Catch big fish in a net bag and put it in a bamboo basket. Even the big fish and the small fish can't even think of running away.

Everyone was having so much fun that they completely forgot about time. By the time they had almost caught all the fish, it was almost getting dark.

Yang Santie looked at Yang Erdan excitedly, "Second brother, how was the harvest today?"

“Not bad! It’s estimated to be more than six thousand kilograms.” Yang Erdan reported a conservative amount.

There was a gasping sound all around.

“So many! This fish pond is almost two acres, how do you raise it?” Hua Yongnian was shocked.

Yang Erdan shook his head, "I don't know. It may have been left unattended for too long. The fish are very big and the species are quite diverse. Thank you for your hard work today. I will ask Butler Zhu to send some to you later so you can raise them."

Steward Zhu immediately had several large tanks moved to Xiyuan.

When Mrs. Zhou and Xu Nuoyan were confused, Xu Nuoshan came back and brought seven or eight big fish weighing four to five kilograms.

“Is this what was caught in the fish pond today?” Mrs. Zhou’s eyes widened.

Xu Nuoshan smiled and said, "Auntie, is it bigger than the fish you caught in Weijiang River?"

Madam Zhou nodded repeatedly, "There are also big fish in Weijiang, the largest ones weighing thirty-four pounds. My mother is incapable of catching them, but the fish in this fish pond are really big! Master Yang doesn't keep them for sale. Why did you give us so much!”

Xu Nuoshan muttered: "There are more than six thousand kilograms of fish in the fish pond. If this is enough, everyone who participated in catching the fish will share it."

Madam Zhou was overjoyed, "I still wanted to spend money on it, but now I can save money! By the way, I have good news for you. Your sister's craftsmanship has been spotted by the shopkeeper of Zhenbao Pavilion, and she can go work there starting tomorrow. I'll take care of you at home, let's save some money, and maybe we can save some more money."

She never thought she could still make money before going out, and the current situation was completely beyond her expectation.

Xu Nuoshan was a little worried, "Is it safe for my little sister to go into the city by herself?"

Xu Nuoyan nodded slightly, "I asked Butler Zhu today. He said that there are ox carts from the nearby villages entering the city every day and they will pass by this village. I took the ox cart at the door. When I entered the city, I went directly to Zhenbao Pavilion. When I came back, I took the ox cart for half a day. I get on the bus every day and earn two and a half cents a trip. I can earn it by working hard."

"Don't work too hard. If you don't feel happy, don't do it." Xu Nuoshan felt sorry for his sister, but couldn't do anything, so he said, "I'm going to study."

Mrs. Zhou looked pleased when he entered the room and smiled at Xu Nuoyan, "Eating fish tonight?"

Just as Xu Nuoyan was about to nod, Yang Santie came in with some food, "Brother Gong invited us to the restaurant today and packed some dishes for everyone. These are for you!"

“What’s the point of this?” Mrs. Zhou declined repeatedly.

Yang Santie was not good at greetings, so he put down his things and ran away.

Xu Nuoyan looked at it, lowered his eyes and said, "Take it, we will make some food and send it over in the future as a courtesy."

The next day, Xiyuan was completely quiet, and all the children were studying hard behind closed doors. Mrs. Zhou was sitting in the yard picking up the soles of her shoes. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a person peeking out furtively. She raised her head suddenly, and happened to face the woman who had been quarrelsome with them yesterday. Qiu Zhang.

“What are you doing?” Mrs. Zhou glared at her in a bad tone.

Mrs. Qiu Zhang stretched her neck to take a look, curled her lips, snorted coldly, and turned away.

That attitude made Mrs. Zhou very angry, "Who is this person!"

Xu Nuoyan stood at the entrance of Zhuangzi with a baggage, waiting for the bullock cart. When the bullock cart didn't come, her attention turned to Yang Erdan who was measuring the land at the side. She just looked at it curiously without saying a word. Yang Erdan noticed the sight, raised his head and nodded politely at Xu Nuoyan, and continued working.

Steward Zhu led a group of people over.

Yang Erdan immediately said seriously: "From here to there, all the land has been plowed. In addition, I want to build a yard on that side. I want to build a workshop and burn the shell ash. The courtyard wall is one foot high, and I want to build a courtyard inside the workshop." There are row houses and ten earthen kilns, plus a large woodshed and warehouse. The workshop will be built first, and the inn will be built slowly, don't be in a hurry."

Xu Nuoyan looked at it for a while, listened vaguely, and seemed to understand. When the bullock cart came over, she hurriedly got on the cart and left.

Over the next few days, Xu Nuo promised to see busy Yang Erdan at the entrance of Zhuangzi every day when he came back. The two of them nodded in greeting at the beginning and could say a few words later.

By this time, the courtyard walls of the workshop had been completely enclosed, and the frames of a row of houses inside had also been raised.

Yang Erdan looked at it and saw that the workshop would start working in a few days, and he would have to find someone to supply oysters.

Fucheng is by the sea, and any fishing village should have oysters. The question is who to cooperate with?

Yang Erdan was not good at doing business, so he had to consult with Yang Santie.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Yang Santie's life was actually very pleasant. There was a pile of snacks and fruits on the table while he was reading.

Yang Erdan raised his eyebrows, "Have you sold all your paper?"

Yang Santie straightened up and grinned, "Second brother, since you asked, I'll tell you! Not only have I sold my paper, but it's also in short supply! Hahaha."

"What's going on? Who are those culprits?" Yang Erdan frowned, very puzzled. In his opinion, one roll of paper and one tael of silver is luxury enough, and there are still people who spend one or two and a half to buy it?

"What kind of scapegoat!" Yang Santie muttered dissatisfied: "I know what I know! I told you that you don't understand either. It was Mianmian who helped me. She used my paper to write poems and paintings, and won a lot of prizes. She also used the paper as a lottery ticket to win the prize. Got a lot of good stuff back.

Aniang is good at making paper books, and the quantity is not large. Mianmian leaked the news, and everyone rushed to get it. She said that one volume would be one tael, and the ladies scrambled for it, and they raised the price to 2 taels per volume.

Originally, the price was going to rise again, but Mianmian was afraid that it would not be able to end in time and stopped in time. Later, I asked my mother-in-law to get some special paper for Mianmian to thank her for her help this time. "

Yang Erdan was stunned when he heard this, "So how much paper did you have to bring?"

“One hundred and fifty volumes.”

“His! You’ve earned three hundred taels in this trip?” Yang Erdan only felt that the money was no longer money! When did it become so easy to make money?

Yang Santie winked at him, "Second brother, do you want me to give you a share?"

Yang Erdan shook his head in disgust, "You can keep it yourself! By the way, help me think about the oysters."

He told Yang Santie about the situation.

Yang Santie waved his hand boldly, "What's there to worry about? Let Butler Zhu buy a few more reliable servants, and we can drive the ox cart to the fishing village to collect oyster shells ourselves. Can we collect some from this village and some from that? If the village charges a little, it can prevent others from raising the price, don’t you think?”

Yang Erdan was startled, then stood up and walked out, "That's it!"

Aniang gave him one hundred taels before going out. In addition to building a workshop and an inn, this hundred taels should be able to buy a few servants, but it might not be enough to buy an ox cart.

While he was constantly calculating accounts, Butler Zhu came to him with a large bag of silver and said, "Second Young Master, all those fish have been sold."