Yang Santie ran around and counted, and found that there were eight small courtyards in the second courtyard. Each small courtyard had four rooms. All of them could be turned into bedrooms for residents, or they could be turned into two bedrooms and two studies. .

This time, in addition to Xu Nuoshan's family, Yang Erdan also came with Hua Yongnian and his book boy, Gong Haining, his two attendants and two other boys, each of whom also brought two family members. They live in five small courtyards respectively without disturbing each other. The conditions are much better than those in an inn.

Everyone was overjoyed. Brother Yang Santie's eyes were full of gratitude and they thanked him repeatedly.

Mrs. Zhou found Yang Erdan and said, "I would like to find out where I can buy some vegetables and meat. We are cooking for ourselves these days. If the two young masters don't mind, we can come over and eat together."

Yang Erdan looked at the others and frowned, "As far as I know, there is only one kitchen. There are three big pots. If you want to cook, you have to take turns. There are vegetables on the farm, and there is also a fish pond. You have to go in to buy meat. city."

When Mrs. Zhou heard that there was fish, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Fish is good! As long as there is fish! My children have been eating fish since they were young! As for cooking, it's just a matter of turns, and it won't be short of that time anyway."

Everyone nodded in unison.

Yang Erdan's brows relaxed, "Okay! Then I'll go find Butler Zhu and tell him that if you need anything, you can go to Zhu San. He often visits Zhuangzi, and he's the one you just met."

After explaining the matter, Yang Erdan and Yang Santie returned to the house and began to think about a few things about their visit this time. First of all, there was nothing wrong with the people in Zhuangzi, especially Butler Zhu, who was thoughtful and loyal. There was no slave boss. Things that deceive the Lord.

The second is the house to live in. There are two big houses, and their family can't live in them all. According to Aniang's wish, Xiyuan can be turned into a private hotel to specially entertain wealthy guests. An inn can be built at the entrance of Zhuangzi, which is the entrance to Fucheng. There is no need to worry about running out of business if you build an inn, but this matter still needs to be discussed carefully with Butler Zhu.

The third one is the profit from the land. It seems that there is no problem at the moment. The fish pond will start catching fish tomorrow. If there is a harvest, we have to find a way to do it.

The last thing was the rice paper that Yang Santie brought. He had never done business and didn’t know where to find a buyer, but it gave him a headache.

“Lao San, what do you think we should do?” Yang Erdan looked at Yang Santie.

Yang Santie was not in a hurry at all, and just muttered mysteriously: "Tomorrow, Brother Xu and the others are going to the city to visit Mr. Ming at Quzhou Academy. Mr. Ming gave me the letter of introduction. I have to take them there. When they get there, I'll act according to my circumstances, second brother, you don't have to worry about my affairs, you just have to do what I told you."

Yang Erdan knew that he already had an idea when he saw him like that, so he reminded him: "Just don't cause any trouble. I will discuss with Butler Zhu about repairing the inn tomorrow."

Early the next morning, Yang Erdan got up and went to see Butler Zhu as soon as possible to convey Jiang Ning's wishes.

Butler Zhu did not dare to neglect, and immediately took Yang Erdan to the entrance of Zhuangzi to check. The entrance of Zhuangzi was on the edge of the official road, with wasteland on both sides, overgrown with weeds. This wasteland and the fields belonged to Zhuangzi, but no one was there. Just make sense.

Butler Zhu made some gestures and said: "Second Young Master, if you want to build an inn, you need to have a lobby, a kitchen, a courtyard, a guest room, a warehouse, and a stable. At least two to three acres of wasteland will be used."

“There are more than three acres of wasteland here.” Yang Erdan said visually.

Butler Zhu nodded repeatedly, "That's true. When the little one arrived at Zhuangzi, he was measured. This wasteland is actually very large. The main reason is that it is not in a good shape. It is long and scattered. It is eight acres in total."

“That’s enough! Butler Zhu, does he know how much it costs to build an inn?”

Butler Zhu frowned, "You have to go to the city and ask a mason to find out about this kind of thing. The inn is no more expensive than an ordinary house, so it will probably be more expensive."

Yang Erdan fell into deep thought.

“Second brother, what are you talking about?” Yang Santie and his group came from a distance and kept waving to Yang Erdan, followed by Mrs. Zhou and others.

Yang Erdan looked puzzled, "You are all going to Quzhou Academy?"

Yang Santie nodded excitedly, "Let's go to the academy. Madam and the others go to the city for a walk. It's a rare trip. It would be a pity not to go to the city for a walk!"     "Go, go early and come back early." Yang Erdan smiled, He turned around and continued to discuss with Butler Zhu.

A woman next to Mrs. Zhou asked curiously: "Young Master Yang looks young, but he is so steady in his work. I wonder how old he is?"

“My second brother is fifteen this year, so he is really not that old.” Yang Santie was carefree and spoke unscrupulously.

The woman immediately asked: "You can get married at fifteen!"

Yang Santie shook his head, "It's still early! Brother Xu and the others haven't gotten married yet after their fifteenth birthday!"

"This is different!" the woman retorted subconsciously, "You are scholars. If you can pass the examination, you will definitely be able to marry a better girl. Isn't your second brother not studying?"

Yang Santie frowned, "So what if he didn't go to school! With my family's current conditions, he doesn't have to worry about not being able to marry a woman. It doesn't matter if he waits for a few more years."

Seeing that Yang Santie was unhappy, the woman immediately shut up. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Xu Nuoyan walking beside Mrs. Zhou, and immediately changed the subject, "How old is your girl?"

Mrs. Zhou didn't like this man, so she pretended not to hear anything and said to Xu Nuoshan: "After we enter the city later, your sister and I will go to the shop to see if we can get any work. Let's meet at the city gate."

Xu Nuoshan said thoughtfully: "Auntie, I guess it won't be that early. You can also go back by yourself in a bullock cart without saving the two cents."

The woman curled her lips and said with disdain: "This is a capital city, not our small place, and I still want to ride in an ox cart for two cents!"

Xu Nuoshan's face turned red.

Gong Haining immediately said: "Brother Xu, if you are worried about them, you can ask them to go to Yongtai Restaurant to find the shopkeeper, and ask the shopkeeper to arrange an ox cart to send them back."

“How can this be so embarrassing?” Xu Nuoshan declined politely.

Gong Haining said very calmly: "Yongtai Restaurant has to deliver a batch of wine to the winery outside the city every morning and evening. The winery is not far from the village where we live, so it is a convenient way."

Yang Santie asked: "Is Yongtai Restaurant the property of Brother Gong's family?"

Gong Haining nodded slightly.

Yang Santie tilted his head in confusion, "Then why does Brother Gong live in my village instead of his own restaurant?"

Gong Haining sighed sadly, looking aggrieved, "Brother Changsong, everything about my restaurant is good, but... it's just a restaurant! A place to drink and have fun. I came to Fucheng to pursue my future. Living in a place like that will only mess with my mind." , It’s inappropriate, it’s really inappropriate!”

“Ah? Then your family has no other properties in Fucheng?” Yang Santie continued to ask.

Gong Haining smiled bitterly, "Yes! But I don't like it. I won't be as comfortable as staying with you over there!"

“This is the real reason!” Yang Santie complained.

making everyone laugh.

The woman was interrupted, and even if she wanted to continue to bury Xunuoshan, she had no chance.