Chapter 223 Must marry

Gong Mei shook her head again, her eyes a little red.

Yu Xun was anxious, "Oh, I just ask a few more words, you are crying! What is it difficult to tell your mother -in -law that your mother -in -law is coming, maybe you can help you out."

It had been a long time since anyone had told her so much. Gong Mei thought about the old woman's age, gritted her teeth, knelt down and told her about her situation.

Mama Yu's expression did not change, she just sighed with disapproval, "It's not a smart person to have a child fall out with her husband's family at such a young age. Why do you regret it now that you are about to get married again?"

Gong Mei sobbed, "It's not that I want to regret it, it's because the husband heard that our family had offended a powerful family and was afraid that my family would be implicated, so he regretted the marriage."

"Ah? This is too much! Was it the man who took the initiative to propose marriage to your family?" Grandma Yu finally got to the point.

Gong Mei nodded, her voice a little hoarse, "That man is from the next village. I have known him since he was a child. His family has many relatives in our village. When they heard that I was widowed, they asked people from the village to come and inquire.

As soon as I gave birth to a child, they immediately proposed to my mother-in-law and gave her a bride price of three taels and some food to eat. My mother-in-law was as happy as pie in the sky. She also said that God would not let me endure hardship, so she immediately Accepted this marriage.

They only agreed to it after they came to my mother-in-law first. She was also afraid that the store would be gone after she passed this village. After all, I am a widow. How can it be easier to remarry a good family than a yellow girl? "

“Then what were you thinking at that time! The child was still so young, so you just gave it up?” The smile on Mammy Yu’s face couldn’t be maintained.

Gong Mei cried even more sadly, "What can I do? My mother-in-law is blind, my grandmother is old, my sister-in-law is seriously ill, it is difficult for her to even go to the sea alone, and their family is an outsider in the village, with no one to help me. I don’t have the ability to make trouble, so I can only rely on my parents to give me advice, and I will do whatever they say. I never expected it.”

Aunt Yu now understood everything. Although she didn't like Gong Mei's approach, she could understand it and advised: "Stop crying. Do you want to continue returning to your original husband's family or remarry?"

“Can I still get married?” Gong Mei looked desperate.

Mama Yu nodded firmly, "Yes! It seems like you want to start over, right?"

Gong Mei did not deny it.

As we were talking, several more people came over to buy fish. Maybe the person just took advantage of them, and these people came over to grab the advantage.

Grandma Yu didn't want to make any money at all, so she bought everything at the price just now. A basket of fish was exchanged for fifty cents.

After closing the stall, she gave the money to Jiang Xiaoqiu, "Miss Cousin, how much did you pay for these fish?"

Xin Cun replied honestly from the side: "Thirty Wen."

Mammy Yu was happy and said, "Come on! I've earned you twenty coins, so I won't bother you anymore. I'll go back to my master first."

Xin Cun looked at the extra twenty coins and couldn't recover, and murmured: "Even the people around my aunt are so awesome!"

When Grandma Yu returned to Dongli Villa, she told Jiang Ning about Gong Mei's situation as soon as possible, "Madam, from my perspective, Gong Mei's family is certainly hateful, but those who add insult to injury should not be spared lightly."

Jiang Ning sighed in his heart, he really didn’t know if he didn’t check, and when he checked, he felt like a ghost.

At that moment, she called Butler Zhu over and asked Butler Zhu to go to Chenjia Village and find the family who was targeting Gong Mei.

Gong Mei returned home dejectedly.

Gong’s mother was able to go to the fields, but her family was ostracized by the villagers and no one wanted to see her. Gong’s mother had quarreled with the village women several times in the village. She found it boring and didn’t like to go out anymore.

Seeing Gong Mei come back, Gong's mother subconsciously asked: "How are you today?"

Gong Mei entered the house without saying a word. Gong’s mother had a long face.

The atmosphere at home was low, and Gong’s father and Gong Hai did not dare to say anything.

Early the next morning, Gong Mei was about to go out as usual, when someone suddenly came to the house.

The village head's wife was overjoyed and congratulated Gong's mother, "Mother, Amei, good news. Chenjiacun has agreed to marry Amei!"

Gong Mei’s family was all shocked and asked in unison, “What’s going on?”

The village chief's wife was stunned, "What? Your family doesn't know?"

Gong Mei’s family all shook their heads.

The village chief's wife frowned, "That's strange! The head of Chenjia Village came to our house before dawn today. First he apologized, and then he talked about the marriage between the young man in their village and Amei, and said that the Chen family's intention was not It’s someone’s own decision to regret the marriage. They also sent some apology gifts, and I brought them over for you. Amei will stay at home to prepare for the wedding in two days. "

After the village chief’s wife left, Gong’s mother was happy and worried at the same time, “What’s going on? Why did you suddenly agree again?”

Gong Mei also looked confused. She suddenly thought of the old woman yesterday. She rushed out of the house and ran to the port to search around, but couldn't find Aunt Yu. Finally, she gritted her teeth and went into the restaurant to look for Jiang Xiaoqiu, "That old woman who set up the stall yesterday You know my old lady, right?”

Jiang Xiaoqiu cursed with anger in his eyes, "You're sick! Get out!"

Gong Mei's expression changed. Seeing that Jiang Xiaoqiu ignored her, she hesitated for a moment, lowered her head and said, "I'm getting married, and I won't come here again."

As she spoke, she looked up at Jiang Xiaoqiu, but found that Jiang Xiaoqiu did not turn around to look at her, so she could only leave silently.

Without Gong Mei hanging in front of their eyes, Jiang Xiaoqiu and Xin Cun were in a much better mood. Coupled with the new house, they were even more happy. People feel refreshed during happy events. Jiang Xiaoqiu's health was already in good condition, and even Guo's eyes could see. Seeing some hazy light is another thing worth celebrating for the whole family.

At this moment, Mrs. Tao remembered that the child didn’t have a name yet, so she asked Jiang Ning to give the child a good name while they were getting married.

Jiang Ning thought for a moment and raised his lips, "Just call it Changkang, Jiang Changkang. How about it?"

"Okay, okay! This is a good name! From now on, my precious great-grandson will be called Changkang. He will live long and healthy." Tao said, her eyes were a little red, but she endured it.

Now that they have moved to a new house, the Jiang family is also planning to move to Xinghua Village. Jiang Xiaoqiu and Xin Cun leave early and come back late every day, leaving only the old, weak, sick and disabled in the family. Jiang Ning is worried, and after thinking about it, he simply leaves the flowers around him. Gave it to Guo.

First of all, flowers can help take care of the children, and secondly, it is better for Guo Shi Tao Shi to have someone by her side when she gets up at night.

Of course, Jiang Ning did not treat Hua Hua badly. Previously, Hua Hua's monthly salary was three hundred cash, but Jiang Ning gave her an increase to five hundred cash.

After settling matters in Fucheng, Jiang Ning can finally return to Ping'an County.

Before leaving, she went to see Mrs. Tao and said, "Mom, I'm going back. Do you want to come with me and see your grandchildren?"

Tao Shi's cloudy eyes reflected Jiang Ning's outline. She smiled happily and shook her head, "No! I can't afford this old bone! It won't be too late to see you again in the future! Take care of yourself and don't worry about me."

As she said that, Mrs. Tao took out a few bundles and said slowly: "Don't look at your sister-in-law's blindness, but she still has her sewing skills. We made these clothes for my grandson, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter in our free time. We have some thoughts.”

“Okay! I’ll take everything with me!” Jiang Ning chuckled and asked the people around him to take the things with them.

After leaving Xinghua Village, she decisively got on the carriage and went straight to Ping'an County.