Chapter 95 Pastry

Zhou was a little surprised when she saw Jiang Ning coming over, "Sister-in-law! Why are you coming to my place when you are so busy?"

Jiang Ning looked at the house of Old Man Yang and Mrs. Li, "I plan to make a kang for my father and mother, and for you, too. It just so happens that the house I lived in before didn't have it, so I just put it there. In winter, If it’s cold, you sleep in that room, but if it’s hot in summer, you can go back to your own room.”

"No, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. My father and mother don't live here now. It's just me and Laigui. It will be our turn in two days."

What Zhou was referring to was that Yang Youcai and others would come over to work. The village chief had already issued a message to ask every household to have a kang as much as possible, especially those with elderly people. Their family had to wait a few days because the elderly were not at home.

Jiang Ning shook his head, "It's no problem to find Yang Youcai and the others, but you can get the money. Dad and the third child haven't come back yet. Do you have any money? I can save you a fortune by giving you a plate."

Zhou's face was red and she didn't dare to look at Jiang Ning. Her voice was thin and weak, "It's okay."

Jiang Ning sighed silently, "You are not a liar. Come on, take me over and take a look."

Zhou couldn't control her, so he still took her to see the house.

After taking a look at it, Jiang Ning also had some thoughts in his mind. He asked Mr. Zhou to help move the materials and started work immediately. After three days of busy work, the two of them finally installed two adjacent rooms with kangs, so that when Old Yang and the others came back, they could sleep directly on them.

Jiang Ning finally breathed a sigh of relief after solving the problems in the old house. When he got home, he quickly cleaned up the four newly installed Kangs and spread them with warm quilts.

There were only three days left before the Chinese New Year. Counting the days, it was almost time for Yang Erdan and the others to call it a day and come back. Even Yang Datou and Liu Ye would be back on New Year's Eve at the latest. She had to get the New Year's greetings as soon as possible. Food preparation.

There are ready-made stone mills and stone mortars at home, and you can make many snacks, such as rice cakes, red date hair cakes, wishful yam cakes, and osmanthus cakes, which are necessary for the New Year.

Making rice cakes requires glutinous rice. Yang Erdan and the others have stockpiled a lot of glutinous rice for building houses, and they can use as much as needed. Jiang Ning soaked fifty kilograms of rice in one breath, put the steamed glutinous rice into a stone mortar and pounded it until it turned into sticky lumps.

Take out a part and cut it into small pieces. This is the original rice cake. It can be kept for a long time. When you want to eat, take it out, steam, stir-fry or fry. Add brown sugar and peanuts to the other part, and continue beating until the brown sugar and peanuts are completely mixed into the rice cake. Take Cut out and store in slices.

The main ingredients of yam cake are the wild yam stocked before, plus glutinous rice flour, caramel, self-made pyracantha jam, and taro.

The method is very simple. Just steam and mash the wild yam with caramel sugar, steam the taro and mash it into a puree, and stir-fry the glutinous rice flour.

Place yam puree and fried glutinous rice flour for later use, taro puree and glutinous rice flour for later use, pyracantha jam and glutinous rice flour for later use, the three doughs are white, orange, and pink.

Piece them together according to a certain proportion and press them into the model, and a beautiful flower-shaped three-color Ruyi yam cake is ready.

She made a whole dustpan in one go. It was estimated that there were hundreds of dustpans. If she couldn't finish them all at home, she could give them away.

 Red date hair cake and osmanthus cake are relatively simple. It is best to make them now and eat them now. It is not too late to wait until the New Year's Eve. You can make more by then and send them to your old house.

In addition to eating, she only had to put up couplets and window grilles. She could cut the window grilles by herself, but not the couplets. Fortunately, Tian Feng was at home and could ask for his help.

When Jiang Ning held a pile of red paper and eagerly asked Tian Feng to write a couplet with pen and ink, Yang Sizhuang and Yang Xiaoya's eyes lit up. Seeing them eager to try, Jiang Ning laughed, "You are still young! First! Recognize all the characters and then write them beautifully. If you can master the characters next year, I will let you two write our couplets!"

“Auntie, let’s make a three-part agreement.” Yang Sizhuang suppressed his excitement and looked at Jiang Ning eagerly.

Jiang Ning readily extended his little finger to hook him up.

After putting up the Spring Festival couplets and window grilles, it’s New Year’s Eve. This is Dashan Town’s last big gathering this year. The villagers who used to hide at home all rushed to the town in twos and threes, wrapped in thick coats, wearing bamboo hats and carrying baskets on their backs.

Most of them carry beans on their backs and prepare to go to town to exchange for some things.

Jiang Ning and the Zhang family and the Zhou family walked together, and the villagers on the road would greet her kindly when they met her. This was absolutely impossible before.

Jiang Ning smiled so hard that his face almost froze. Under the narrow eyes of Zhou and Zhang, he pulled them to speed up and threw the villagers away by a large distance before he regained his composure.

Ms. Zhang was amused and laughed out loud, "Do you think you are serious about it? If I were me, I would only wish so many people to greet me. Wouldn't it show off my face?"

Jiang Ning rolled his eyes angrily, "Pull him down! I still miss the days when everyone treated me like nothing!"

“Hahahaha” Zhang burst into laughter again.

Zhou looked at her basket and asked, "What are you going to sell?"

Ms. Zhang shook her head, "It's almost the Chinese New Year, and everything is lacking at home. It's so cold today that chickens won't lay eggs, so there's nothing to sell! I steamed some caramel rice cakes, sprinkled some sesame seeds, and planned to give them to my relatives. Some past."

“Hiss! This thing is not easy to make!” Ms. Zhou lamented and sighed, “I would also like to make it for my children, but all the fine grains at home have been replaced by coarse grains, so I can’t make it even if I want to.”

Jiang Ning said: "What a big deal. Today I got up before nine o'clock (five o'clock). I made brown sugar cakes and sweet-scented osmanthus cakes before going out. I also made some wishful yam cakes and rice cakes before, and I happened to bring some out. I plan to give some to Shopkeeper Jin of Dashan Inn later, and I will give some to you when I get back so that you can have a taste."

“That’s a good relationship, I’ll give you sesame rice cakes in exchange!” Mrs. Zhang said cheerfully.

Mrs. Zhou touched her chin and said, "Then I'll go back and cook Bazhen porridge. This time I'll make sure to put in enough ingredients to deliver a pot to my sister-in-law."

“Hahaha, then I’m just waiting to eat it!”

The three of them chatted and laughed when they arrived in the town. Mrs. Zhang was going to Wu’s house, and Mrs. Zhou wanted to buy something different from Jiang Ning’s, so we separated at the entrance of the town.

Shopkeeper Jin’s eyes lit up when he saw Jiang Ning, “Did Mrs. Jiang bring mushrooms?”

Jiang Ning was happy, "Shopkeeper, don't you plan to have a rest at this inn during the Chinese New Year?"

Shopkeeper Jin laughed and said, "I can't help it. There are still some guests in the inn who are away from home and can't come back for the time being. We can't kick them out! Since there are guests here, how can I, the shopkeeper, rest? Fortunately, there are not many people. It’s pretty relaxing.”

Jiang Ning nodded slightly and took out the cakes he brought.

Shopkeeper Jin was pleasantly surprised when he saw the pastries, "None of the pastry shops in our town can make such exquisite pastries, but Mrs. Jiang can do it! Just wait, I have also prepared a New Year gift for you."

Shopkeeper Jin couldn't help but turned around and went to the backyard. After a while, he came out with a large piece of meat. Jiang Ning was shocked, but he directly put the meat into Jiang Ning's basket. "It's Chinese New Year. Pork is not cheap. Fortunately, I I ordered a pig from someone before and just slaughtered it yesterday. I couldn’t finish it at home. There were fewer guests in the inn and I couldn’t use so much. Mrs. Jiang happened to take some back to beat the children’s teeth.”

(End of this chapter)