Chapter 91 You’ve found the right person

“Hiss!” Everyone gasped.

Zhou asked eagerly: "Then what? How can this matter be good?"

"Because it was from Qianjiazhuang, it was Ma's relatives who came forward to resolve the matter. Since then, An Fangfang has become famous around Qianjiazhuang. There is not a single unmarried man in the county or surrounding areas. Dare to kiss her.

Ma didn't give up, and even spent money to find matchmakers in the county town, but none of them were satisfied. Later, they had to search in several other towns, and they really found the second unlucky guy. I heard that his family still owned a shop, but The one who made them jealous was showing off everywhere even before they had even written their horoscopes. Some people couldn't bear it and deliberately made trouble and told the other party about Anjia's situation in advance. This marriage was ruined again.

There are a few others behind, but they can't reach an agreement due to various reasons. They are almost turning into old girls if they keep dragging them. If they continue like this, they will lose their hands, so they have to go to the countryside to look for them. "

After hearing what Liu Cuihua said, Mrs. Zhang excitedly held Jiang Ning's hand, with tears in her eyes, "A Ning, you first helped my Ayong, and then you saved my Axiao. You are my family's lucky star! Don't worry. , I will definitely provide you with an immortal tablet when you get back!"

Jiang Ning was so frightened that the hairs on his hair stood up, "Don't! It's okay as long as you feel like it. We won't punish those vain people."

Afraid that Ms. Zhang would talk about worshiping her again, she quickly changed the subject, "Why did Mr. Ma want to bring your girl and Qian Wen together in the first place?"

Liu Cuihua said with some sadness: "My husband was not dead at that time. He was working as a **** in the **** agency. He was also a capable person in the **** agency. He often went to the capital. Qian Wen had to go there if he wanted to take the imperial examination. You know where to go?" How difficult is it to travel to the capital?”

Jiang Ning humbly asked for advice.

Liu Cuihua pondered: "To get to the capital from us, we have to go to Quzhou Prefecture first. If you take the official road, you have to pass through five prefectures all the way north. There are countless mountain bandits and bandits along the way. Sometimes you will encounter wild animals in the wilderness. Unexpected incidents say Just come. For ordinary people, if you go to the capital by yourself, you will most likely get into trouble, and you will have to follow a caravan or **** team.

The caravan does not know the details and is prone to trouble. The safest way is to follow the **** team. A trip costs at least three or four taels of silver. It is not easy for the Qian family to support a scholar. If you can marry my family, you can not only save these three or four taels of silver. With money, you don’t even have to worry about food rations on the road, and it can also ensure that he reaches the capital safely. If it were you, would you be tempted? "

It was the first time that everyone knew how difficult it was to travel far away, and they were speechless for a while.

Jiang Ning nodded and said, "If this is the case, the Qian family still makes money by marrying your family. Then why would Qian Wen's mother do such a thing?"

"Who knows!" Liu Cuihua sneered angrily, "My man had an accident last year, and now my son has taken over his duties and is also working in the **** agency."

Before he finished speaking, there was a knock on the door outside.

 Hu hurried over and opened the door. After a while, An Yongliang and Wu Changfeng came in together.

Wu Changfeng was furious when he saw Liu Cuihua with gauze on her head, "Aniang, how are you? That **** old godly woman, I'm going to kill her right now!"

"Wait a minute!" Liu Cuihua took Wu Changfeng's hand, "That's a fool. She doesn't have a long memory if you beat her. Go ask for money and be polite. What did your father say before? ?”

“Be polite first and then attack with force.”

"Yes! It's just courtesy first and then attack. If they don't want to pay, then we'll take action!" Liu Cuihua clenched her fists.

Wu Changfeng went out immediately to do it.

Zhang was a little worried, "Is this really okay? He is alone."

Liu Cuihua waved her hands, very proudly, "My son can fight one against ten! Last year when he was in the capital, a senior official was attacked and he helped him! People thanked him for saving his life and gave him a hundred taels for his help! "

“Hiss!” Ms. Zhang was so shocked that she could hardly close her mouth. Jiang Ning's heart moved slightly. One hundred taels was not a small amount. Wu Changfeng was definitely not saving an ordinary high-ranking official. Maybe he could ask him about the Huang family.

Thinking of this, her eyes instantly turned eager when she looked at Liu Cuihua.

While everyone was talking, Wu Changfeng came back not long after leaving, with an extra money bag in his hand, "Auntie, An Gaolin's family is really poor. They only scraped together 400 yuan. You can just accept it." I’ll ask them for money later.”

Liu Cuihua generously put the money into her arms, "I deserve this!"

Wu Changfeng nodded vigorously, and then thanked Jiang Ning and others.

Jiang Ning asked curiously: "When will Wu Escort go to the capital again?"

Wu Changfeng grinned, "Auntie, just call me Changfeng. I'll probably go there when the snow melts in spring. What? Does Auntie have something to do?"

Jiang Ning nodded. Seeing so many people present, he said, "I want to ask you to help me find out something. Don't worry, I understand the rules. I won't give you a lot of money."

Liu Cuihua felt relieved after hearing this, and the more she looked at Jiang Ning, the more satisfied she became, "What a big deal! If you hadn't helped me today, maybe that madman Ma would have chopped me with a kitchen knife, and your children, even though I'm not It was intentional, but I was really frightened, and I should take responsibility. Changfeng, your aunt’s affairs must be handled well.”

Wu Changfeng nodded vigorously and followed Jiang Ning to the yard to talk.

Jiang Ning organized his speech and whispered: "I would like to ask you to help me find out about a family fifteen years ago. The surname was Huang. The head of the family was called Huang Shi. He was a censor. He was framed for impeaching a powerful man at that time, and the whole family was exiled. , the matter of women being converted into slaves must have been quite a big deal at the time, and it is not difficult to find out. I mainly want to know the current situation of the Huang family. "

Wu Changfeng glanced at Jiang Ning in surprise, "Auntie is related to the Huang family?"

Jiang Ning hesitated and said, "It doesn't count, but there is an old friend who has a relationship with the Huang family. Unfortunately, she has passed away. I want to fulfill her last wish."

"That's it!" Wu Changfeng suddenly realized and said in deep thought: "What happened fifteen years ago is too long ago. The current Holy Emperor ascended the throne ten years ago and once granted amnesty to the world. Maybe the Huang family has been pardoned, but not necessarily. Auntie, don't worry. I will make inquiries for you when I go to the capital next time."

Jiang Ning was overjoyed and thanked him profusely. He stuffed a couple of silver coins into Wu Changfeng's arms and refused to refuse. "One thing comes to another. This matter is very important to me. If you don't accept it, I won't feel at ease."

Wu Changfeng had no choice but to accept the money.

The two of them returned to the house, and there was no emotional change on their faces.

On the way back, Ms. Zhang was filled with emotion when she talked about the Wu family’s affairs, “Do you think this marriage is a result of my family’s high ranking?”

Jiang Ning glanced at her and secretly thought that the Zhang family was indeed lucky, and smiled gently, "You can't say that. Although the Wu family is rich, what they do is too dangerous and they have seen too many dangers, so they must hope that the girl You can find a down-to-earth and sensible family. Although your family is not as rich as the Wu family, you two have good tempers, and Ah Xiao is sensible, down-to-earth and capable. When the Wu family girl comes to your family, she will definitely not have to suffer from the cowardice of her mother-in-law, daughter-in-law and sister-in-law.

As long as the Wu family gives more dowry, their girls will definitely not have a hard time, so you just need to be nice to their girls and don’t worry about it so much! "

Zhang thought about it and realized that it really made sense, and she immediately felt relieved.

Jiang Ning followed Zhou and Yang Fugui to the old house and took out a purse from his arms.