Chapter 281 The Iron Cavalry Arrives

His children are still very filial and sensible, except the sixth child who is rude.

Princess Yongyang raised her head cautiously and looked at the emperor with admiration with her shining eyes, "Father, aren't you angry?"

The emperor sighed slightly and shook his head, "I'm not angry anymore!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and had a little smile on their face.

Princess Yongyang was overjoyed and ran over to hold the emperor's arm like before and said, "Father, if you want to eat something, Yongyang will cook it for you."

"It's just you! Forget it! Don't make trouble here!" The emperor smiled fondly and told the imperial chef: "The eldest son Guang Enbo will discuss with you the New Year's Eve palace banquet in the next few days. You guys Look at the coordination.”

The imperial chef was shocked, why did the emperor bring people here personally for such a trivial matter?

Because of the emperor's strange behavior, the entire imperial dining room felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy. They were very respectful to Yang Datou, and even vaguely regarded him as the leader.

Yang Datou was confused, but he was pure and kind in nature, never arrogant due to favors, and respected the imperial chef in the imperial dining room very much.

Everyone got along very happily.

The emperor walked around the imperial dining room again, and then left with Princess Yongyang and the Eighth Prince.

Princess Yongyang accompanied the emperor for a while before going to see the queen. She expressed her confusion, "Mother, why do you treat the eldest son of Uncle Guang'en so kindly? He actually took people to the imperial dining room in person. Plant a place?”

The queen smiled, took a sip of tea, and said softly: "When have you ever seen your father so angry in your life?"

Princess Yongyang shook her head, "No, ever since I was little, my eldest father has given me the impression that I am tolerant, kind, understanding and tolerant. I never thought that he would chop off the arm of the Sixth Emperor."

My first reaction when I heard this today was disbelief, and I wanted to confirm it, but my mother stopped me. Instead, she was asked to find a way to make her father happy. God knows what was going on in her mind when she was in the imperial dining room.

The queen smiled sadly and shook her head, "So you are still too young. Your father did not take people to the imperial dining room because he liked Yang Changsong. He just found an excuse to temporarily avoid the people in the palace.

Yang Changsong is honest, down-to-earth and filial by nature. Although he is not half as smart and courageous as his mother, he is better at being honest and obedient and does not have so many twists and turns in his intestines.

So even though he was not the most outstanding child of Guang Enbo, he was the most popular among the emperor.

With so many things happening today, your father must have felt a little frustrated as a father. Talking to people like Yang Changsong would make him feel more relaxed, and he wouldn’t have to worry about the other person’s plans. Wouldn’t it be nice? "

Princess Yongyang suddenly realized, "I understand!"

The queen shook her head again, "No, you still don't understand. The queen mother is telling you so much to let you understand that your father likes your frankness and sense of proportion. You must not be afraid of him because of Lao Liu's affairs, and be careful with him. , what it was like before, it will be like in the future, just remind yourself more and do less extraordinary things.

If you have nothing to do, you can go to Uncle Guang En's house for a walk. Your uncle still lives there. You can go and pay homage to him or talk to Uncle Guang En. Your father will definitely be happy. "

Princess Yongyang kept these words in mind and took the eighth prince Xiao Chongjun to Guang Enbo's mansion.

The affairs of the Bai family have come to an end, and the Dong family has been suppressed to the point of being unable to stand up. It stands to reason that Jiang Ning can take some time off, but instead of being idle, she is even busier.

Ever since Yang Datou was called into the palace by the emperor, she could only be left to serve as the cook of Baiweilou. Coupled with the news about the Bai family and the Dong family, Baiweilou became completely famous, and the number of diners who came here increased several times. The novices in the kitchen were unable to cope with the work, which really made her miserable.

Liu Ye felt distressed, but she could only help with some light work.

As soon as New Year's Eve arrived, Jiang Ning couldn't hold on anymore, so he had to have people close the door early, and took Liu Ye back to the house to wash up and change clothes, and prepare for tonight's palace banquet.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dressed up in the evening. When they came out, they saw that Prince Rui and Ayi were still teasing Yang Lexu. Not only had they not changed their clothes, they had not even fixed their hair.

She became anxious immediately, and despite Old Prince Rui's protest, she asked the servants to freshen them up and change into clean clothes before going out together.

On the way, Prince Rui protested dissatisfiedly, "The old man doesn't need these fancy clothes, but you still have people put those weird things on the old man's body, making him look like a woman!"

Jiang Ning glanced at him coolly, "Those are called shower gel and shampoo. It's okay for the prince himself to be slovenly, but it's not okay for you to let Ah Yi be like you. What if he is really my brother? How will others see me, Uncle Guang En?" "Father, are you saying that I neglected my own brother?"

Mr. Rui felt guilty at that moment. He was about to make a quibble when he heard the sound of iron hooves coming from far and near. He suddenly opened the curtain of the car.

A gust of cold wind blew in from outside, and the sound of iron hooves got closer and closer.

The sound quickly gets quieter when it reaches its loudest level.

Old Prince Rui watched those people leave before lowering the car curtain, looking thoughtful.

After being frightened last time, Jiang Ning's awe of the imperial power reached a new height. He knew well the necessity of pretending to be deaf and dumb, and suppressed his curiosity not to ask.

The carriage arrived outside the palace gate.

With Old Prince Rui leading the way, the family entered the Chengqing Hall where the palace banquet was held smoothly.

As soon as she entered, she noticed several eyes coming from all directions. She raised her head and looked around, and finally walked towards Zhao.

Zhao was a little excited. After Jiang Ning sat down, she immediately gave her a thumbs up, "I'm really impressed by you!"

Jiang Ning smiled and saw that the two female family members around Zhao had not been seen before, so he asked: "Didn't you bring those two girls?"

Mrs. Zhao shook her head, with a bit of joy on her face, "My sister-in-law asked me to thank you. You also know that they are in business, the Bai family is an imperial merchant, and there is a concubine De and Liu in the palace. Prince, those couple have some thoughts on marrying the Bai family.

Of course, you also know my master’s temperament. He doesn’t like people who are too smooth, so he has a bad impression of the Bai family. In addition, the younger generation of the Bai family does not have particularly outstanding children, so he has not nodded.

Seeing that the two children were getting older, the second child and the couple were also anxious, and they wanted to kill it first and then play it off. My sister-in-law took the initiative to pick a fight with Mrs. Bai several times, but Mrs. Bai was arrogant and rude and looked down on my sister-in-law. Things didn't work out, and something happened to the Bai family before they could think of anything else.

Now the two of us are so frightened that they haven't recovered from the shock. My sister-in-law comes to me every day to cry. It's not to mention the New Year, which makes her very upset. Fortunately, nothing happened to the child. "

Mrs. Zhao was also frightened when she talked about this. She had no daughter, and she treated the two girls almost as if they were her own daughters. If the second child and his wife really ruined the child's life, she would be so angry that she could whip them to death.