Chapter 112: People from the county government

Seeing that he was carrying a cargo box, Jiang Ning quickly turned aside to let him in, "Just came back?"

An Yongliang wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile: "I went to two villages today. It happened that all the goods recovered from Pingshan Valley were sold. I went to Linjiang Inn to find Big Tou Changbai. He said that Aunt Jiang was coming over. Yes, I came here quickly."

As he spoke, An Yongliang took out some copper plates and broken silver from a secret compartment under the cargo box, and placed them all on the table. "The goods received this time were twenty taels of silver, and we sold them for four and a half. According to the previous agreement, each of us will have half." "

Jiang Ning handed the money directly to Liu Ye and pulled An Yongliang to sit next to him. "You came just in time. Let me tell you about the situation at your uncle's side."

An Yongliang didn't expect that his eldest cousin would break the boat and run away so simply. He was stunned. It took him a while to find his voice, "Aren't my uncle and aunt's wife crazy?"

"Isn't that right! I heard that they went to the Chen family to cause trouble, but the Chen family turned against them. Now they can't pay back the money they owe their relatives. The Chen family is still waiting for the An family to give them an explanation. Your aunt doesn't want to I'm willing to let your cousin leave the school. Life is almost unbearable. I'm thinking that if you can still live well here, you can continue to stay. Don't go back yet, wait two or three years," Jiang Ning suggested.

Two or three years are enough time for An Jia Da Fang to deal with these bad debts. Moreover, after two or three years of separation, the relationship must have weakened a bit. Ma has to think carefully if he wants to take advantage of An Yongliang again.

An Yongliang nodded fearfully, "Thank you, Madam, for informing me. Originally, I was thinking of going back after the autumn harvest, but now it seems that I can't."

In order to thank Jiang Ning, An Yongliang specially took a piece of material from his cargo box, stuffed it into Jiang Ning's arms without any explanation, and left quickly.

Jiang Ning wanted to chase him out, but Liu Ye said: "Forget it, Auntie, Mr. An is not short of this material. Since it is his wish, you can just keep it. It just so happens that I can make you a summer coat when I have time." "

Seeing Jiang Ning's hesitation, Liu Ye smiled and said: "Anhuanglang was born to do this business. Ever since he came to Songxi Town with us, he started doing his job as soon as he settled down. You also know that the official road is built near Songxi Town. There are merchant ships traveling from north to south, and there are many more people than in Dashan Town! His business in the streets is booming.

When my eldest brother-in-law started hunting and shipping goods, he immediately went to pick them up. He could earn at least one tael of silver per trip. So far, he has made ten trips and the money he earned is definitely not less than 1 tael. "

Jiang Ning raised his eyebrows. Strictly speaking, this business was a three-way cooperation between his family, An Yongliang, and Yang Han. Yang Changbai drove the ox cart, and Yang Han was responsible for driving the ox cart to the official road near Pingshan Valley to pick up the goods, and then delivered the goods to Wei On the river, An Yongliang is responsible for receiving and selling goods.

Of course, after the goods arrived in Songxi Town, some of them were handed over to Yang Changbai, who was responsible for selling them to Linjiang Inn. Because Yang Han only contributed, his goods would also be handed over to An Yongliang, so he did not participate in the sharing, but divided them according to the price of one oxcart. It's wages.

"If this is the case, An Guolang will probably not return to Dashan Town!" Jiang Ning said matter-of-factly.

Liu Ye nodded, "I heard that An Guolang's wife is pregnant again. Fortunately, she came here. If she had stayed in Dashan Town, she would have been so angry!"

Jiang Ning suddenly understood why An Yongliang was so lucky just now.

After taking care of the children's affairs, Jiang Ning took a boat back early the next day.

In spring, there were more mountain products in Qingfeng Mountain, especially mushrooms. She had not been in the mountain for two days, and these mushrooms immediately started to grow like crazy. She hurriedly walked down the mountain, and when she reached the foot of the mountain, she saw a crowd outside the workshop. A lot of people.

Jiang Ning felt nervous and ran over quickly, pushing aside the crowd just in time to meet Dong Ze's sharp eyes.

“Master Dong!”

Dong Ze's eyes lit up, "Mrs. Jiang is back! I have some questions that I would like to ask Mrs. Jiang. Is it okay?"

Jiang Ning looked around, could she say no?

He immediately made a gesture of invitation and took Dong Ze and the two officials to the resting place in the thatched shed.

“What does Mr. Dong want to ask?”

Dong Ze cleared his throat and looked a little serious, "Ms. Jiang, do you know how many people died in Ping'an County last winter?" Jiang Ning looked at him in surprise and shook his head in confusion, "What does this have to do with the little woman?"

“It’s a big deal!” Gao Yong couldn’t help but interject.

Jiang Ning became even more confused.

Niu Yiwu stood up excitedly, talking and gesticulating, "It's the kang in your village. We just asked the village chief, and the village chief said that your family started it first!"

“Yes! Is there anything wrong with this?” Jiang Ning was puzzled.

Dong Ze waved his hand, signaling Niu Yiwu to calm down, and said to Jiang Ning: "Ms. Jiang doesn't know something. Last winter was the coldest winter in Pingan County in ten years. Every village in our county had people dead, as few as four or five. There were as many as ten or twenty people, and in total, there were as many as two hundred people. More than 80% of these people were frozen to death.

The county magistrate was heartbroken when he found out, and ordered me to go to each village to investigate. After visiting, we found that the fewest people died in Rongshu Village, only one, and it was just at the beginning of winter.

Today we came here specifically to learn about it, and then we found out that your village uses a kang. Although I have never seen it, I have heard of it. It is only found in the northernmost place in Qi State. I didn’t expect Mrs. Jiang to know about it and know how to make a kang! "

Dong Ze was more amazed than curious.

Jiang Ning was calm, he breathed a long sigh of relief, and slowly explained: "My mother's family is a Dan people, and there are countless businessmen traveling from south to north on the Wei River. They are influenced by what they hear and see, and they know a lot of things.

However, the little woman only heard about it and did not really know how the kang was made in the north. It was because her own experiment was successful that she dared to let the villagers follow suit. The purpose was also to help the villagers. I told the village chief at that time, We were just wondering about this thing ourselves. We didn’t know whether it would collapse or how soon it would collapse, so we didn’t dare to go outside and make noises. "

It suddenly dawned on Dong Ze and the others that they didn’t know whether the kang was safe or not. No wonder the head of Rongshu Village didn’t report it!

Now after a winter of verification, it is enough to prove the safety of the kang.

Thinking of this, Dong Ze stood up and bowed solemnly to Jiang Ning, "I have a heartless request. I hope Mrs. Jiang can agree."

Jiang Ning was confused, "Master Dong, do you want to promote kang in our Pingan County?"

“Exactly!” Dong Ze’s eyes were bright and he suppressed the excitement in his heart.

Jiang Ning nodded slightly, "This is not a difficult task. Many people in our village know how to play kang. They can teach them, and the county government can also hire them to play kang. Anyway, there is still more than half a year before winter, so it is more than enough."

Dong Ze was stunned for a moment and said, "We won't take advantage of you in vain."

Jiang Ning waved his hand indifferently, "It doesn't matter. I had no intention of hiding it in the first place. I just didn't know what to do and didn't dare to take the initiative. Now that the county government has come forward, I feel at ease."

“Mrs. Jiang is righteous!”

Dong Ze and the other two people all bowed to Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning turned sideways, rolled his eyes, and changed the subject, "I heard that the college examination is about to begin. Does Mr. Dong know how many people in our county will end up this year?"