Chapter 135 The college examination is postponed

Qian walked in and sneered twice, "Now the land and house deeds are in the hands of the Tianjia Village chief. Didn't you go back last time? People said that if you want to see a person in life, you will see a corpse in death. If you can't see anything, he is If you don’t recognize it, what can you do?”

Ms. Tian bit her lip angrily, "I've done so much not just for this family! If you don't help me find a solution, you're making sarcastic remarks!"

Qian came in and said angrily: "If you hadn't been too anxious and drove Mr. Huang to death, we wouldn't have to be so passive now! So what if we get the test questions now? Awen said it himself, he was unsure. "

Although he was jealous, Qian Jinmen had to admit Tian Feng's excellence.

Mrs. Tian couldn't hear such words, and her voice became shrill in vain, "Who is he? He is just a slave son, he is worthy to be compared with my son! The college examination is inherently more difficult than the county examination, but that little **** is here There’s no guarantee that I can answer better than Awen!”

Seeing how stubborn Tian was, Qian walked in and shook his head. He stopped talking nonsense to her, got up and went to Qian Wen's bedroom.

Qian Wen asked anxiously: "Dad, is there any news?"

Qian walked in and sighed, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I'll go find out more."

Qian Wen firmly grabbed Qian Jin's hand and said, "Dad, no matter what, I will pass the exam this time. When I leave Quzhou Prefecture, you must help me!"

Qian walked in with a forced smile. How could it be so easy to leave Quzhou Mansion? Money and connections are both indispensable. Their family is almost out of trouble now. They have borrowed everything their relatives can borrow. How can there be any extra money? He asked Qian Wen to go on a long trip, but he couldn't say such things. The family would be in a state of panic when he mentioned it.

In case Qian Wen didn't take the test this time, everyone had to rely on him. Qian's entrance to the door was under pressure, so worried about what to do.

In the blink of an eye, three days later, there was finally news about the college examination, but this news was really a bolt from the blue for Qian Wen.

"Impossible! It's okay to postpone the county examination. It's a college examination. How can it be postponed at will? This has never happened before, I don't believe it!" Qian Wen went crazy and smashed things in the house.

Mrs. Tian wiped her tears and urged, "I know you feel uncomfortable, but this is the emperor's decision, and no one can do anything about it!"

The imperial edict arrived two days ago and was only reached to them today.

Qian Wen opened his bloodshot eyes and glared at Tian with resentment, "Then what should I do? What should I do? It was you who said that I could definitely be a scholar and honor my ancestors. I have been listening to you all these years. I can't go out to play, can't hang out with people in the village, and I have to pretend to make everyone think that I am a talent. I have done everything you said. Now you say that I can't be a scholar, and I don't listen! In the academy examination, I will be a scholar!"

Tian covered her mouth and cried bitterly, "Awen! Aniang also wants you to become a scholar immediately, but the impact of the Weijiang bursting is so great that even the prefect can't do anything about it. The emperor refuses to start the exam, and we ordinary people have no choice. What can you do? How about you continue to study at Gao Xiucai’s place? It’s definitely possible for my mother and your father to come to Gao Xiucai’s house to ask for help.”

"Go back? What are you going back for? Are you going back to let someone expose me? If you hadn't lost that bitch, I wouldn't have been so miserable. If you hadn't made trouble outside, Tang Xiucai wouldn't have hated me! It's all! It's all you who caused this!" Qian Wen scolded angrily, looking at Tian not like his biological mother, but like an enemy.

Ms. Tian cried so hard that she couldn't help herself.

Chen came in and followed Qian Wen to accuse Tian, ​​"My grandson is right! It's all because of you. If Huang was still alive, Tian Feng would definitely stay in our house and work as a cow and horse for Awen. Now, Everything was ruined by you! Shameless thing!"

Mrs. Gao leaned on the door frame and said sarcastically, "Sister-in-law, you are really going too far! No matter what Mrs. Huang said, she is your sister-in-law. She is dying of illness. She can't live long in the first place. You just can't wait any longer. He was driven to death, now it’s okay, Tian Feng has run away! If he doesn’t run away, we don’t have to worry about how long the trial will be delayed!”

Gao's words suddenly stirred up a hornet's nest. All the men were aroused and looked at Tian with a very strange look. Mrs. Tian's face turned pale, knowing that her son would hate her if she didn't do something. She immediately stood up and said, "I will go back to my parents' house to find someone for help. Even if I can't find Tian Feng, I will definitely find someone who is capable."

She spoke cryptically, but Qian Wen understood it, and his anger finally calmed down a lot.

Tian went straight to the county government dungeon as soon as he went out. As soon as he saw Lao Tian, ​​he said anxiously: "You should think of a solution quickly. Awen knew that after the trial was postponed, everything was wrong with him. He looked at me as if he were an enemy. Yes, I know what he is afraid of. It’s just that there is no one to help him with the questions. He feels unsure. If we can find another person to help him with the questions, he will definitely return to his previous gentle self. "

Lao Tian was not having an easy time in the dungeon during this time. Gao Yong asked the jailer to give him a cold shoulder. Although he was not tortured, his food and clothing were worse than others. After a while, he had aged more than ten years.

He thought Mr. Tian was here to care about him, but he didn't expect that he was here to ask for help.

Lao Tian was lying in his heart when he said he wasn't disappointed, but it was about their son and he couldn't ignore it. "Let me think about it."

Tian lowered his voice and said, "In my opinion, the most talented people in our county are the scholars. They have passed the college examination. If we can let them answer the questions for Awen, the matter will be settled!"

“Are you crazy?” Lao Tian looked at Ms. Tian in horror.

Tian Shi was about to cry, "I have no choice! If we don't find someone with real abilities, the child will definitely not feel at ease! We only have such a precious son, are you willing to let him be tortured crazy by the hospital examination?"

Lao Tian has already taken in Tian’s words, “Let me think about it, did you say when the college examination will be postponed?”

Tian shook his head and said, "We won't know until the imperial envoy comes. Everyone is waiting for the news. Maybe it will be ten days and a half, maybe two or three months, or until the beginning of next spring."

"It's impossible to postpone it for so long!" Lao Tian thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said, "I can go out when the imperial envoy arrives. If I still can't go out by then, just ask the smelly head to see me. He knows what to do."

After hearing what Lao Tian said, Mr. Tian finally felt at ease and left with satisfaction.

After returning home, she secretly told Qian Wen the news. Qian Wen finally had a smile on his face, and even pretended to apologize to Mr. Tian.

Tian was very useful.

The Qian family saw Qian Wen's attitude towards Tian changed drastically, and they thought that Tian must have found a great person, and his attitude towards her was much better now.

Whether it is the county examination or the hospital examination, these things have nothing to do with the villagers of Rongshu Village. What everyone cares about most now is making money, food and houses. A group of old, weak, sick and disabled people gather together, just like ants building a nest. Build up your house bit by bit.

The village chief's family originally built only a row of four new houses. After the men left, Liu and her children worked a little bit every day, and it took them two months to build the main room and kitchen.

(End of this chapter)