Chapter 120: Unnamed

Name:Dreambreaker Author:
Chapter 120: Unnamed

Third person's POV:

Ahmya examined the file, sitting cross-legged. Her amethyst eyes absorbing its contents.

After sometime, she shifted her gaze from the file to the group of students who were standing infront of her.

It was impressive how the file contained a comprehensive detail on the criminals she requested information about.

The investigation was conducted with utmost precision and attention to detail.

But, what caught her off guard was the fact that these students had managed to complete the assignment in just one day.

One fricking day. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Such levels of accuracy and efficiency could only be expected from seasoned professionals.

However, the students standing before her were far from being experienced in the field.

Then, how?

Ahmya's eyes scanned the group, her gaze piercing each student as she posed her question once more. "So, let's clarify this once again. It was a collective effort?"

As if on cue, heads nodded in unison, affirming their agreement.

With a dismissive snort, Ahmya pressed further, her tone laced with skepticism. "And who among you devised the plan of the investigation?"

Before anyone could respond, Noah replied, "No one, Senior. It was a collaborative effort. We discussed with each other, weighing our options before we were able to come up with a strategy. It was power of our friendship."

Ahmya couldn't suppress a scoff, her eyes narrowing as they locked onto the handsome guy standing before her.

Noah Grey. The name did trigger a faint spark in her memories.

Yes, Ahmya knew Noah. Or at least, she knew him once, during her childhood days.

When she first came across the name 'Noah Grey' on the unit she was assigned to supervise, it didn't immediately ring a bell.

But, as her foggy memories slowly resurfaced, she began to remember that there was indeed someone named Noah, in her past.

Someone she had once crossed paths with.

It seemed that Noah, had no recollection of this shared history.

Well, that was hardly surprising, considering the passage of time and the countless people one encounters in their lives.

Ahmya couldn't help but find the entire situation amusing.

Well, to be honest, Ahmya's connection with Noah was very short, which lasted only a few months. It was during her childhood.

When Ahmya was a kid, her father was transferred to Frostfall Province. During her stay in Frostfall, she shared the same neighborhood as Noah's.

Their acquaintance was casual at best; they knew each other's faces and exchanged occasional greetings.

Friendship was not something that bound them.

When Ahmya bid farewell to Frostfall and moved away, Noah's existence faded into the recesses of her memory.

Years passed, and Ahmya completely forgot that there once existed someone named Noah Grey.

Perhaps the same was the case for Noah as well?

But now, fate had brought them back together.

Sadly, it seemed that Noah had no memory of who the fuck Ahmya was. The ignorance hurt Ahmya's ego, puncturing a tiny wound in her pride.

But what truly invited Ahmya's attention was Noah's academic history. Noah seemed to be a gifted student with a potential to grow fast.

This was good. Ahmya just found another pawn for herself. And the guy was handsome too.

After a moment she waved her hand saying,"Professor Riya is waiting in scutum magic arts class. You all may go."

James redirected his gaze at me glaringly, demanding, "Isn't that right?!"

I nodded in agreement as he finally released his grip on my mouth.

"Jees! Such a pucy! " I exclaimed, rubbing my mouth.

Anastasia locked eyes with me and asked, "By the way, Noah, quit dodging the real question. When are you gonna spill the beans? How did you magically become so strong?"

I shrugged and replied, "I've been busting my butt, like I've told you before. Hard work pays off, you know?"

Annoyed by my response, James chimed in, staring up at the sky, "C'mon, Anastasia, drop the boring topic already. There are better things to talk about. Besides Mr secret here is not gonna tell us anyway."

Anastasia, feeling a hint of disappointment, blurted out, "It's a shame we're not in the same unit."

Smirking, I quipped, "Well, at least James is lucky. He ended up in your unit."

I added, "You know, this guy once said that your bwebs are quite huge-mmphhh! Mpphh!" Before I could finish my sentence, James swiftly covered my mouth with his palm, his eyes shooting daggers at me.

"That's it, Noah! I swear I'm gonna kill you!" James exclaimed, his anger radiating from his gaze.

I managed to push his hand away, breaking into uncontrollable laughter. "Phtahahahah! Dude! Look at your face! Oh man, that's priceless! Hahahaha!"


After chatting for a few more minutes, a new topic emerged. Anastasia asked, "Hey, have you heard about the beef between David and Kenta?"

I raised an eyebrow in confusion and asked, "What beef are you talking about?"

James took a deep breath and explained, "Well, both David Smith and Kenta Shiro are part of Svetlana's unit. Apparently, they both have feelings for her, and things have been tense between them lately."

As the news hit me, my face fell, and a wave of disappointment washed over me.

Well, too bad for both of them.

Svetlana already said she's interested in someone else.

'She likes someone...'

A strange sensation tugged at my chest.

Who could it be?

Who does she like? I couldn't shake off this sudden feeling of unease that washed over me.

I swiftly unlocked my phone and sent a text to Svetlana. Talking to her always calmed my nerves.

[You: "Hey, wanna meet up? Right now?"]

Within mere seconds, five replies popped up on the screen:

[Svetlana: "Now? Sure!"]

[Svetlana: "Where should I come? Your room?"]

[Svetlana: "By the way, have you had lunch?"]

[Svetlana: "I kinda missed you."]

[Svetlana: emoji1, emoji2]

[You: "Come to the A1 section's roof."]

I got up from the park bench, ready to head out. "I've got some stuff to take care of, you guys. Catch you later."

Suddenly, something crossed my mind, and I gave James a reassuring pat on the shoulder. "Oh, and don't worry. You've still got time. You can tell her whenever you want. It's not like she's going anywhere..."

James and Anastasia were both my friends, and little did they know, they had feelings for each other. I

genuinely wished for them to have a long and happy life together.

After bidding them farewell, I made my way to the A1 section's building and headed up to the top floor.

I really wanted to ask Svetlana who she liked. Curiosity was eating away at me.

I don't know why... I was definitely feeling a bit jealous? This was strange.