquisitely sculpted visage, onyx white hair, black eyebrows, and piercing ruby red eyes.

'Seraphina Darkthorn...'—I thought, my heart skipping a beat.

"Please," she gestured towards me, her velvety voice reaching my ears as if she was talking infront of me. Voice magic, I guessed. "Have a seat."