Chapter 45

Name:Dreamer's Throne Author:
Chapter 45

Less than an hour had passed before Obe heard footsteps heading their way. Whispering a warning to the rest of the gang, he stood up, gripping his mangled shield in one hand and his bent axe in the other. The fight against Hollice had been brutal and had taken a toll on his equipment. Her focus had been strength, and each and every one of her attacks had been powerful enough to bend metal.

Licking his lips, he watched the doorway of the chamber they were in carefully. He was confident he knew who it was that was coming toward them, but he still found himself shaken from the vicious battle theyd just undergone. It was better to be safe than sorry. Ryn had ordered the others to load their crossbows, though they kept them pointed at the ground for fear of accidentally pulling the trigger no matter who walked through the door. The footsteps got closer and then stopped, just around the corner of the door. Nerves fraying, Obe called out sharply.

Friend or foe?

Friend, hopefully, Vipers rough voice came back, causing everyone in the room to breathe a sigh of relief.

Until Ryn spoke up.

And those creepy flower monsters? Are they friends too?

The question caused Viper to pause for a moment as he appeared in the doorway. Shrugging, he looked at Ryn as he responded.

You have nothing to fear from them. Everything is resolved. Here is the token youll need to prove your success. Ill deal with the cleanup. Youll find the equipment that is salvageable under the inn tomorrow or the day after. Give Garrett my regards.

With that Viper turned and left, leaving Obe holding the Swamp Sharks seal. Staring in shock at the pewter block with the shark fin design on it, Obe couldnt believe what he was seeing. This was the second time hed fled from an unwinnable battle, leaving Viper behind, only to find out that everything had been handled without issue. Remembering Ryns question, Obe took a deep breath, trying to calm his trembling heart.

Lets lets go home.

Yes please, Ryn said, her voice barely trembling. Today has not been a good day.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

I wouldnt say that, Ms. Ryn, one of the gang members said, causing everyone to look at him sharply. Weve still got our heads, havent we?

Thats true, another said, with a lopsided grin, we could have gotten eaten by giant flowers with teeth.

And claws, I saw claws.

We could also have been stabbed and squashed at the same time by that giant lady who was hitting on Obe.

Hitting on? You mean pounding, one of the gang members joked, poking Obe in the shoulder.

Its true, Obe grimaced, massaging his shoulder. And it still hurts.

Exhausted but in high spirits, the gang pulled themselves together and began the trek back to the inn. Too tired to bother keeping a lookout, it was a miracle they didnt run into any monsters. Or maybe it was the occasional white flower hidden in the shadows of the passages. Climbing up into the inn after locking the gate behind them, they sealed the entrance to the crypts and stumbled into the great room. To their astonishment, they found Garrett waiting for them by three tables that had been pushed together and covered with a large spread of food and drink.

Welcome home, Garrett said, a wide smile on his face. Id get up to welcome you but, you know.

Grinning, Obe walked over and took out the Swamp Sharks seal, holding it up in triumph.

We return victorious!

Shouts and cheers broke out as the tired men rushed to the table and began to eat and drink, replenishing their empty bellies. Picking up the seal, Garrett looked at it carefully, his thoughts impossible to read. Glancing over as he picked up a large drumstick, Obe saw a deep turmoil in Garretts expression and stopped.

Whats wrong?

Looking up, Garrett flashed a smile, his expression calm once again.

Nothing. Eat up, you deserve it.

As the gang finished stuffing themselves and the feast wound down, Garrett tapped his fork against his cup for everyones attention. Lifting his cup, he looked around the room.

Well done, all of you. The fact that you came back alive is a clear sign of your hard work and, more importantly, your commitment to each other. A toast to all of you!

Lifting their cups, the gangs excited shouts lit up the room.


It only worked because of your plan, Obe said, lifting his cup to return the toast to Garrett.

However, if Im going to take over, there will need to be some changes. I will not lead the Ghouls Tooth gang. If I take over, the Ghouls Tooth is buried today. Second, I need everyone to understand that Im not interested in becoming the largest gang in the city. The strongest? Certainly. But I dont care about size, only reach. And finally, I dont want to be a gang at all. Gangs are organizations that run under the surface of society, dodging the guards for fear of being crushed. If Im going to lead an organization, it must exist in both the light and the dark, in both the day and the night. If I become the leader, you need to understand that we will not be a gang. We will be a family.

Quiet fell when Garretts words faded, but it didnt last long as people began to nod, murmuring to the person next to them.

A family sounds good. Isnt that what a gang was originally supposed to be? Obe said, standing up.

Standing up and nodding, the gang member whod first asked about Garrett leading them spoke up.

Thats what we want. A family. Strength. And the ability to walk tall in the light, even as we stand firm in the darkness.

I never knew you had such a poetic mouth, Ryn said, giving him a thumbs up.

Laughter filled the room as she stood up and looked at Garrett.

The most important question is not do we agree to your terms, its what are you going to call our new not-a-gang?

Freezing, Garrett stared at Ryn, dismay clearly written on his face. As the silence stretched, Ryns eyebrows rose.

You seriously didnt think about it? Wow.

What about, uh Shark Tooth? Obe said, his face completely red by the time hed finished speaking.

Staring at him in something akin to shock, Ryn rubbed her forehead.

I wow. Just wow.

We could be the Griffins Teeth! I like griffins, someone suggested, only to quail under Ryns glare.

What is with you and teeth? And besides, griffins dont even have teeth. They have beaks. Beaks!

Red Coral?

Silver Steins?

We could be the twenty-two fangs!

Crystal Spiders!

How about Day Walkers?

Facepalming as he listened to the gang members throwing out names, Garrett finally held up his hand for quiet.

Thank you for all your suggestions. They have been noted and will be given the appropriate amount of consideration. Were in no real rush to choose a name, so lets call it here for the night. You can give your suggestions to Ryn, who seems to have some very particular thoughts about what sort of name we use, and shell sort them and then present them to the group. Finally, am I safe to assume that youre all interested in having me serve as the new leader of our group?

When no one protested, Garrett nodded.

Great. In that case, let me give my first order. Go to bed. Its late, everyone is exhausted, and theres a lot to do. I know weve won the battle against the Swamp Sharks, but thats only the beginning. According to the laws that govern the gangs of this city, this token we seized is the key to taking over their old territory, but there arent even enough of us to keep our own territory, let alone theirs. We will be able to move all their goods and possessions though, which is a must. No reason to leave that for others. Speaking of, if anyone knows people we can hire temporarily, or even people who might want to join us, let me know tomorrow, okay? Were going to need to get some extra help if we want to loot them properly. We only have two days to deal with this, and I need all of you to be as rested as possible, alright?

Standing up, Obe snapped a rough salute, causing everyone else to rise to their feet and salute as well.

Oh, and Obe? Im going to need a hand or two to get around until we can recover and repair my wheelchair. For the third time.

Sure thing, boss, Obe said with a smile.

As the gang filtered out of the room, Ryn stopped by where Garrett said and patted him on the shoulder, a happy smile on her face.

You know, if were not going to be a gang, we shouldnt use a gang name. We should use a name that will one day be feared across the city. Like Klein. Or better yet, we could just go simple and be the Family. Regardless, congratulations on climbing the ranks. Just be aware that I still wont let you boss me around.

With a laugh, Ryn left, leaving Garrett, Obe, and a scowling Francis, who was muttering something under his breath about being left to clean up.