Old man Yang nodded slightly, "I will ask the third child later to see how much he can take out, and I will make up for it here, so that the old man and the second child will not have any objections."

When mentioning Yang Lao Er, Old Yang paused and said, "How is Lao Er doing over there?"

Li let out a breath and said, "Just like that, most of the work in the fields is done by Da Ya Er Ya. He works hard in the workshop breaking adobes every day. Now he can earn about forty cash a day, which is about the same this year. After saving twelve taels of silver, he was rich and capable, earning seven or eight cents a day. This year, he also saved more than two taels. The family of four was reluctant to spend money and refused to buy anything. They only ate wild vegetables, but they had more money than Qian. It’s much more comfortable when I’m here.”

"Isn't this great! What are you worried about?" Old Yang's brows relaxed instantly.

Mrs. Li glared at him and said, "What a good thing! The second brother divorced when he was only a few years old! If he had good legs and feet, he wouldn't worry about marrying again, but his legs and feet are like that. Even the widow can't look down on him. Do you think I can?" Are you worried?"

“I’ll go over there and have a look in a while!” Old Man Yang sighed with emotion and stood up.

Yang Datou's voice came from outside, "Grandpa, grandma, are you at home?"

The old couple ran out quickly.

“Ouch! My eldest grandson is back!” Mrs. Li was overjoyed.

Yang Datou put down the things and scratched his head guiltily, "Grandma, I've been back for two days. There are a lot of things at home, so I went to my in-law's house to deliver New Year's gifts. I didn't come here until now. Here are the pastries made by my grandma. , a carp weighing three kilograms, four crucian carp weighing more than a kilogram, and some river shrimps. I know you don’t know how to handle sea oysters, so I simply made two oyster omelets for you at home, and a bag of oyster cakes. This is what I Auntie has prepared new clothes for you.”

As he spoke, Yang Datou took out another 800 Wen and gave them to them, "These were given by my mother-in-law. She said that they were agreed according to the division of the family. In addition, I added another 200 Wen to make up a thousand Wen, which is considered as a grandchild." Honor you!"

Mrs. Li was surprised and happy, laughing so hard that she couldn't see her eyes. "My eldest grandson is interested. You can take the money with you. Your grandpa has also made a lot this year. Grandma also wants to give you each a big red envelope! By the way." , why did you catch so many crucian carp this year?”

Yang Datou put the things in the kitchen house and took the money into the old couple's house. Then he said: "Ye Zi is pregnant. Everyone said that crucian carp nourishes the body, so I asked Aunt Pan to keep it for me. Aunt Pan was fishing during this period. Whenever she caught crucian carp, she would keep it at home first. She saved dozens of them. This time, she even gave Erdan as a gift during the Chinese New Year. There were so many at home that she couldn’t eat them all. She said that my grandpa and grandma I have to make up for it after a year of hard work, so I got these.”

Old man Yang looked at these things and said thoughtfully: "Would you like to ask your mother-in-law and the others to come over here for dinner tonight?"

“Yes, yes, yes, there are other people over there, please call over.” Li said quickly.

Yang Datou felt like a mirror in his heart and said with a smile: "Grandpa and grandma, you can just follow the arrangements. Our family will not come over. The road is not easy to walk at night, and it is not very convenient for Ye Zi to be pregnant. I also Don’t worry, secondly, it’s too cold, and the east side of the village is still some distance away! We’ll come back to pay New Year’s greetings tomorrow morning!”

“This” Li was a little hesitant.

Yang Datou nodded to her reassuringly, "My grandson knows what grandma is worried about. Although I don't like their family, they are also your sons and grandsons. It's strange that you don't care. You and grandpa can come wherever they want." Don’t worry about us.”

Seeing how relieved and magnanimous he was, Mrs. Li was filled with emotions.

Yang Datou came out of the old house, the corner of his mouth raised slightly. Now the situation of their family is far behind the people in the village, and it will only get better in the future. Those people and things that he once struggled with and couldn't let go of now seem like a joke. Just the same, it's not worth worrying about at all.

After Yang Datou left, Old Man Yang looked at things and said to Mrs. Li, "Do you want the second son's family to come over and sit around the fire at night?" Li Shi remembered what Yang Datou said and sighed, "Forget it, you bring Give them something to eat at home!”

After the Weijiang River burst its embankment, their houses were demolished and rebuilt together. Now they have built two bedrooms, a main room and a stove room, leaving no extra room for people.

Yang Lao's legs are weak. He comes from the west of the village and back again at night, and has to take his three children with him. It is better to let them stay at home.

Old Man Yang took the New Year's gifts prepared by Mr. Li to the west of the village. When he walked into Mr. Yang's house, he was surprised to find that all the dilapidated adobe houses and thatched sheds were gone, replaced by a row of three tile-roofed houses, with a There is a bedroom on each side of the main room, and a stove house next to it. Next to the stove house is a woodshed, which means that the woodshed does not have floor tiles. The other rooms have floor tiles, and the main house and bedrooms have plastered walls.

Yang Laoer saw him and quickly let him into the house, then limped to the stove to pour him hot water.

Old man Yang looked at the house and nodded with satisfaction, "You did it all yourself?"

Yang Laoer shook his head, "I don't have this ability. The village chief asked someone to help build the main room and a bedroom. I will slowly build the other rooms myself. Auntie asked someone to do the roofing. Now I still owe my sister-in-law money for materials. My mother-in-law said that it will be deducted directly from my salary after the Chinese New Year. It’s not a lot, and it will be enough for half a year.”

Old Man Yang looked around again and gave Yang Lao Er a couple of dollars, "Don't refuse in a hurry. Your mother-in-law has already said that although saving is good, you can't save everything. It's almost the Chinese New Year and I didn't give it." Get some decent clothes for yourself and your children! If you need to buy new bedding at home, buy new ones! No wonder your mother is worried about your marriage!"

Old man Yang shook his head repeatedly, "No woman like this can live a decent life!"

"Grandpa, I don't agree!" Yang Daya walked in carrying a baggage and looked at Old Man Yang with burning eyes.

Old man Yang raised his eyebrows in surprise, "What's wrong? What did I say that you don't agree with?"

Yang Daya took a deep breath and said in a muffled voice, "When my mother-in-law was here, there were women around my father. Life was so chaotic that we couldn't even save a penny. Our family couldn't even eat something delicious." It’s difficult, without my mother-in-law, our life has become a lot cleaner, and we are slowly getting better.

I can take care of things at home, whether it’s working in the fields or sewing and mending, I can do it! "

As he spoke, Yang Daya opened the bag and took out a new set of clothes and unfolded them, "Erya and I made these for my father. My mother doesn't know how to make clothes, and she doesn't care about us. We don't know anything. It's Ah. Auntie Nai and Xiaoya taught us.”

Yang Erya then came in and nodded vigorously, "In addition to my father's, we also made some for my grandpa and grandma, but we are not good at needlework, so the ones we made are not so pretty."

Yang Erya looked a little embarrassed.

Yang Laoer was so moved that his eyes became wet, and it took him a long time to ask dryly: "Where did you get the money to buy the materials?"

"We asked the aunt for help. The materials she bought were cheaper and thicker than those bought in the town. We helped the aunt with the work, and the aunt kept accounts for us." Yang Erya explained everything in detail. .

Yang Laoer's expression changed drastically, "I asked you to help with the work as a favor, but why did you still keep the accounts?"