Yang Erdan shook his head, "Auntie, you have to ask Butler Zhu about these things. I don't know anything about it."

"I know a little bit." Xu Nuoyan said slowly from the side: "The Zhenbao Pavilion is on this street. The shop has two floors, and there is a backyard behind it. The backyard is where Zhenniang works. Of course, the Zhenbao Pavilion also has The two sides of the male craftsmen are separated. We have never seen the male craftsmen working, but we can hear some knocking sounds.

The second floor is mainly for displaying precious jewelry and entertaining distinguished guests. I think the shop is spacious enough. The shopkeeper said that the owner originally bought the shop for a thousand taels. "

Jiang Ning frowned slightly, "Ordinary families may not be able to save a thousand taels after generations of accumulation!"

Xu Nuoyan nodded with understanding, "It is said that shops in the capital are more expensive, with a minimum price of one thousand taels. The shops on the main street are even more expensive and unavailable. Even if you want to buy them, you can't buy them. Think about it this way, the shops in our capital city are even more expensive." The prices in the shop are quite reasonable.

What kind of thing does Grandma want to buy for Xiaoya? I can ask the shopkeeper. He has been running Zhenbao Pavilion on this street for many years and he must know more than others. "

Jiang Ning agreed, and the group went to Zhenbao Pavilion.

As soon as Yang Erdan called Jiang Ning “A’niang”, the shopkeeper immediately knelt down and said, “I’d like to pay my respects to Uncle Guang En.”

"Do you recognize me?" Jiang Ning was a little surprised and asked the shopkeeper to get up quickly.

The shopkeeper smiled and explained: "I am lucky enough to have met your second young master."

Jiang Ning suddenly understood, but without asking any more questions, he directly explained his intention.

The shopkeeper breathed a sigh of relief and enthusiastically invited them to the private room on the second floor and served the best Biluochun. "To talk about the shops in Fucheng, we must first talk about the location. The best location in Fucheng is on this street, but besides this street Outside the street, there is a busiest street in each of the four city gates, east, west and south. It is not less crowded than here, but it is more special. "

"How do you say it?" Jiang Ning looked at the shopkeeper with a curious look on his face.

The shopkeeper hurriedly said: Xicheng Gate is the entrance and exit of Fucheng, which leads directly to this main street. The street near Xicheng Gate is mainly inns, restaurants and restaurants. The area in Nancheng is mainly academies and schools, and the residents are also rich and wealthy. No matter how poor a person is, they must come from a small wealthy family, so there are many antique calligraphy and painting shops and four treasure shops opened on the street at South City Gate, which are shops that ordinary people will not enter.

In contrast, most of the people living in the north of the city are ordinary people. They live frugally and are reluctant to spend any money. Therefore, the shops in the north of the city mainly sell food, clothing, housing and transportation that are close to ordinary people. Even the livestock and cattle shops are there. In Dongduo Fishing Village, the shops there mainly sell aquatic products.

In other words, the shops on our street are relatively mixed, and there are all kinds of businesses. "

Jiang Ning nodded from time to time. The information the shopkeeper said was very useful to her, "So it seems that the shops on this street should be the most expensive, followed by the west of the city, then the south of the city and the north, and the east of the city is the cheapest?"

“No, no!” the shopkeeper explained: “It should be here, followed by the west city, east city, south city and north city.”

“Why?” Yang Erdan frowned, very puzzled.

The shopkeeper chuckled and said: "Because of this street, the shops in the north of the city are too particular about the business. It is difficult for ordinary people to make money after taking over a shop. There are few outsiders in that place, so it is not as good as the east of the city. Although the east of the city is a fishing village, There is a port, and traders come there to do business every day. Can the shop be cheap? "

Yang Erdan suddenly realized, “I’ve learned a lesson!”

Jiang Ning smiled and said, "It seems that if we want to buy a shop, we can only choose the west of the city or here."

Xu Nuoyan hurriedly looked at the shopkeeper, "Shopkeeper, are there any suitable shops for sale on these two streets?"

"Yes, yes. After all, although the location is good, if someone can't run it, it will still be a loss. It will definitely be sold, but the price is relatively high. If it is smaller, it will be cheaper. As far as I know, there are four smallest shops on this street. Three hundred taels per room, the ordinary ones are about five or six hundred taels, and the ones in the west of the city like Zhenbao Pavilion cost less. You can get it for four to five hundred taels.

The ones in the east of the city cost about 500 taels, the shops in the south of the city generally cost 300 taels, and the ones in the north of the city cost 1,200 taels. This is almost the situation. However, the second young master is so good that he opened a Youran Inn directly outside the city. As long as he can earn The money is definitely better than buying a shop in the city. "

The shopkeeper dared to be careless in front of Jiang Ning. As long as he knew something, he would say anything without any reservations.

Jiang Ning got the information he wanted and was about to say thank you when he suddenly saw the waiter appearing hurriedly at the stairs.

The shopkeeper glanced at it and said quickly: "Uncle Guang En, please wait a moment. I will go downstairs to have a look."

As soon as the shopkeeper left, Jiang Ning also stood up and walked around. It had to be said that there was indeed something in Zhenbao Pavilion. The gold and jade jewelry displayed on the shelves looked exquisite. What was rare was that there were also some pearl jewelry.

Ancient times are no better than modern times. The pearls here are all natural. Pearl divers risk their lives every time they go to sea. Almost everyone loses their lives every time they go to sea. Therefore, pearls are very valuable jewelry at this time. The small shop is really good. Hard to see.

Xu Nuoyan saw Jiang Ning staring at a pearl phoenix hairpin and said, "Auntie likes pearl hair? If you like it, I will make one for you later."

“Isn’t this one cheap?” Jiang Ning asked casually.

Xu Nuoyan responded softly, "It will naturally be more expensive if it is inlaid with pearls, but that's okay. If I do it, it won't be that expensive."

Jiang Ning understood immediately that the most valuable thing is craftsmanship and thought.

The three of them walked around in a circle, but before the shopkeeper came up, they went down. As soon as they went down a few steps, Jiang Ning saw the shopkeeper pushing and shoving a man in a shabby dress.

"Ouch! I really can't give you a high price! You yourself know that this hairpin is not valuable in the first place. The most valuable thing is the bead on it. As I said that day, I will give you one tael of silver for the hairpin. , but what did you bring over today? The most valuable bead on it is gone! Do you still want me to buy your hairpin with a tael of silver? "

The shopkeeper pointed at himself with an expression of praise and excitement.

The other party's face turned red after being told, "Shopkeeper, I know, I know everything! But the beads on it were taken away, and I only have this hairpin left. Without money, my mother-in-law really can't survive!" "

The shopkeeper was angry and helpless, "Sir! It's not that I don't want to help you! It's just that your hairpin is really worthless! It's just a copper hairpin, and you can't even exchange it for a few cents. I'm just doing things for people, and there's something on it Boss, I really can’t make the decision!”

The man kept wiping away tears.

Yang Erdan strode forward and took out a tael of silver, "I bought it."

The man was stunned for a moment, and then he knelt down to Yang Erdan with a plop, "Thank you! Thank you, my benefactor!"

Yang Erdan waved his hand, "You should leave quickly!"

The man bowed his waist, thanked him and exited the treasure pavilion, disappearing into the crowd in a hurry.