Hu raised his head and stood up in surprise, "Why are you all here!"

"Yo! This belly looks pregnant!" Jiang Ning immediately noticed Hu's belly.

Mrs. Hu smiled happily and said, "I have to thank you, otherwise I don't know if this child can be saved! Come in and sit down quickly."

Hu was busy greeting the guests. Jiang Ning took Yang Xiaoya to sit down. Yang Xiaoya's eyes were fascinated by Hu's embroidery, and she couldn't move her eyes when she stared at it.

Jiang Ning didn’t even notice. Mrs. Hu, who came out with tea, saw it first. She raised her eyebrows and smiled, "What? The little girl also likes embroidery?"

Jiang Ning patted Yang Xiaoya's head lovingly, "She likes to sew, but she doesn't know how to embroider, and no one at home can teach her."

Hu said immediately: "If you like it, I will teach you."

“Is it okay?” Yang Xiaoya raised her head suddenly, and the light bursting out of her eyes was completely irresistible.

Mrs. Hu nodded with a smile, "But my aunt doesn't know much. She can only teach you some superficial acupuncture techniques, but it's enough for ordinary business."

Jiang Ning asked curiously: "Do you sell your embroidered handkerchiefs for money?"

Mrs. Hu nodded slightly, "Yongliang is a salesman. He buys a solid-color handkerchief from the outside and sells it for two cents. If I embroider a flower on it, I can earn two cents more. If I embroider a few flowers, the price can rise even more. For a few cents, some women who are good at embroidery can embroider mandarin ducks and lotus flowers on a red handkerchief, so that a single handkerchief can be sold for twenty or thirty cents.

Of course, I am talking about ordinary embroidery workers. If they are embroiderers with superb skills, a handkerchief like this can be sold for more than 20 yuan, and a larger one can be sold for 80 or 90 yuan. They can also embroider it for rich ladies. For ready-made clothes, the labor cost alone can cost several hundred cents. If the pattern is more complicated, it can cost a few taels of silver. "

Yang Xiaoya's blood boiled when she heard this. She looked at Jiang Ning eagerly and prayed: "Auntie, can I learn embroidery from my aunt? I also want to make money on my own."

Jiang Ning helplessly held up her forehead, "Auntie, you're not short of food, you're short of clothes, how can you, a girl, fall into the eyes of money?"

Yang Xiaoya lowered her head in grievance, "The eldest brother, sister-in-law, and second brother can all earn their own money to support the family. The third brother and the fourth brother have also gone to school to pursue their futures. I am the only one eating at home."

Jiang Ning: "."

Liu Ye was afraid that Jiang Ning would be unhappy, so he hurriedly stepped forward to talk to Xi Ni, "Mommy, it would be nice if my little sister really likes embroidery. It is good for women to learn more skills. In the future, I can make my husband's family look up to her."

Mrs. Hu nodded in agreement, "Although women are said to obey their husbands when they get married, if we women have a solid foundation for our own lives, we can stand upright in our husband's family and have the confidence to speak. We don't have to be humble and petty in front of our parents-in-law all the time, let alone point out all the time. With men.”

Jiang Ning watched them singing in harmony, "I didn't say I disagreed, but you became anxious first. It's her fault that Mrs. An is willing to teach this child. I'm not happy yet. But Mrs. An is pregnant with Liujia now, so I can't teach her anymore." It’s too much trouble, can I wait until Mrs. An gives birth to her baby before sending her here?”

Everyone then remembered that Mrs. Hu was still pregnant with a child, and they all felt a little embarrassed.

Mrs. Hu laughed and said, "It doesn't matter, but I will definitely have more energy after I give birth. Little girl, let's wait a little longer!"

“Yeah.” Yang Xiaoya nodded wildly. She was very satisfied with the result.

After saying this, Jiang Ning mentioned Zhang’s request to Mrs. Hu. Mrs. Hu immediately went into the house and brought her some pieces of red material, including maroon, orange, bright red, and rose red, which were particularly beautiful. She selected the bright red one at a glance, "This one is good, suitable for wedding clothes, that rose red one is also good, it looks festive, and the maroon one, I want all three of them."

After ordering the materials, Jiang Ning bought some hemp paper and ink sticks from Mr. Hu, which cost more than a thousand yuan.

After leaving Hu's side, the three of them returned to the small courtyard. Liu Ye wanted to prepare things for the evening stall. Yang Xiaoya went to help. Jiang Ning looked at it for a while and thought: "It will get hot in a while. Will the stall be very hard?”

Sweat dripped down Liuye's hair, but she shook her head and smiled with satisfaction, "No!"

Jiang Ning paused and said thoughtfully: "You have saved a lot of money now. If you can, rent a shop in the town and open a restaurant. You can still sell the food as usual, and you can also sell some more things, such as barbecue."

“Barbecue?” Willow Ye’s head was filled with questions.

"You just use bamboo skewers to skewer meat, shrimp, fish, and vegetables, and grill them over charcoal fire. The most important thing is the seasoning. As long as the seasoning is good, you won't have to worry about losing business. And you can't have barbecue without wine. Counting the wine, you can earn a lot of money. There will be more.

The most important thing is that with a shop, you don’t have to worry about wind or rain when setting up a stall. Even if the weather is bad, the shop can still operate. Isn’t it more cost-effective than setting up a stall? "

Jiang Ning calculated an account for Liu Ye, and she was stunned. It took her a long time to come back to her senses, "Aniang, according to what you said, we really need to open a shop, but will the Flower Shopkeeper do it?" Not easy to explain?"

Jiang Ning shook his head, "You just replaced the stall with a shop, and the food you sell is the same. As for barbecue, this job is not suitable for you. You have to wait until you come back from work. It will not conflict with Linjiang Inn, and we mainly sell barbecue skewers now. He won’t have any objection if we don’t sell staple food for the time being.”

There are countless restaurants and stalls selling food in Songxi Town. As long as they don't open inns or restaurants, Shopkeeper Hua probably won't take them seriously.

Liu Ye breathed a sigh of relief and said excitedly: "Aniang, I'm going to go find Da Tou and discuss it with him."

"Don't be in a hurry, take your time, and you can also ask Mr. An for his opinion. He is much more business-savvy than you." Jiang Ning said.

Liuye calmed down and continued working.

That night, Jiang Ning took the opportunity to teach Yang Datou a new dish. The ingredients used were spring bamboo shoots produced in Qingfeng Mountain. When she dug the spring bamboo shoots, the system had already reported dozens of related dishes to her, and based on the taste and quality of the spring bamboo shoots, she , ranking those dishes, she chose the number one dish, stir-fried bacon with spring bamboo shoots.

The bacon was collected from Pingshan Valley. They can store meat in this way, but they don't know how to cook it. At that time, shopkeeper Hua also knew that it was not easy for them, so he collected some. Who knew that no one knew how to cook it, and the bacon was still thrown away? In the warehouse of Linjiang Inn, Yang Datou, as the master chef, had the obligation to turn these ingredients into treasures, so he brought some back to study, but he still had no clue after tinkering for a while.

Jiang Ning looked at the quality of the bacon and found that some of it was suitable for making this dish. He directly selected the bacon and left it to Yang Datou as well as how to handle the bacon.

After Yang Datou got started, he said excitedly: "Auntie, the shopkeeper will definitely praise you again after eating this dish tomorrow! Maybe he will give me a monthly salary increase if he is happy."

Every time it was like this, he could still think of Shopkeeper Hua’s expression when the time came.

Jiang Ning laughed happily.

Early the next morning, when she got up, Yang Datou and Liuye were already out at the stall. She quickly packed up, bought some food on the street, and rushed to Mapo with Yang Xiaoya.