“Auntie, it’s okay if everything is okay. At least she is still here!” Jiang Ning grabbed Li’s hand with his backhand, his eyes firm.

Yang Datou also advised: "Don't forget, our Rongshu Village does not have to pay taxes this year. It is much better than other villages. I came here all the way and saw people dead in other villages!"

He didn't dare to say it just now. They saw a lot of floating corpses along the way. Pan Xiuniang was not surprised. This was the first time he saw such a miserable situation in the world. He vomited twice on the way.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and Mrs. Li asked anxiously: "By the way! Your grandfather and the others are still outside to take care of the work! And your third uncle, your third uncle followed the village chief and the others to the Kang bed!"

Yang Datou subconsciously looked at Jiang Ning.

Jiang Ning reluctantly curled up his lips and said, "I heard that the village chief and his friends are currently living in the mountains. The terrain there is high. As long as there are no flash floods, the situation should be better than here.

As for Dad, Erdan and the others, they are still building a house in the county town. It is far away from the Wei River, and a heavy rain overnight should not flood them too much. "

Hearing this, everyone finally had a trace of color on their faces, and now someone's stomach growled.

Before Jiang Ning could say anything, Mrs. Liu turned around and said to everyone: "Nine times out of ten, the food saved by each household cannot be saved. Let's take the opportunity to wander around the mountains and dig some wild vegetables and fruits to satisfy our hunger until the water recedes."

It happened that the rain outside had become lighter again, but the mountains were full of trees. Although the rain was lighter, the dripping water was not small at all. Everyone didn't care about it. They just pulled a banana leaf over their heads and rushed out to find it. Food.

Children are left to the care of elderly people with limited mobility.

The floods began to recede on the second day, and only faded away completely at dusk. The entire Rongshu Village was in a mess, with yellow mud mixed with puddles. It was no longer possible to tell which was the ditch and which was the pit. All the weeds and wildflowers that were usually seen on the field ridges were gone. , the road signs are gone too, and everyone can’t even go back and take a look.

Fortunately, Yang Han finally brought the men back from the village. The women, old men and children trapped on Qingfeng Mountain cried with joy.

Old man Yang grabbed Li's hand fearfully and asked worriedly: "Is everyone okay?"

Ms. Li shook her head sadly, "Everyone is fine. The food at home and the crops in the field are probably gone! Yesterday Datou took a boat to check from house to house in the village. He watched a house collapse before his eyes. He said we can't go back."

Old man Yang immediately looked at Yang Datou.

Yang Datou looked solemn, "Grandpa, the houses in the village are not strong. This time the flood came from the Wei River. What's more important is that the hail and strong wind destroyed the roof. The house was soaked inside and outside, and the adobe was soft." Yes, a few hard kicks can leave footprints. Don’t go back for now, and even if you go back, don’t stay in the house for too long. I have to leave first if there is still room in the inn. If you have anything, you can discuss it with my mother-in-law.”

Old man Yang knew that his eldest grandson was busy, so he nodded immediately and reluctantly watched him leave.

The village chief carefully counted the population and found that there were indeed no casualties. He was finally relieved. After discussing it with everyone, he decided to go home and have a look. At least he wanted to know the extent of the damage to his home. In addition, the money hidden in each household was also known. They have to take it out, that's all they have.

Some men set up tents at the foot of Qingfeng Mountain to cope with the situation for two days until the weather clears up.

Compared with the orderliness of Rongshu Village, other villages are simply a mess.

In the county government office, Dong Ze was pacing back and forth sweating profusely. Gao Yong hurriedly entered the door and said: "Master Dong, there are all the village chiefs outside. Yesterday there were only three or five, but today there are more than a dozen people here. Hurry and get it." Come up with an idea!”

"The county magistrate is not here, what idea can I make!" Dong Ze was extremely anxious, "I don't know when the master will come back!" Gao Yong clenched his fists angrily, "It's all those villains' fault! If it weren't for their county magistrate, he wouldn't have to leave. This trip!”

Dong Ze sneered and said: "What are you afraid of! This time the Wei River breaks its embankment, our Ping'an County is not the only one to be in trouble. I want to see how long those moths in Fucheng can keep up with the county magistrate!"

As soon as he finished speaking, it was said that Cao Cao had arrived. Dong Ze and Gao Yong were both shocked, "Sir! You are back!"

Xie Yucheng was helped by them to sit down, with a serious look on his face, "I saw village chiefs from various villages outside the county government office. Why not let them in?"

Gao Yong glanced at Dong Ze, his face darkened, "You are not here, Xu County Lieutenant is in charge, he will not let his subordinates let people in. Originally, Xu County Lieutenant wanted his subordinates to drive them away, but the subordinates couldn't bear it, so they let them Wait first.”

Dong Ze clenched his fist angrily, "Sir, it seems that Xu Dongming doesn't want to pretend anymore. By openly opposing you, does he think you can't come back?"

"Yes, sir! What did the prefect say?" Gao Yong asked eagerly.

Xie Yucheng sneered and said: "With the support of the Academic Affairs Master and the testimony of several academicians, what can the Master do if he is unwilling to give in? Because there is nothing he can do to me, he just keeps wasting it. Who knows that even God can't stand it? The Wei River burst its banks at this time. I heard that five counties in Quzhou Prefecture were affected by the disaster. If he won't let me back, who will be responsible for what happens in Ping'an County? "

“Shameless!” Dong Ze gritted his teeth and cursed angrily.

Xie Yucheng sighed, "Although it is a bit dangerous this time, fortunately I know who is involved behind the scenes, so I can take more precautions in the future."

"Sir, you have offended the prefect this time. I wonder if he will give you small shoes?" Dong Ze was worried.

Xie Yucheng was calm, "What are you afraid of! The bursting of the Wei River's embankment is a major event, and it happened before the college examination. Even if the magistrate wants to hide it and the academic administration doesn't agree, he will definitely report to the court. In addition to sending officials to provide disaster relief, the court will At the same time, we will send people down to investigate. If it was an accident, it would be better, but if it was man-made, it would be better."

“Salary?” Dong Ze and Gao Yong looked at each other and couldn't say a word for a long time.

Xie Yucheng waved his hand and said nothing more. He and Dong Ze ordered: "Invite the village chiefs to come in, count the losses in each village, and report them when the time comes."

Dong Ze and Gao Yong rushed to do it.

Xu Dongming arrived belatedly at this moment. As soon as he entered the door, he looked guilty and worried, "Sir! You are finally back! I can finally feel at ease!"

“Xu County Lieutenant, I heard that you stopped the village chiefs from coming in?” Xie Yucheng did not answer.

Xu Dongming looked a little embarrassed, but quickly regained his composure, "Sir, I was also afraid that they would cause trouble. Without you, I didn't dare to make decisions at will, so I had to let Capt. Gao temporarily persuade them to leave. Maybe Capt. Gao had a misunderstanding. If you understand what Xiaguan wants, Xiaguan will go out and make amends with them."

"Forget it! Go back! Oh, by the way, the county examination results will be retained and are still valid. Remember to notify them." Xie Yucheng said unhurriedly.

 Xie Yucheng knew this was the result as early as when he came back safe and sound, but he was still unwilling to accept it and his smile was so fake.