Chapter 124: County magistrate prepares for rainy days

Chapter 124 The county magistrate prepares for a rainy day

Wu Changfeng only watched for a while and then hurried out of the county. He didn't even bother going home and went straight to Rongshu Village, asking about Jiang Ning's family along the way.

Jiang Ning had just sent his two young sons to Mapo. Before he could take a breath when he came back, he saw Wu Changfeng. Seeing that his expression was wrong, he quickly invited him into the yard.

Now that she was the only one at home, it was difficult to close the door, so she set up a table in the yard to entertain Wu Changfeng.

Wu Changfeng stared at the tea in front of him, frowning tightly, and asked: "Auntie, do you know that this year's county examination has been postponed? As soon as I came back, I ran into a group of official officials coming from Fucheng. They seemed to be looking for trouble. I didn't know that the county examination was postponed. What trouble did you cause?"

"An official from Fucheng? It's over, it's over." Jiang Ning was in a panic, gritting his teeth and rolling his eyes.

Seeing her like this, Wu Changfeng became more and more anxious, "Auntie knows? What exactly..."

“I don’t know!” Jiang Ning interrupted his inquiry, trying to conceal the truth.

Seeing Wu Changfeng still staring at him unblinkingly, Jiang Ning sighed, "These things have nothing to do with you, or ordinary people like us. The county magistrate is a good person, and good people will be rewarded. Don't you think so?" ?”

Wu Changfeng was stunned for a moment, and then nodded absently for a while.

Jiang Ning smiled and motioned for him to drink tea, "By the way, do you have any clues about what I asked you to inquire about?"

Wu Changfeng took a sip of saliva and his eyes brightened significantly, "It really does!"

At this moment, the village chief shouted anxiously from outside, "Big Tou motherfucker, it's not good! The county magistrate is going to be arrested!"

Jiang Ning and Wu Changfeng looked at each other and stood up together.

The village chief burst into the door, panting, "We went to the county government today to settle an account. We happened to see a group of officials entering the government office. As soon as they opened their mouth, they accused the county magistrate of secretly changing the county examination papers. The results of the county examination were Not to mention, the county magistrate is required to go to the city in person to explain to the prefect.

When I heard about it, I thought this was a big deal. The county magistrate would have to be replaced if he failed, but we could still continue the work of the county government! What do you think we should do? "

Jiang Ning quickly asked the village chief to sit down and poured him a glass of water. "Village Chief, are you sure the county magistrate has been arrested?"

The village chief was stunned for a moment, "Isn't this obvious? It has everything to do with the county examination! Why do you think the county magistrate would do such a thing if he is so good? There are so many scholars who have studied hard for many years just for this day. Now it’s okay, the consequences don’t count, the county magistrate can’t even explain it to those scholars!”

The village chief was extremely worried.

Jiang Ning suddenly ran out of ideas.

It was Wu Changfeng who was the first to say: "Auntie, why don't I go back and help you inquire about the news first? If something really happens to the county magistrate, the **** agency will have to make some new arrangements, so I will leave first. As for the things you asked me to inquire about, I can do it later. I’ll tell you more in detail.”

Jiang Ning glanced at the village chief and could only nod in agreement.

As soon as Wu Changfeng left, the village chief immediately asked: "That man is not from our village!" Jiang Ning was speechless, "Can't you tell? He is the son of my friend, who works in the **** agency. He just came back from outside and came here specially. "Village chief, we don't know what's going on at the county government, so it's better to keep it secret for now and wait until the news comes out before making plans."

The village chief sighed again, "You said that when the results of the county examination came out, the magistrate refused to admit it. If the county magistrate is gone, will the tax exemption he promised still count? Everyone is here this year. We are busy outside and have not taken care of the work in the fields. What will we do if the new county magistrate turns his back on us? "

After hearing this, Jiang Ning also became worried. In addition to planting rice in the paddy fields this year, her family has turned other fields into experimental fields. She has not even planted beans. If this tax is collected, she will get a lot of money.

Because of this incident, Jiang Ning rarely suffered from insomnia and had no intention of going into the mountains.

Fortunately, Wu Changfeng was very fast and came to the door again in just two days. Looking at his face, Jiang Ning hurriedly asked: "Good news or bad news?"

“Good news!” Wu Changfeng grinned.

Jiang Ning hurriedly called the sick village chief over and said to Wu Changfeng: "You don't know, our village chief has been sick in the past two days because he was too worried about the county magistrate! If you have any good news, tell us quickly. "

Wu Changfeng said quickly: "The person who came that day was Mr. Zhao Kuizhao, our fellow magistrate from Quzhou Prefecture. He came here for the county examination. It seems that the prefect received a report that our county magistrate secretly changed the county examination papers, and he was about to transfer them immediately. He was escorted to Fucheng for questioning.

Fortunately, a man appeared at the critical moment. I didn't find out what the man's name was. I only knew that he was a capital official in the past. Even the prefect had to sell him 30% of his noodles. Mr. Zhao had to listen to what the man said. He was the county official. The grandpa supported him, and Mr. Zhao had no choice but to do anything. However, the county grandpa took the initiative to follow Mr. Zhao to the capital to explain the reason. "

“You have said so much but you still haven’t said why the county magistrate wants to change the papers! What will we do if something happens to the county magistrate?” The village chief was anxious to death.

Wu Changfeng hurriedly reassured: "Don't worry, village chief. The reason has been spread now. It is said that the county magistrate has no experience in hosting the county examination for the first time, so he specially sent out several papers in advance and sent them to the academic administration.

After the academic review, the county magistrate selected one of them and sent it to the government office for approval. According to the imperial examination regulations of Qi State, the papers for the county examination only need to be approved by the examiner of the imperial examination at the higher level, so the backup papers prepared by the county magistrate The papers actually meet the requirements.

In order to avoid accidents, the county magistrate had people prepare three sets of papers, two of which were spare sets, and the one approved by the prefect for the examination. Who knew that the county magistrate checked before the exam and found that the seal of one box of papers had been tampered with due to time. Due to the urgency, he had to give up the first set of papers and choose the spare second set.

This time the county magistrate went to the prefectural city to ask the scholar to testify for him. After all, the circumstances are extenuating, and the prefect will not embarrass the county magistrate. Don't worry. "

Jiang Ning was still digesting the news, but the village chief breathed a sigh of relief and pulled off the gauze on his head, "As long as everything is okay, I will leave the village to find them now!"

“Village chief, you are still sick!” Jiang Ning hurriedly chased him out.

The village chief waved his hand, "What's wrong with you? Old man, I'm very fine! I can eat two big bowls of rice at once! You can go about your business! Don't pay attention to me!"

Jiang Ning watched helplessly as the village chief walked downhill in a hurry and left calmly. It took him a long time to look back and make sure there was no one outside. She hurriedly turned back to the yard and sat down in front of Wu Changfeng, "I didn't have time to say it last time. Things can be said now.”

Wu Changfeng looked at Jiang Ning with a somewhat complicated look, "This time when I go to the capital, I will hand over the bodyguard and ask about the Huang family as soon as possible. You also know that in the capital, if you throw a stone casually, you may hit something. He is an official, even a relative of the emperor. You said that Huang Shi was a censor, so I have been asking about this person. After fifteen or six years, it is difficult to find someone who can remember such a person! "

(End of this chapter)