Chapter 89 Yang Fugui sees a doctor

Jiang Ning followed her gaze and said, "Fugui should have almost recovered!"

Mrs. Zhou sighed and opened her mouth, not knowing what to say. After a while, she lowered her voice and said in Jiang Ning's ear: "I think that child is not as clever as before after being seriously ill. Look, when Lai Gui teases him, he He only giggles, doesn't know how to hide, and often comes close to you."

Jiang Ning looked surprised. He looked at Yang Fugui carefully and found that there was indeed something different about him, but the difference was very subtle. Unless he was in contact with him every day, outsiders probably wouldn't be able to detect it. "How long has this been going on? Have you ever seen a doctor?" ?”

Mrs. Zhou shook her head and smiled bitterly, "My sister-in-law is also aware of the situation at home. All the food left over from the autumn harvest that was enough to chew was sold, and she didn't have much money. Something like this happened again at the second house. If I don’t have money, my parents and the third child must help me. Now we don’t have a few coins left at home. Even if we take Fugui to see a doctor, we don’t have the money to get medicine. In addition, the third child and the others are not at home, so I am alone. Women don’t dare to make up their minds.”

“Does Aniang know?”

Mr. Zhou nodded, "I specially brought Fugui to show it to my mother-in-law and my second uncle. The two of them didn't say anything except wiping their tears. They probably really can't afford the money."

Jiang Ning's face tightened, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Tomorrow morning, you and Fugui will wait for me at the entrance of the village. I will take you to the town to find a doctor."

“Sister-in-law.” Zhou didn’t expect Jiang Ning to say that and was stunned.

Jiang Ning sneered, "Although I hate the second wife and the couple, I'm not willing to risk a child's death! Besides, my father and mother are very good to me. If something happens to Fugui, the old couple will probably have a hard time."

Zhou's face was touched.

Mrs. Zhang sighed at the side: "I would say that you, the eldest uncle who had a falling out with his second wife, treat wealth better than his own mother treats him. Since you are going to town tomorrow, I will go with you and go to the future by the way." Take a trip to the in-laws.”

Jiang Ning's eyes lit up, "Yo! Is this what we agreed on again?"

Mr. Zhou nodded with delight, "I'm telling you, you've seen that family before. It's the Wu family across from Anhuang Lang."

Jiang Ning was shocked, "What a coincidence?"

"Unfortunately, I was tricked last time! I learned my lesson and only look for reliable people to be matchmakers. The most reliable person in our village must be the village chief's wife. It just so happens that her sister has a suitable matchmaker. My daughter, I made peace with my Axiao. I originally thought that she from the town would look down on us from the village. Unexpectedly, when someone came over, the two children actually saw each other, and it became a thing! "

Mr. Zhang was obviously very satisfied with this marriage, and there was a smile on her eyes and brows as she spoke.

Jiang Ning and Zhou quickly congratulated him.

Early the next morning, Zhou led Yang Fugui to wait for Jiang Ning at the entrance of the village.

Now that the farm is slack, the old man and the old woman have little sleep and sit under the big banyan tree at dawn.

A woman asked curiously: "Yang has a family. I just saw your sister-in-law leaving the village yesterday. Why are you taking your child out of the village today? Oh! Isn't this Yang Dou's family? Why didn't you take your son with you?"

Everyone looked at Mr. Zhou with gossip.

Zhou is clumsy-tongued and introverted. His face instantly turned red after being stared at by so many people. He spoke the truth as soon as he spoke.

A group of old people were surprised to learn that Jiang Ning was taking Yang Fugui to the town to see a doctor.

"The sun really does rise from the west! Has Jiang changed his gender?" an old man asked suspiciously.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Mrs. Liu had just arrived with her things, and happened to overhear their conversation. She looked at Yang Fugui with a hint of pity in her eyes, "Both Jiang's sons are promising, and their lives are better than those with two or three bedrooms. It's a good thing that she is willing to help. If you want I say that people should praise them more when they are getting better, not those who are good or not.”

Ms. Liu is the village chief's wife, and her words are still very meaningful. The other old men and women immediately praised Jiang Ning so much that Mrs. Zhou had goosebumps all over the floor after hearing this.

After a while, Mrs. Zhang also came. Mrs. Liu learned that she was going to Wu's house, and said quickly: "Wait a moment, and you can help me bring something to my sister."

Liu made a quick trip back and handed a bundle to Zhang. Just as Jiang Ning arrived, the group sped up and hurried on.

When they arrived in the town, the group of people separated. Zhang went to Wu's house, while Jiang Ning led Zhou and Yang Fugui to Hong'antang.

She told the old doctor about the situation. The old doctor took Yang Fugui's pulse and frowned more and more. After a while, he let go of Yang Fugui's hand and asked, "My child, how old are you?"

“Seven years old.”

“Where do you live?”

“Rongshu Village.”

“Who is there at home?”

“Sister-in-law and brother.”

The old doctor looked at Jiang Ning and Zhou, and they nodded quickly.

The old doctor muttered: "It seems that his brain has not been burned so far, and there is nothing wrong with his pulse."

Before he finished speaking, there was a noise outside the hospital.

"Liu Cuihua, you bitch! I'm going to chop you to death!" Ma angrily raised her kitchen knife and ran after Liu Cuihua.

Liu Cuihua rushed into the hospital holding the wound on her head.

This scene stimulated Yang Fugui. His eyes widened and he kept trembling. By the time Jiang Ning realized something was wrong with him, he was speechless.

Zhou was shocked and said, "Doctor, doctor, help me."

Ma family is still chasing Liu Cuihua.

The hospital was in chaos.

The old doctor quickly asked his medicine disciples to carry Yang Fugui to the backyard for treatment. The other medicine disciples stepped forward to stop Ma. However, Ma had a kitchen knife in his hand, and they were afraid of being accidentally injured. For a moment, they were unable to do anything to him.

Jiang Ning was so angry that he went out to borrow a sickle and rushed into the hospital, shouting, "Mr. Ma, put down your kitchen knife!"

Ma's eyes were red with anger and she had no sense at all. When she saw Jiang Ning threatening her with a sickle, she suddenly rushed towards her.

Other people in the hospital screamed.

Just when Ma was approaching, Jiang Ning quickly dodged with quick eyes and hands. Ma threw herself directly on the medicine cabinet and hit her head hard.

Jiang Ning stepped forward and grabbed the kitchen knife before she could react.

It was only then that the medicine disciples reacted and rushed forward to control Ma.

Ma was pressed to the ground, struggling desperately, and kept cursing, "You dirty old pious woman, shameless prostitute, if you dare to seduce my man, I will drag you to **** with you even if you die, bah"

Ma Shi kept spitting on the ground while cursing.

Liu Cuihua was furious as she covered the wound on her forehead. Relying on the fact that Ma was under control and could not do anything to her, she immediately ran over and kicked Ma severely, "Damn you bitch! Don't think that I can let you throw dirt on me without a man." , If I don’t tear up your bad mouth today, I won’t call you Liu Cuihua!”

"Hey, eh, aunt, calm down, madam, calm down, you are here to see the injury! Stop the fight! If the fight continues, we won't have to open the medical center!" The medicine practitioner was about to cry anxiously.

An Gaolin and Zhang were chasing after each other. Seeing the situation in the hospital, one hurried over to rescue Ma and the other rushed towards Liu Cuihua.

"My dear, your injury is not light! Where is the doctor?" Zhang looked around anxiously and happened to see Jiang Ning, who was holding a sickle and panting not far away.

(End of this chapter)