Chapter 225 The best family

After a while, Manager Sun kicked over the bench at the entrance of the casino, and said with a ferocious expression through his teeth, "Waiting for news from the county government, I will definitely ask for Liu Mu's hand this time!"

Mammy Yu went to the county government office to beat drums and complain about the injustice on behalf of Jiang Ning. Within an hour, the entire people of Ping'an County knew about it.

Xie Yucheng opened the court as quickly as possible and ordered Gao Yong to go to Liujia Village to capture Liu Mu, and then find the people from the gambling house.

Liu Mu has been afraid to leave the village these days because of the debt collectors at the gambling house. He felt uncomfortable after not gambling for a few days, so he simply called a few idle men in the village to come to his house to play.

The noise made Father Liu and Mother Liu next door very upset.

"Look what your nephew is doing? He owes five hundred taels and still looks so heartless. Why should he owe money and make our family sad? Why?" Mother Liu was so angry that she cursed loudly.

Father Liu also knew that his eldest brother's family was disgraceful. When Liu's mother scolded him, he remained silent and let her vent her anger.

Liu Shu snorted coldly: "Mom, don't be angry, I don't care at all."

Liu’s mother cursed so loudly that Liu Shu didn’t believe that the family next door didn’t hear her. If they heard her but were unmoved, they were sure of them.

Liu Mu became even more angry and was about to continue scolding when she suddenly heard a voice coming from next door, "Who is Liu Mu?"

Liu's mother was stunned for a moment and rushed out. When she saw that the person coming was an official, her eyes widened instantly.

The guys who were playing with Liu Mu almost peeed when they saw the official. They quickly stood up and raised their hands, "It has nothing to do with me, we don't know anything."

Liu Mu was also startled and asked flatteringly: "Master, what are you doing for me? I am the cousin of Guang En's daughter-in-law, and I am one of my own!"

"Who is one of your own?" Gao Yong spat on the ground in disgust and warned sternly: "Don't have any random relations. Uncle Guang En is suing you for doing evil in the name of Uncle Guang En. He has sent someone to the county government office." Beat the drum to complain, my lord is trying the case, do you want to go on your own, or should we **** you away?"

"Impossible!" Liu Mu stood up in shock and backed away, trying to escape.

Uncle Liu and Mrs. Ding were also panicked and hurriedly stepped forward to explain, "Master Cha, my niece is really Uncle Guang En's daughter-in-law. We are not indiscriminately related!"

Gao Chongyong laughed and shouted: "Who do you think you are? Does Uncle Guang En allow you to gamble in her name? The in-laws don't dare to do this. You are just relatives of Uncle Guang En's in-laws. What a piece of shit!" Brothers, capture Liu Mu and take him away!"

"I won't leave! I won't leave! Father and mother, please help me, please help me." Liu Mu had long lost his previous arrogance and kept thinking of ways to sneak away.

Gao Yong's people had long been on guard against this and blocked all his escape routes.

Uncle Liu and Mrs. Ding watched helplessly as Liu Mu was arrested, and hurriedly ran next door to ask Father Liu and Mother Liu for help.

Uncle Liu's eyes were about to burst. He was frightened and angry and accused Liu's father, "Amu is your nephew, how could Ye Zi refuse to save her! If she doesn't save Amu, she will no longer be a member of my Liu family!"

Liu's mother laughed angrily, "Our two families have been separated a long time ago. We were not one family in the first place. Liu Mu deserves it!"

"Smelly bitch! If you dare to scold my son, I will fight with you!" Ding was furious and rushed towards Liu Mu.

Mother Liu had been holding back her anger for a long time, and immediately she started to grab Ding's hair without any politeness.

There were waves of women screaming and yelling in the yard.

Uncle Liu was furious and yelled at the side, "It's against heaven! It's against heaven! My sister-in-law is treating her sister-in-law like this, it's unjust!"

The villagers came over after hearing the news. Mother Liu and Mrs. Ding were still fighting hard to separate each other, and both were injured.

The village chief felt an evil fire rushing straight through the sky, and he almost fainted.

After the villagers finally separated Liu Mu and Ding, they heard the injured Liu Mu yelling, "Break all ties! Our family will sever ties with them, and we will never have contact with them until we die!" As soon as these words came out, the noisy courtyard instantly It is quite now.

The village chief looked at Father Liu seriously, "Is this what you mean?"

Liu’s father didn’t say anything, but Liu Shu spoke, “What my mother means is what I want.”

“Ashu?” Liu’s father raised his head and looked at his eldest son in surprise.

The willow roots beside the willow tree also expressed their stance, "I have the same idea as Big Brother."

"You guys." Uncle Liu was so angry that he covered his chest and backed away. His eyes were bloodshot and he glared at Mother Liu and the others with resentment.

Ms. Ding made a fuss and acted violently, "I don't agree! If it weren't for my Ah Rong, their family wouldn't be able to be related to Uncle Guang En. Now he has climbed up a high branch and wants to get rid of us. There's no way!"

"Fart! If it weren't for that vicious woman Liu Rong, my daughter wouldn't have gotten married in a daze. You still have the nerve to say that! Let's go, the official job hasn't gone far yet. Let's go to the county government office to find the county magistrate to make the decision!" Liu's mother immediately retorted. , without any concession.

Ding said harshly: "No matter what, you just took advantage of my family and robbed our family of wealth! If you want to break off the relationship, just give us five hundred taels!"

The villagers all took a breath of air.

Liu's mother glared at Liu's father angrily, "What do you say? If you don't express your position, I will risk my life and go to the county magistrate tomorrow for comment! I want to see if this marriage can be broken off!"

The villagers all changed their faces. If they really went to court, Mother Liu would definitely get a fair explanation, but then the two families would become mortal enemies.

The village chief had a headache and mud, "We are all a family, why should we have such a quarrel?"

“I don’t have such a backstabbing family,” Liu’s mother retorted unceremoniously.

The two families quarreled again, and even the old sesame seeds and rotten millet things in the past were brought up and discussed.

The village chief’s head is as big as a bucket and he really can’t sort out this bad debt.

Seeing that the village chief was almost mad, Yang Datou came.

When everyone saw him, they immediately moved out of the way.

Ms. Ding pounced on Yang Datou and held on to Yang Datou's clothes, insisting that he save Liu Mu. If Yang Datou didn't agree, she wouldn't let him go.

Yang Datou was so angry that he threw it hard, and Ding was caught off guard and fell to the ground.

Everyone was frightened by this scene and could not recover for a while.

Liu's mother hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Yang Datou aside, "Son-in-law, are you okay? She is just a shrew, so you don't need to be familiar with her."

Yang Datou asked with a stern face: "I just heard that my mother-in-law meant to break up with their family, right?"

“Yes!” Mother Liu nodded seriously.

Yang Datou looked at the village chief, "Since my mother-in-law said so, let's do this and ask the village chief to be a witness."

"This" the village chief's face changed suddenly, and he looked at Liu's mother pleadingly, "Ashu, mother, you were the one who said angry words just now, right? Both of us have the surname Liu, how can we just break off the relationship?"

Yang Datou sneered and said: "Most of us in Rongshu Village are also named Yang. Our family is not separated from the second house. What's the big deal!"

Everyone turned pale in unison, their eyes filled with surprise, yes! Uncle Guang En took the initiative to cut off a relative of the Yang family, and he was so cruel to his own family, let alone the Liumu family, which had nothing to do with the Yang family.