Chapter 228: Arrangement of Liuye’s family

Liu Ye smiled, "I just said that in front of the villagers. In fact, I haven't bought it yet. Let's see what Mom and Dad like before we buy it. There's no rush in this matter. Leave here first and follow us to Songxi. Calm down for a while and then talk.”

As soon as Liu Hua heard this, she immediately went to Liu's mother and kept persuading her, "Auntie, since you haven't decided yet, why not just go to our place? You also know that we have moved out of Pingshan Valley a long time ago, and the place where we live now is It's next to the official road, not far from home. The most important thing is that there is land in the village, so we can still farm.

How will you make a living after you go to Songxi Town? Is it possible to buy a boat and go fishing in Weijiang River? If we don't live in Songxi Town, we will settle down in Zizi's mother-in-law's village. We can't do that for Zizi's sake! "

Liu’s mother was confused by her neighbor. She really didn’t think about it that much for a while. Now after hearing Liu Hua’s words, she had to sit down and think calmly.

Hearing this, Liushu gritted his teeth and said, "Sister, you don't have to go to Rongshu Village to stay. I'll find work when I go to Songxi Town. I won't drag Ye Zi down."

Liu Gen agreed: "My eldest brother and I have the same idea. We have hands and feet, and we don't need the help of my second sister all the time."

“You.” Liu Hua sighed repeatedly, unable to do anything to her mother’s family.

Yang Datou pondered: "It doesn't matter if you don't go to Songxi Town or Rongshu Village. You can go to the outskirts of the county to buy a piece of land and a few acres of fields. It's lively there. In the future, if your father-in-law and mother-in-law want to do some small business, they can go to the city. convenient.

What's more important is that it's far away from Liujia Village. The family next door will have a hard time trying to cause trouble for you, and the county government is right in the city. It's only a few steps away. Those people don't dare to make unreasonable troubles there. It's most suitable to move there. . "

Liu's mother and her family had not even thought about going to the county town. When Yang Datou said this, they immediately became interested.

Liu Hua asked weakly: "Will the fields on the outskirts of the county be very expensive?"

Yang Datou smiled and said, "No, the wasteland over there is almost more than 200 yuan per acre, which is not much more expensive. If you add a few acres of land, it's just like that."

"Brother-in-law, we can't take advantage of you. It's just that the land at home hasn't been sold yet and we don't have any money left. I'll pay it back to you when I have the money." Liu Shu wanted Liu Ye to stand upright in her husband's family. He had no intention of asking Yang Datou to pay for it.

Yang Datou didn’t take it seriously.

The land on the outskirts of the county town is easy to handle. Everyone in the government office knows him. He just needs to ask and people will help him get things done beautifully.

Not wanting to wrong her parents, Liu Ye bought a homestead of four acres for the Liu family, and it was not a problem to build five or six small farmhouses. She also helped them purchase forty acres of paddy fields and fertile land, for a total cost of more than one hundred taels.

She used the private money she saved from setting up a stall to make this money.

After Liu Hua found out, he gave her twenty taels of silver, "They are all daughters of the Liu family, so we can't let you contribute."

Liushu knew this and became more and more anxious to sell his family's land. Unexpectedly, he encountered resistance.

Yang Datou had just returned from talking about repairing the house with Yang Laosan, and saw Willow standing at the door of his house with a worried look, and immediately invited people into the house.

Jiang Ning was also there and immediately asked Aunt Yu to serve tea.

Willow sat on pins and needles, apologizing to Jiang Ning guiltily.

Jiang Ning waved his hand and Feng Qingyun smiled calmly, "I have always been clear about grudges. Not to mention that this matter has nothing to do with your family. Even if it does, I will not express my anger. You don't have to worry about Ye Zi. I see you frowning, but something happened "

She knew that Yang Datou and his wife were busy relocating the Liu family. Because Yang Datou didn't give anything to Liu Ye when he married him, compared with the promise he made, he really owed Liu Ye, so she gave Liu Ye another sum. The money is said to make up for the original betrothal gift.

In this way, Liuye can use the money to support her parents' family openly. Logically speaking, the land has been bought and the house has been arranged. What else can be done?

Liu Shu didn't dare to hide it, so he told the truth, "It's my uncle. He heard that our family was going to sell the land, and he spread word in the village that anyone who dared to buy my family's land would be their enemy. He wouldn't let it go. "

Grandma Yu was shocked and said: "Who are these people! They are too tyrannical!" Jiang Ning was furious when he heard this.

“What did your father and mother-in-law say?”

Liu Shu lowered his head and shook his head, "They have no other choice but to quarrel with the uncle. After all, our family is moving away, and the villagers still have to live in the village. They always have some scruples when they look up but not down."

Yang Datou clenched his fists in anger, "Mom, if it wasn't for the sake of not affecting our family's reputation, I would have wanted to hit someone!"

Jiang Ning glanced at him and shook his head, "Young and energetic, you can't be reckless when encountering problems! In fact, there is nothing that can be done about this matter. If your uncle dares to challenge one family, he should not dare to embarrass several others! Separately sell those fields Isn’t it done?

But your house is right next to his house, so you can't sell it casually. If the person who buys it can't keep that family down, there will be constant trouble in the future. It's best to find someone with a bad reputation that your uncle can't afford to offend. If you can't live in it, wouldn't it be better to sell it to others cheaply, which would also cause trouble for your uncle? "

Liu Shu’s eyes widened, “Auntie, you want me to take the initiative to find someone to buy it?”

He only thought about people coming to him to buy it, and he really never thought about actively looking for people to buy it. This is a good idea.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Shu had already thought of some candidates, and excitedly thanked her and left.

Yang Datou breathed a long sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, "Auntie, you are still awesome, this method is so relaxing."

Jiang Ning shook his head, feeling helpless, "You, you still have a lot to learn! I won't argue with you about this matter this time. I will look back and reflect on it. What should I do to protect our Yang if we encounter this kind of thing again in the future?" For the interests of the family, remember, one will be prosperous and one will suffer, and there is nothing you can do about it.

In addition, I have found your grandmother's family. If you have time later, you can go with me to Fucheng to meet her. "

“Yes!” Yang Datou solemnly agreed.

Liu Shu returned to the village and told his parents what Jiang Ning wanted. Regardless of whether his father agreed or not, he went to find Liu Feihu, the poorest family in the village.

There are six brothers in this family, only the eldest and the second are married to the mother-in-law, and the other four are all bachelors. They are a notoriously poor and dirty family in the village.

Liu Shu went to Liu Feihu and explained the situation.

Liu Feihu didn't expect such a good thing at all, and immediately asked: "Are you really selling me cheap?"

Liu Shu nodded, "You also know the situation of my family. My uncle's family is not easy to get along with. I can only find you."

Liu Feihu laughed contemptuously, "What's there to be afraid of from a family that bullies the weak and fears the strong? Liushu, thank you, I'm committed to your brother!"

The news that Liu Shu sold the house to Liu Feihu spread in the village that day.

Uncle Liu was shocked and angry, and ran over to ask Liu's father for questioning.

Liu's father didn't know anything about it, and he made up his mind not to get involved in anything.

Uncle Liu hurriedly ran to the village chief to make the decision.

The village chief glared at him angrily and cursed angrily, "Now I know I'm afraid! What did you do in the past? If you hadn't threatened the villagers, would Liu Shu have found Liu Feihu?"

The house belongs to other people, and they buy and sell it as you please, so what can I do? As the village chief, I still want to enjoy my old age. You go back, live a good life, and don't make trouble again. Liu Feihu's family is not your brother, so he is not that easy to talk to. "