Xu Chun nodded firmly.

Jiang Ning was so frightened that he almost cried, "Master Xu! Look at my house, it's not even comparable to an inn in the town. Isn't it wrong to let the emperor live in my house?"

"Hey! Madam Jiang is too modest. You don't know that the emperor paid a private visit without telling anyone. He followed us all the way and even lived in the wilderness. If you ask me, your house is much better than the wilderness. !" Xu Chun stroked his beard with satisfaction.

Jiang Ning’s mouth twitched fiercely, wondering whether she was praising her house or hurting her house.

Huang Zhengyang asked worriedly: "Where is the Emperor? Aren't I following you?"

Xu Chun was speechless, "There was a big market in Dashan Town today. The emperor was attracted by the world of flowers and insisted on staying there to watch the fun. He also said that the people I led were too conspicuous and affected the people's business, so they drove us here. "

“You, you, you, you are really good!” Huang Zhengyang pointed at Xu Chun. He was so angry that he didn’t know what to say. He got up and was about to go to town.

As soon as the person ran to the door, he saw a carriage coming slowly down the slope.

 Huang Zhengyang took a closer look and hurriedly ran down the **** to salute, "I am here to see you, Your Majesty. Long live Your Majesty. Long live Your Majesty."

"Huang Aiqing is excused!" The emperor got out of the carriage with the help of his entourage and said: "I am paying a private visit incognito. Remember to call me Mr. Huang. Don't call me by mistake. How is your injury?"

“It’s all right!” Huang Zhengyang made a gesture of invitation and led the emperor up.

As soon as the emperor entered the courtyard, Xu Chun and others immediately saluted, and Jiang Ning also knelt down.

The emperor looked at Jiang Ning and said, "Are you the Jiang family who discovered the taro?"

“A common woman pays homage to the emperor, may the emperor be blessed and safe.” Jiang Ning’s heart almost jumped into his throat, and he was so nervous that he couldn’t move his head.

The emperor chuckled, "Get up! Remember to call me Mr. Huang, don't call me by mistake!"

Jiang Ning was stunned for a moment before quickly agreeing.

When she got up, the emperor asked: "I heard that Mrs. Jiang is a good cook. What can I eat? I'm hungry!"

Jiang Ning asked hurriedly: "Master, do you have any taboos?"

Dekang, the **** beside the emperor, stepped forward and whispered: "Young Master will not eat anything that is too hard, too soft, too sweet, too salty, too hot, too cold, or too dry."

Jiang Ning blinked his eyes and said weakly: "Can you just tell me the name of the dish?"

 Dekang looked at her in surprise, "Old slave just tell me the name of the dish, can Mrs. Jiang cook it?"

“As long as the ingredients you have at home are fine.” Jiang Ning is quite confident about this.

Dekang immediately followed her to the kitchen, looked around, and ordered a kung pao chicken, fish-flavored shredded pork, and stir-fried vegetables.

Jiang Ning started cooking immediately. The rice was steamed first. There was a lot of new rice left. It was enough to entertain the emperor. There were many bamboo shoots at home. Then he made spring bamboo shoots and stir-fried bacon for the emperor. The thin slices would not be too big. hard.

In order to make the emperor eat happily, she also prepared oyster sauce, pepper, salt and other seasonings from the system.

Dekang was waiting at the door and glanced at Jiang Ning who was cooking from time to time. The more he looked at it, the more shocked he became.

The three people talking in the yard smelled the fragrance wafting from the kitchen, and they were all a little absent-minded. They simply didn't speak and just waited for their meal. After the meals were served, Dekang tried them all, his eyes always unconsciously glancing at the fried bacon with spring bamboo shoots.

The first bite the emperor took down his chopsticks was fried bacon with spring bamboo shoots. After taking one bite, he nodded repeatedly, "Not bad, not bad! Madam Jiang, what kind of meat is this? It's different from what I, my young master, ate before."

“I would like to inform Mr. Huang that this is bacon, which is cured by the villagers of Pingshan Valley.” Jiang Ning then explained the situation in Pingshan Valley.

The emperor felt a little unhappy when he heard that the place was so poor. He immediately told Dekang: "I think this dish is very good. I will send someone to Pingshangou to buy all the bacon."

Hearing this, Jiang Ning almost broke out in cold sweat and said hurriedly: "Master Huang, after all, bacon is meat that has been stored for a long time. There are many dirty things on the outside. People who don't know how to cook can't handle it, so they don't dare to cook it casually."

Huang Zhengyang was afraid that the emperor would be unhappy, so he hurriedly said: "Sir, I have lived here for a while and often eat this dish. It tastes good! Mrs. Jiang handled it very cleanly, there is absolutely no problem!"

The emperor glanced at Huang Zhengyang in a funny way and said, "Is the food so good that I won't be able to eat it? Okay! Since ordinary people can't get it, I won't buy it. During this time, Mrs. Jiang can make more for me."

The emperor then tasted several other dishes and was full of praise for Jiang Ning's craftsmanship. He even had the idea of ​​taking her back to the capital to cook.

Xu Chun advised from the side: "Your Majesty, don't forget that you are a wise king! Mrs. Jiang is a widowed woman. Her grandson is about to be born, but she can't leave her homeland!"

The emperor coughed twice in embarrassment and stopped mentioning the matter. He turned to look at Huang Zhengyang seriously, "Tell me what happened when you were assassinated?"

Huang Zhengyang looked solemn and lowered his voice: "They are from Yinfeng Village. If Xiao Xiao was not assassinated this time, he would not have known that the Quzhou prefect had already colluded with the bandits and was colluding with them."

“How are you sure?” The emperor became serious, and the aura around him made him breathless.

"Young man has secretly investigated and arrested the second master of Yinfeng Village. The young master can interrogate him personally. As for the imperial examination fraud case, one of the victims is here, and the young master can also meet him." Huang Zhengyang looked at Tian Feng and encouraged him to stand. come out.

Tian Feng lowered his head and knelt down with a plop. He first reported his life experience and then how Qian Wen got the title of Tongsheng.

The emperor's face is no longer ugly and can't be described as ugly.

"Does the magistrate of Ping'an County know about this?" The emperor squeezed out each word through his teeth, obviously angry.

Huang Zhengyang nodded, "Ping'an County Magistrate Xie Yucheng received the news in advance, but he had no evidence, so he made a dangerous move in the county test last year and tricked the prefect Jia Pengju, and he was almost arrested by Jia Pengju. Fortunately, academician Zhong Bohan came forward in time. Keep him."

“In other words, Xie Yucheng was not involved in imperial examination fraud?”

Huang Zhengyang nodded again.

The emperor's face finally looked better, "Go! Bring me Qian Wen from the Qian family!"

“Absolutely not!” Huang Zhengyang and Jiang Ning said in unison.

The emperor looked at Jiang Ning in surprise, "What is Mrs. Jiang's opinion?"

Jiang Ning's heart shivered and he knelt down quickly, "Your Majesty, the peasant women don't have any high opinions. It's just that the peasant women are locals and know some things. People in Qianjiazhuang pointed to Qian Wenzhong as a scholar, so that the land could be put under Qian Wen's name. Tax-free, even if they know that Qian Wen's family is not a thing, they will protect it. If you send someone to get Qian Wen, firstly, they will be blocked by the people from Qianjiazhuang. Secondly, if the news leaks, what if the prefect receives the news in advance? If he ran away, he would even dare to kill the imperial envoy if his plans were revealed. What else could he not dare to do?

The emperor is the king of a country and must not be involved in danger! "

The emperor did not expect that a commoner woman could say such a great truth, and the anger in his chest calmed down a little, "Then what should I do in your opinion?"