Yang Erdan had blue veins bulging on his forehead and frowned, "Send them all back, we don't need them."

Butler Zhu hesitated a little, "Second Young Master, I think this matter may have something to do with Madam. Do you want to write a letter to ask Madam what she means before making a decision?"

Before Yang Erdan could answer, Yang Santie ran back like the wind, "Second brother, second brother, look at what good things I got today! Huh? What are these? Is there a happy event at the inn today?"

Steward Zhu explained the situation again.

Yang Santie nodded, "I really need to tell Aniang. These people are probably here for Aniang. I don't know if Aniang has cooked up something earth-shattering again! I just want to go back too." , I asked my mother, second brother, I will leave the villa to you, and Grandpa Zhong agrees to find a husband for Brother Xu, and he can stay in Quzhou Academy to study. "

Yang Erdan knew that Yang Santie must have contributed to this matter, and he looked grateful, "Second brother owes you a favor, just say whatever you want."

Yang Santie waved his hand, "Come on! In terms of money, you don't have as much money as I do. I don't want to empty your wallet. Now go pack your bags and go home. Let's go!"

Yang Santie said that wind is like rain, but he really made people prepare for it.

As soon as he left, Xu Nuoyan came over to find Yang Erdan with the box in his arms, "The eldest young master of the Zhou family sent it to Zhenbao Pavilion today. At first he said it was for me as a reward, but I didn't want it, and then he said it was a thank you gift for me. I don’t want it either. I’ll just say it’s a gift for our engagement later and shamelessly ask me to accept it and give it to you.”

“What is it?” Yang Erdan frowned, opened it and found two sets of gold heads and noodles inside the box, estimated to cost several hundred taels of silver.

Xu Nuoyan couldn't help but cover her mouth, "Oh my god! He, he, he. How could he give such a valuable thing?"

Yang Erdan opened other things Zhou Hao sent to show her, "He gave me an antique worth several thousand taels."

Promise: "."

In this situation, it was difficult for them to send the Zhou family's things back alone. They could only wait for Jiang Ning's wishes.

Yang Santie was eager to return home, and set out the next day under the full moon. This time he chose to take a boat, which was much faster.

As soon as I entered Ping'an County, I heard everyone talking about the new grain. I randomly asked someone to ask about it, and I immediately found out about it.

Yang Santie was overjoyed and immediately hired a carriage to rush back to Rongshu Village.

These days, many wealthy squires visited Jiang Ning's home. She was so annoyed that she simply hid in the mountains.

The uncle guarding the village entrance saw the carriage and thought it was coming to Jiang Ning again. He immediately said, "Mrs. Muyi went to the mountains to collect mushrooms and is not at home. If you have anything to say, you can tell me. The old man will convey it to you."

Yang Santie jumped down from the carriage, "Grandpa Qi, it's me, Santie!"

“Yo! The triathlon is back! Great!” The uncle was overjoyed and urged him to go back quickly.

With no one at home, Yang Santie turned around and immediately ran to Qingfeng Mountain.

When Mrs. Li saw him, she was so excited that she pulled him tightly and did not let go. She kept asking about the situation in Fucheng.

Yang Santie Qianliang spoke briefly and asked anxiously, "Grandma, where is my grandma?"

Mrs. Li laughed heartily, "We're going up the mountain! We came down after shouting twice!" Yang Santie shouted at the top of his voice. After a while, Jiang Ning entered the workshop with a basket on his back, "You're the only one coming back?"

Yang Santie rubbed her over affectionately, "I miss my grandma! My second brother is not as considerate as me, he hasn't come back!"

Jiang Ning couldn't help but poked his head, "How dare you put eye drops on your second brother! He's very capable!"

“Aniang, let’s go! Let’s go home! I have something to tell you!”

“What a coincidence, I have something to ask you too!”

The mother and son teased each other and left, leaving all the workers confused.

Ms. Liu blinked and said, "Why do I feel like these two don't look like mother and son, but more like siblings!"

"Don't tell me! I feel the same way! An Ning is getting younger and younger now. When I'm with her, I'm almost like her mother!" Mrs. Zhang touched her face, worried, which attracted everyone Laughed.

As soon as Yang Santie returned home, he immediately closed the courtyard door and showed all the money he had brought. "Auntie, I earned it by selling paper. The five hundred taels from the princess are big heads, which is considered a reward. Mianmian helps me sell them." I paid 300 taels and confiscated my money. Later, I sold a batch of goods myself and earned 150 taels. The total is 950 taels. You can calculate the capital and leave the rest to me!"

“Aren’t you afraid of suffering a loss?” Jiang Ning looked at him funny.

Yang Santie shook his head and sighed maturely, "This trip to Fucheng opened my eyes. It's true that everyone is inferior in everything but good at studying. I worked hard and worked hard, but in the end I was not as capable as a little girl Mianmian!"

There is also the second brother, he has done nothing, just because of my mother-in-law, the gifts sent by the rich families in the city are more than a thousand taels smaller than mine! If I want to make a lot of money, I have to study hard! "

Jiang Ning's expression changed and she looked at him seriously, "I didn't ask you to study so that you could get ahead and make money! If you have such thoughts, you'd better come back to me as soon as possible to avoid getting angry!"

Yang Santie hurriedly explained: "Auntie, that's not what I meant. What I meant is that if I stand out and have my own connections, I will do business and make money in the future and people will support me because of my face. It's better than asking for help everywhere. I don't have it." We are not that kind of people who want to make money!”

Jiang Ning's expression softened a little, and she really started to calculate seriously. She didn't take the 500 taels of bounty given by the princess, and only took the rest of the money. The total was 250 taels, leaving seven or eight taels for Yang Santie.

She was not going to accept the seven hundred taels, so she asked Yang Santie to keep it himself.

Yang Santie was so happy that he put away the money before talking about the situation in Fucheng.

Jiang Ning muttered: "Since I have already given it as a gift, returning it now will make us look disrespectful and easy to offend others. Let your second brother do the accounting. If someone has something to do in the future, I will return the gift. Butler Zhu has such things as worldliness at his fingertips. It’s not a big deal.”

Yang Santie immediately went to reply to the letter, stayed at home for a day, packed a bunch of food from Jiangning, and took away a box of rice paper before hurried back to Mapo.

When Mr. Ming and He Xiucai and Lin Xiucai saw him coming back, they immediately asked about the situation in Fucheng, and more about wild yam.

Yang Santie was a little surprised, "You also know? My brother said it?"

Mr. Ming laughed and said: "Silly boy, your brother has not been home for a long time, how could he know these things! You have forgotten that Mr. Xie is a frequent visitor to our academy. How could he not say anything about such a big thing? If this thing Just like Xiangyao, Mrs. Muyi has made another great contribution! There are not many strange women in history. I never thought that I would meet one in my lifetime. How lucky!"

Yang Santie did not expect Mr. Ming to speak so highly of Jiang Ning. He was flattered and immediately sealed the tea-scented rice paper made by Jiang Ning, "Sir, this is my grandma's new rice paper. Even the princess likes it. Take a look." "