Chapter 274 The grievances of the year

Xie Lianyuan looked upright, and Dong Yao instantly darkened his face. He subconsciously looked at Dong Jihong, and when he received Dong Jihong's eyes, he swallowed his begging for mercy.

After a while, Dong Yao's shrill wails came from outside.

Dong Jihong's fists under his sleeves gradually tightened, and the veins on his neck popped out, but he remained calm.

Twenty big boards were played at the back, and Dong Yao was already shouting until his voice became hoarse.

The official came in to report. Xie Lianyuan waved his hand and clapped the gavel tree, "Dong Maoyan and Pu have nothing to do with the poisoned wine in Dingguo Palace. I declare that they are not guilty and will be released in court!"

When the conversation changed, Xie Lianyuan looked at Dong Jihong suddenly, "Where is Dong Jihong?"

Dong Jihong stepped forward calmly, clasped his fists and bowed, "The grassroots are here."

"Dong Jihong, as the head of the Dong family, you secretly trafficked Dong Changqing, a good citizen. Can you plead guilty?" Xie Lianyuanhu's eyes widened, and his voice suddenly became sharp.

Dong Jihong knelt down with a plop, "Master Fu Yin, you are wronged! Cao Min is the head of the Dong family, so he must be responsible for every clan member. Dong Changqing is not at fault. How could Cao Min treat a child like this? Someone must have framed Cao Min."

Xie Lianyuan sneered and said unhurriedly: "I have sent people to go to the bank to investigate, and I have also asked all the insiders. Now it is not just your quibbles that can confuse right and wrong.

I would like to advise you to be lenient if you confess and be strict if you resist. The two princes are here today, as well as Duke Dingguo and Uncle Guang En. There are so many people here. I don’t want to embarrass you, but if you persist in your obsession, I will The only option is to use torture! "

Dong Jihong raised his head suddenly and bumped into Xie Lianyuan's sharp eyes. His heart sank inexplicably. Before he came, he thought it was about Yun Zemeng's secret recipe. He had been thinking about how to deal with it and how to pour dirty water on Uncle Guang En. Go up and profit from it, never thinking about anything else.

It was only when he arrived that he realized something was wrong, but there were so many people in the yamen at that time, and even if he had doubts, he couldn't express them. Moreover, Uncle Guang En was also invited, and it was most likely related to the secret recipe, so he waited with peace of mind.

As for Dong Maoyan and his wife, to be honest, there are so many people in the clan, and he has never seen or recognized them at all, let alone knows what Dong Changqing looks like.

Now Xie Lianyuan actually wants to avenge Dong Maoyan's family, which is simply ridiculous!

"Thank you, Sir! There is no need to accuse anyone of the Dong clan. Even the common people, there are people who violate the law. There are even some people below who do illegal things under the banner of the common people. The common people have no way of knowing about the matter until it is exposed." , since you discovered that Dong Changqing was maliciously sold, you should send someone to investigate carefully.

It is certainly wrong for the grassroots to be lax in their imperial duties, but the grassroots definitely did not allow anyone to sell Dong Changqing, please be aware of this! "

Dong Jihong clutched his chest with grief and burst into tears, wishing he could die to prove his innocence.

Xie Lianyuan said with an expressionless face: "Dong Changqing, who dragged you away with a gangster in the first place?"

Dong Changqing stepped forward and pointed at Dong Jihong, "It's his confidant, Dong's housekeeper Lao Xu, and Lao Xu's four minions."

Dong Changqing reported the names of those people one by one.

Dong Jihong slowly closed his eyes. Lao Xu had been with him for more than thirty years and was his most trusted confidant. As well as the four thugs, he had worked hard to train them.

He believed that Lao Xu would not betray him, but it was hard to say about the four thugs.

Xie Lianyuan did not give Dong Jihong time to plan, and immediately sent people to Dong's house to pick up the people. As a result, only the housekeeper Lao Xu and two thugs were caught, and the other two were not there.

Xie Lianyuan was angry and ordered the police to arrest the two men.

Dong Jihong's hanging heart almost broke. If he remembered correctly, those two people should have been ordered to spread rumors about King Xiaoyao and Uncle Guang En. If they were caught

He was so frightened that his hair stood on end. Since there were still two people who had not yet been charged, Xie Lianyuan interrogated the others first. Lao Xu confessed to his crime, while the other two hesitated and confessed under the coercion of Lao Xu's eyes.

Xie Lianyuan felt angry in his heart. He lowered his eyelids and said slowly: "Abducting and selling good people is a capital crime. I will never give you mercy. If you come, drag me down and I will kill you!"

The two minions were shocked, kowtowed and begged, "Sir, lord, the little one is wronged! The little one is just following orders and has nothing to do with the villain!"

"Oh? Whose orders are you listening to?" Xie Lianyuan rubbed his chin leisurely.

Although the two of them were afraid of death, they were not stupid enough to blame Dong Jihong directly. Instead, they put all the blame on the housekeeper Lao Xu.

Xie Lianyuan sneered, "Even if you are not the principal culprit, you are also an accomplice. Moreover, you two know that Dong Changqing is a good citizen and yet you dare to help the tyrants commit crimes. You will be punished with death and you will not be able to escape! I will sentence you to exile in the northwest and you will not be able to leave for life!"

The two of them looked ashen.

Lao Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

Dong Jihong was still extremely nervous.

Not long after, the Yamen escorted the other two people into the lobby, "Sir, my subordinates caught Ma Sheng and Ma Jun in the teahouse. These two people were spreading rumors around the teahouse at the time."

"What rumors?" Xie Lianyuan frowned subconsciously, why are these things happening one after another, endlessly!

The officer did not dare to hide anything and subconsciously looked at King Xiaoyao and Jiang Ning, "It's King Xiaoyao and Uncle Guang En. They said that King Xiaoyao was fond of Uncle Guang En and did many shameful things to please Uncle Guang En. He also paid for Uncle Guang En's restaurant expenses." Try your best to find the secret recipe for wine making.

The subordinates and others listened for a while before identifying themselves. The subordinates swore that these words were spoken by the two of them themselves. "

"What!" Xie Lianyuan was furious and slapped the alarm, "This is nonsense! Horses are better than horse forces, King Xiaoyao and Uncle Guang En are all here. If you can't produce evidence today, I can have your heads thrown to the ground immediately!"

One is a prince and the other is an uncle. They are both powerful people. How can they be slandered by a little servant?

Ma Sheng and Ma Jun were frightened to death. They didn't even need Xie Lianyuan's tricks. They both pointed at Dong Jihong, "It's the master of the house. The master of the house ordered the younger one to do it. The master of the house asked the second and third masters to come to the Yamen to report the case and tell them about Yun Zemeng's secret recipe." If you lose it, let me spread rumors about King Xiaoyao and Uncle Guang En again.

It’s all about the owner of the house, it has nothing to do with the villain! "

Dong Jihong couldn't bear it anymore and shouted that he was wronged, "Sir, Ma Sheng and Ma Jun have had second thoughts about the Dong family for a long time. Their words cannot be trusted!"

"Their words can't be trusted. How can it be that what you say is trustworthy?" Xie Lianyuan looked sarcastic, and immediately turned his gaze to Jiang Ning. His tone of voice was obviously much gentler, "Uncle, the Dong family came to the Yamen to report the case today, saying that they Jia Yunzemeng’s recipe has been lost for a while.

He also mentioned that the taste of the little old man from Baiweilou was very similar to that of Yun Zemeng, and he told me that it was his uncle who had the recipe for their wine.

I wonder what your uncle thinks about this matter? "

Dong Jihong subconsciously looked at Jiang Ning and Xiaoyao Wang and found that both of them were old and calm.

The calmer the two of them became, the more panicked he became. He always felt that this matter was not as simple as he thought. He couldn't help but start to regret it. If he had known better, he would have sent someone to investigate more carefully. It was too impulsive.

Jiang Ning stood up and nodded calmly, "He is right, my wine uses the Dong family's recipe."