Jiang Ning didn’t take it seriously. It wasn’t until she actually went to see it that she realized what the so-called wilderness meant! Her four villages were made up of hills, and the only piece of flat land was fifty to sixty acres visually. The weeds were almost as tall as her forehead. She didn't even dare to get close, let alone enter.

Butler Zhu was so nervous that he broke out in a cold sweat, "Madam, almost all the land in the suburbs of Fucheng is owned, and it is also very expensive. It is too difficult to buy 500 acres of wasteland near Dongli Villa. I asked around, Only this piece is barely enough!

An old farmer nearby said that although there are hills here, they are not very high. You can still grow food by clearing some of them. More importantly, even if these hills are cleared, they will not be included in the fields and no taxes will be paid. "

Jiang Ning's complexion improved a little, but it was still ugly.

Butler Zhu was helpless, "If Madam feels that this place is not suitable, I can ask again to see if there is anyone nearby who wants to sell Zhuangzi."

Jiang Ning let out a long sigh of relief, "Forget it! If you really ask, they will sell it to you even if they don't have the idea. I don't want to cause trouble!"

There are so many people who want to be friends with her now! If you really do this, you will have to owe a favor. If you can't owe something like favor, it's best not to owe it.

Steward Zhu had already figured out Jiang Ning's thoughts, otherwise he wouldn't have had the guts to bring her here.

“Madam, do we really want to take over this place?”

Jiang Ning walked back and forth a few times and nodded helplessly, "It seems that there is no other choice but here. At least there is a piece of fifty or sixty acres of land here. It is okay to clear it out and build a separate garden."

This is just her self-comfort.

With her approval, Butler Zhu immediately went to the city to seize this wasteland.

When the government official heard that Uncle Guang En wanted to buy it, he didn't dare to neglect it. He immediately led people to measure it. When he got to the place, he looked left and right, and asked puzzledly: "How to get there?"

Steward Zhu pointed around and said, "This is it."

The official was stunned and tried to persuade him for a long time. He had no choice but to ask someone to measure it. As a result, a government official stepped on a snake shortly after entering the grass. In an instant, the whole wasteland was filled with rustling sounds. It makes people's scalp numb.

Someone was bitten by a red ant and immediately developed a big rash.

The officials suddenly felt that there was a problem, so they hurriedly brought back several injured government officials and replaced a wave of professionals to come and work.

After they cleared out the wasteland and hills, Butler Zhu learned about the situation and hurried to see Jiang Ning, "Madam, the situation in the wasteland has changed."

“What’s wrong?” Jiang Ning asked with a headache.

Butler Zhu hurriedly took her there. Now the weeds on the entire wasteland had been either pulled out or cut. There were still traces of fire on them. The ground had been turned over and sprinkled with shell ash. The shell ash can fertilize the fields and drive away the insects. Bug sterilization.

Jiang Ning wanted to go in, but Butler Zhu quickly stopped him, "Madam, the land is soft, be careful! The official in charge of water conservancy at the government office said that these fifty or sixty acres of wasteland should have been a swamp. Over the years, it has become Most of the water has evaporated to create a surface like this. It is only about six or seven meters thick. The bottom six or seven meters is full of silt. The lower it goes, the wetter it becomes.

The good thing is that the soil is soft and fertile enough, and anything you plant will grow well. The official means that we can plant crops directly on it. As long as we don't plow too deeply, there should be no problem. Another option is to dig the soil and keep it. Dig out the silt below and create a pond. I think the second method is not very reliable, not to mention that it will cost a lot of manpower and financial resources. Even if we dig it, we don’t know what is going on underneath. The mud is very deep and the mud needs to be cleaned. If the mud is cleared, I found that there is still a passage, but I can’t even build this fish pond! "

Jiang Ning's heart was shaking. She originally thought she could build a yard no matter how bad the land was, but now it seemed like she was wishful thinking. Farming was fine, but what if she didn't have a house in her village?

Butler Zhu also felt that this problem was extremely difficult, so he quickly asked for help from several government officials who had not yet completely evacuated.

After communicating, Butler Zhu took Jiang Ning up to a hillside, "Madam, they said that the bottom of this hill is full of rocks and it is not easy to open up wasteland. Instead, it can be leveled and a piece of flat land can be built to build a garden. It would be good to plant some fruit trees and flowers on the slope. It’s pretty good, there are a few other hills that can be reclaimed.”

Jiang Ning looked at it. If it was designed like this, you would have to climb a long flight of steps to get to Zhuangzi. It would be really weird!

Seeing her serious face, Butler Zhu took her to another hill, "Madam, you see there is a large stream here. Although the hills are high, with this stream here, irrigation should not be difficult." , there is a swamp down there in the wasteland, you can dig a well."

He racked his brains to tell Jiang Ning as much as possible about the good aspects of this place.

Jiang Ning sighed after a long time, "That's it! By the way, how much money will it cost to do this?"

Originally, she expected to spend 200 taels to buy the land, and another 300 taels to build the house and clean up, but now it seems that it is not enough!

Butler Zhu grinned and said, "The government office knew that you wanted to acquire this land and immediately brought people over to measure and deal with it. I never thought that this area is actually a combination of hills and swamps. I didn't even dare to ask for money. I didn't agree." , insisted on giving two hundred taels.

The official had no choice but to ask the prefect for instructions. Finally, the prefect collected two hundred taels and sent these people to deal with it. They will deal with the several hills and the land before handing it over to us.

The prefect also said that there is no need to pay taxes on these 500 acres of hills and swamps, and we can make our own arrangements. "

“This is an unexpected surprise!” Jiang Ning finally had a smile on his face.

Butler Zhu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and echoed: "I think so too. From now on, if my wife wants to try growing crops, I can put them on this farm."

“It’s just that I’m not in Fucheng often, so there are some things that are beyond my reach.” Jiang Ning said as he walked down the hill.

Butler Zhu hurriedly caught up, "There are also small shops and houses that Madam wants. One shop is at the front of the main street. The shop floor is smaller than Zhenbao Pavilion. There are two small courtyards and a mixed courtyard in the backyard. It was quite spacious for one person and cost eight hundred and fifty taels.

The other one is in the west of the city. Turn right when you enter the city. It was originally a liquor store. The old man who owned it has made a good profit from his unique wine-making skills in recent years. However, he is old and has limited energy. In addition, his son is doing business in Jiangnan. After making a lot of money, he wanted to take him there and never come back, so he reluctantly sold the house and shop here.

I have seen the wine shop in a good location and spacious. It is not as good as an inn, but it is bigger than the restaurant next to it. It is also very clean. As soon as I enter, there is a strong aroma of wine. The old man is eager to sell it and asks for 800 yuan. Two, which is fair, and the small one decided to buy it. "

Jiang Ning was a little surprised, "A lot of people should want such a good shop!"

Butler Zhu nodded, "Everyone knows that the old man is anxious and is still bargaining with him. The younger one just gave me the money, and the old man immediately agreed."

Jiang Ning praised Butler Zhu very much.

Butler Zhu was very excited and said, "One more thing. You asked me to find out more about the little investigation."