Su Yuli glanced in front of him at Luo Xing, and found that his appearance and temperament were the same as those described in the book. He wondered if he was too uneasy, so he had such a dream.

Su Yuli clearly remembered the contents of the book. Luo Xing came to attend Lin Suiyan’s wedding, and deliberately ignored Wen Jin and talked with Lin Suiyan about what happened when they were students.

Wen Jin couldn’t speak, and could only let this these disgusting scumbags go.

Su Yuli looked at Luo Xing and silently read out Luo Xing’s next line in his head. A second later, Luo Xing spoke up, saying the same thing Su Yuli had just thought.

Su Yuli couldn’t help frowning. This was not like a dream at all, but rather like replaying the plot while playing a video game. He pinched himself quietly, tears of pain on the verge of falling.

However, the pain was not the most important thing. Along with the pain came a shock.

Su Yuli realized that this was probably not a dream. It was impossible to feel such real and intense pain in a dream.

Lin Suiyan noticed that the person holding his arm had frozen, and couldn’t help but look at him inquiringly: “What’s the matter? Are you feeling unwell?”

Su Yuli forced a smile and said, “I’m going to the bathroom” and then left in a hurry. After walking a few steps, Lin Suiyan’s gentle voice chased after him: “I’ll wait for you here.”

Su Yuli waved his hand to indicate that he’d heard, and then he plunged into the bathroom. As soon as he entered, Su Yuli’s attention was attracted to the mirror in front of the sink.

The mirror reflected a handsome young man, who looked twenty at most, and whose youth had not yet entirely faded from his body.

The young man in the mirror was fair-skinned, with a pair of peach blossom eyes, the ends of his eyes were slightly raised, his eyelashes were long and thick. His eyes were clear and he was very good-looking. He was wearing a tailored white suit with a slender waist that seemed to cling tightly.

Su Yuli walked to the mirror, raised his hand and touched his cheek. The young man in the mirror also made the same action as him.

What was reflected in the mirror was Su Yuli’s own face, but it was also slightly different.

Su Yuli was born with salty skin which couldn’t get tanned. Although he was an internet addict, he still found time to exercise every day. His body is strong and full of explosive power, but now, the person in the mirror was very thin, as if a light breeze could blow him over.

Looking down, Su Yuli noticed the corsage on his suit. He pulled it off, not at all distressed at ruining the expensive custom suit.

“Wen… Jin.” Su Yuli almost fell over as he read the name on the corsage.

When his fingers touched the pocket he noticed that there was something hard inside. Su Yuli raised his hand and touched it. It was a mobile phone.

Looking at the phone, Su Yuli’s eyes lit up. He walked into one of the stalls, closed the toilet lid, and sat directly on it.

Su Yuli dialed a few numbers that he had memorized, but the numbers showed empty numbers. He began to search for information about the world he lived in. In the end, he had to admit that this was the world in the book. The world in “Substitute”.

This was not a dream at all, but a nightmare! A nightmare you can’t wake up from!

After the initial panic, Su Yuli quickly calmed down. As a teenager who is addicted to the Internet, he has read countless books, isn’t this just transmigration? There’s nothing to be afraid of, he is a man who knows the plot.

Master Su is not afraid!

As for Wen Jin, the protagonist in the book “Substitute”, Su Yuli’s feelings for him are complicated.

Su Yuli felt injustice and distress for Wen Jin in his heart, but at the same time, he inevitably felt angry. Anger at Wen Jin’s kindness, weakness and innocence.

Wake up. Su Yuli patted his cheeks and said to himself that now he was the one who should be pitied the most.

God was playing some kind of joke on him to let him transmigrate into  the tragic character of Wen Jin. He wouldn’t be as docile and pure as Wen Jin, who was bullied by that pair of scumbags.

Not just Lin Suiyan and Luo Xing, no one can bully him!

Su Yuli washed his face with cold water and looked up at the mirror. Suddenly he thought of the kiss on tiptoe that he had given just now, and couldn’t help covering his mouth.

Su Yuli He took a sip, raised his hand and wiped the crystal water droplets off his chin.

Su Yuli couldn’t stay by his side, not only that, but he also had to draw a clear line between himself and Lin Suiyan as soon as possible.

In his mind, Su Yuli quickly worked out a plan. Thirty-Six strategies, If all else fails, retreat, and as for the guests outside, Lin Suiyan, you can take care of them by yourself!

With that in mind, Su Yuli threw the corsage in his hand into the trash can, and left the bathroom with his head held high. In just a few steps he bumped into someone. It was Mu Lang who he had just spoken with.

Mu Lang was holding a wine glass in his hand, and standing with a straight posture and a handsome appearance. He looked at Su Yuli with a concerned look on his face: “Mr. Wen, you don’t look very well. Do you feel uncomfortable?”

When Su Yuli had just thought that all of this was a dream, his first impression of Mu Lang was very good.  But now that he knew the plot, he naturally knew how terrifying this handsome, gentle and harmless-looking man in front of him was.

Mu Lang, President of Langyue Group, had a handsome appearance that wasn’t inferior to Lin Suiyan, and his strength and skill should not be underestimated. This person liked both men and women and there were some special hobbies in that regard.

The most terrible thing, was that Mu Lang was bent on getting Wen Jin, and he would do anything to get him. Su Yuli remembered that Mu Lang almost succeeded.

Of course, this Mu Lang didn’t want to get Wen Jin because he liked Wen Jin. Mu Lang just did this out of jealousy – jealousy of Lin Suiyan.

Mu Lang has been oppressed by Lin Suiyan everywhere since he was a child. Even if he tried to catch up, there seemed to be a gap between him and Lin Suiyan. As long as Lin Suiyan appeared in the same place as him, everyone’s eyes would focus on Lin Suiyan, as if he was just his foil.

What made Mu Lang jealous even more was that while he was surrounded by numerous handsome men and women, they all wanted something from him. How could Lin Suiyan have a lover whose eyes were only full of him?

Su Yuli’s family background was good, and he had attended a lot of banquets. Although he was a little afraid of Mu Lang in his heart, he still had a faint smile on his face: “Thank you for your concern, Mr. Mu, I’m fine, I just feel a little tired.”

Mu Lang smiled and said, “Preparing for the wedding is really tiring.” He turned the glass in his hand, “I heard Suiyan say you are still studying?”

Su Yuli was still acting carefully, and nodded, “Yes, I am studying in A University. Suiyan is my senior.”

Mu Lang said: “What a coincidence,  Suiyan and I are also college classmates.”

Su Yuli’s eyes curved, revealing a cute smile, he said to Mu Lang: ” Hello, senior.”

Mu Lang didn’t expect Su Yuli to react like this. After being stunned for a moment, he laughed loudly: “Suiyan also said that you are introverted, but you seem very lively to me.”

Su Yuli’s mouth was as sweet as honey: “Senior, you are Sui Yan’s good friend, so of course it’s different.”

Mu Lang’s eyes flashed: “Oh, is it?”

While dealing with Mu Lang, Su Yuli was also thinking. The man in front of him was  very dangerous, and what was even more dangerous was that he was Wen Jin now.

Su Yuli glanced to the side where there were reporters taking pictures, and there were many other eyes that would glance over.  He realized that his thoughts were too simple.

He had thought that it would be safe to leave Lin Suiyan, but that was not the case.

Not to mention other people, but with Mu Lang’s perverted temperament, from the day he got involved with Lin Suiyan, Mu Lang was bound to get him.

Su Yuli pursed his lower lip in distress. Although Lin Suiyan was surrounded by powerful enemies, the foundation of the Lin family had been standing for many years and couldn’t be easily shaken.

If it weren’t for this, how could Lin Suiyan’s opponents only dare to work in secret and  didn’t dare to declare war head-on.

With Wen Qi’s shrewdness, he must have understood this. Otherwise he would not have let his younger brother be with Lin Suiyan.

Lin Suiyan moved quickly and held Luo Xing.

From Su Yuli’s point of view, Lin Suiyan and Luo Xing  looked like they were hugging each other.

Su Yuli remembered, in the book Luo Xing was relieved when he heard the news of Lin Suiyan’s marriage, but his heart was full of jealousy. He came to attend Lin Suiyan’s wedding and fell into Lin Suiyan’s arms under the pretext of being drunk.

Wen Jin, that little idiot, asked Lin Suiyan to send Luo Xing to the hotel to rest. Although Luo Xing wanted to seduce Lin Suiyan, he didn’t dare to have a relationship with him, just kissing and hugging was unavoidable.

Su Yuli narrowed his eyes, and he sneered in his heart. This is his wedding, and the groom is hooking up with others. Does he think that he’s dead?

Su Yuli’s feet moved, but he suddenly stopped. His eyes lit up, as an idea came to his mind.

Mu Lang wasn’t a good thing, and neither was Lin Suiyan. So why should he leave? Doesn’t the book say that Lin Suiyan is the final winner. Why not use Lin Suiyan to get rid of those people?

He could just sit back and watch. Drink some tea and watch a good show.

Thinking of this, Su Yuli had a bright smile on his face, and he called to Lin

Suiyan’s back: “Husband.”