Mu Lang’s father, Mu Lan, graduated from a famous school and had outstanding ability. It could be said that he was the proud son of heaven in business. In just a few years after he took over the group, the group had grown steadily, with higher and higher efficiency and strength.

It’s just that Mu Lan is a young man, young and full of energy. In dealing with some things, he may have offended some people without knowing.

It was a clear afternoon. On the way back from a business trip, Mu Lan collided with a truck. The truck driver died on the spot, and Mu Lan was also admitted to the intensive care unit.

In the end, Mu Lan was too injured to survive.

Mu Lan left, leaving behind his wife and young child, and the Mu group was in a state of turmoil. After that, it was Mr. Lin who helped, and Miao Min and her son were not driven out.

It was not until Mu Lang grew up that Old Lin returned everything to him.

Miao Min held Mu Lang’s hand and whispered: “A-Lang, it’s thanks to your, Grandpa Lin, that we have been able to live in peace these years. Today how could you…?”

Her eyes fell on the chrysanthemums at Mu Lang’s feet, and her tears fell down: “How can you hurt your grandpa Lin’s heart like this?

Mu Lang decided in his heart that it was Mr. Lin who killed his father, and naturally he would not be affected by Miao Min’s words: “Thanks to him? Mom, don’t be deceived by him. If it weren’t for him, Dad would still be alive and well.”

Mu Lang’s voice was full of hatred: “Mom, I checked. There was something wrong with the truck driver. Dad’s car accident wasn’t an accident. The driver gambled too much. He obviously took the money to do it, but he didn’t expect to also die. It really serves him right. “

Miao Min was very calm when she heard this news: “I know. I told Mr. Lin about this matter. At that time, you were young, so you might not remember. The police contacted us. The driver gambled, and owed hundreds of thousands of dollars to loan sharks, and his family was broke. But after your father’s accident, their family’s debt was suddenly cleared.”

Mu Lang’s lips twitched, and Miao Min continued to say: “Your father’s death was indeed not an accident, someone wanted to buy his life. But the person behind the scenes used cash, and the police couldn’t find anything. We…”

Mu Lang sneered: “Of course they can’t find out anything. Old Lin knows everything. He can spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on people to harm my father, and then pay a few million more…”

With a crisp “pa” sound, Miao Min raised her hand and slapped Mu Lang hard.

Mu Lang tilted his head to the side. He pressed his tongue against the beaten cheek and smiled sadly: “Mom, I can see that you have been blinded by him…”

Miao Min said, “You are the one who is blinded.”

Su Yuli, who had watched the drama until now, said: “Mu Lang, everything must be based on evidence. You keep saying that grandpa killed Mr. Mu. Where’s your evidence? Are you relying on your own guess? This is ridiculous. “

Su Yuli was so angry that when he spoke, he couldn’t help but take two steps in front of Mu Lang and was pulled back by Lin Suiyan.

Mu Lang snorted coldly: “Of course I have evidence.” He opened his cell phone and handed it over to Miao Min.

Miao Min looked down and found that it was a video. The video was obviously shot secretly, and it was a long time ago. The video was a little blurry, but it could still be seen that it was Mr. Lin and a young woman and child.

Miao Min: “This is?”

“These two are the wife and daughter of the driver who caused the accident.” Mu Lang said, “After my dad left, Mr. Lin secretly visited the driver’s wife and daughter more than once. if he didn’t have a ghost in his heart, why did he frequently contact the two of them?”

He continued: “In addition, my dad had a project in his hand before the accident, and they were almost done talking about it. As long as it could be done, the Mu family would be able to go to a higher level, surpassing the Lin family in a matter of minutes. After my dad left, this project fell into Lin’s hands. “

Mu Lang said so much, but Miao Min’s focus was: “A-Lang, who gave you this video?” When Mu Lan’s accident happened, Mu Lang was still young, so it was impossible for him to secretly take this video.

Mu Lang thought that he had finally persuaded his mother, and his expression softened: “Uncle Yao gave it to me. He has been investigating my father’s affairs all these years.”

Miao Min frowned: “Uncle Yao, are you talking about Yao Pei? Did he tell you all this?”

Mr. Lin’s expression also changed. Hearing Yao Pei’s name being mentioned, Su Yuli finally let out a breath. He murmured, “Finally.”

Lin Suiyan gave a “Hm?” sound and asked, “What did you say?”

Su Yuli shook his head, smiled at Lin Suiyan and said, “It’s nothing.”

Unlike Mu Lan, who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, Yao Pei was born in poverty. He grew up in an orphanage, and finally went to college by his own efforts and entered the Mu company.

Yao Pei can be regarded as Mu Lan’s apprentice. He was promoted from being a little-known clerk by Mu Lan and entrusted with important tasks. In just a few years, he had become the director, which could be said to be very inspirational.

Over the years, Yao Pei would bring gifts to Miao Min and Mr. Lin every New Year’s Festival. He was humble and respectful on the surface. Who could have imagined that he would say such a thing to Mu Lang behind his back?

Miao Min and Mr. Lin looked at each other and she said to Mu Lang, “A-Lang, over the years, your grandpa Lin and I have never given up on tracking down the real murderer who harmed your father.”

When Mu Lang saw that his mother still trusted Mr. Lin so much, his face sank. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Miao Min say, “After so many years of investigation and elimination, we guessed that the person who harmed your father was probably in the Mu family.”

Mu Lang frowned: “What?”

At this time, Mr. Lin took over the conversation: “Your father’s trip to a foreign country to talk about business was a last-minute decision. Even your mother only found out when he was on his way back. Over the years, I have been in contact with all of Mu Lan’s former partners, and they didn’t know about it either. And those who asked him to talk about business were even less likely to harm him. So I arranged people in the Mu family, not to do anything to the Mu family, but to find out who did it, but that person is really cunning. We have been looking for him for so long but he hasn’t been exposed. “

Miao Min said: “Yao Pei is the person your father trusted the most. I never doubted him. I didn’t expect…”

Mu Lang suddenly felt ridiculous: “You don’t doubt Uncle Yao, right? He was hand-picked by my dad, who was so good to him. Why would he … “

He often played in Mu Lan’s office when he was a child. That time, he was taking a nap in the lounge that came with the office and was suddenly awakened. He climbed out of bed by himself, carrying a small stool over to open the door a crack, and saw Yao Pei in the office, crying and weeping on the ground, kowtowing and asking Mu Lan to give him a chance.

At that time, what did Mu Lan and Yao Pei talk about? Mu Lang didn’t know, only that Yao Pei had done something wrong, and Mu Lan had asked him to leave. Yao Pei said he couldn’t leave.

Mu Lang raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. He couldn’t remember what happened next. But obviously, the relationship between Yao Pei and his father wasn’t as harmonious as rumored.

Soon after that, Mu Lan had an accident. Then, Yao Pei was promoted step by step, and now he has established a firm foothold in the Mu clan and has won the support of everyone.

Mu Lang clenched his fingers.  Everything seemed fine when he trusted him. However, once the seeds of doubt were planted, he found that Yao Pei was revealing something wrong everywhere.

He recalled that after his father’s death, Yao Pei often visited the mother and son, but rarely got close to them. He just sat down and then left.

Yao Pei began to approach him when he was in junior high school. At that time, the Mu family seemed to have a few new employees, all of whom were senior officials.

Mu Lang was studying at an aristocratic middle school and his classmates’ families were also very good. At that time, rumors were flying around, saying that Elder Lin wanted to take the Mu family as his own.

At that time, Mu Lang still respected and loved Mr. Lin very much, and he fought with those schoolmates who kept running their mouths. Later, the head teacher called their parents, but he didn’t dare to disturb his mother. Instead, it was Mr. Lin who came.

At that time, Mr. Lin was younger than he was now. With a smile on his face, he rubbed Mu Lang’s head and said with a smile, “All right, let’s go back to school.”

Shortly after that, Yao Pei began to approach him, and “accidentally” leaked that his father was actually murdered, and then led him to discover that something was wrong with Mr. Lin.

Mu Lang was just a teenager at that time, although he was intelligent, he was still just a child in the end. Soon, under Yao Pei’s brainwashing, he was convinced of Yao Pei’s words.

Looking back now, Yao Pei looked anxious and worried at that time. Mu Lang thought, he should have noticed that Mr. Lin was still investigating his father’s death, and had already found something important.

Mr. Lin’s financial resources and power was stronger than Yao Pei’s. He couldn’t touch Mr. Lin at all, so this matter will be dug up sooner or later. So he began to use Mu Lang to get rid of Mr. Lin.

Mu Lang even remembered that when he first got the news when he was young, he wanted to take revenge on Mr. Lin with a knife, but he didn’t do it for some reason.

The more Mu Lang thought about it, the more frightened he became. Yao Pei clearly had so many flaws. Why didn’t he find them?

“This child, you’ve been keeping everything in your heart. So that’s why you’ve been unhappy all these years? It’s all my fault. If I’d known I would have told you.”

Miao Min was a little frightened when she thought about it. The only thing she was thankful for now was that Lin Suiyan was standing in front of her safely, and that Mr. Lin hadn’t been angered by Mu Lang.

Mu Lang’s face was pale, he took a step back and let go of Miao Min’s hand. Over the years, he would do anything for revenge, abandoning all his friends and lovers, but in the end he’s been told that all this was wrong.

Mu Lang couldn’t accept it. He shook off the crowd and walked out of the room quickly.

“A-Lang.” Miao Min called out and chased him out. When they went out, they saw Mu Lang’s car whizzing past.

Miao Min had tears on her face and apologized to Elder Lin.

Mr. Lin shook his head: “It’s okay, A-Lang is a smart boy. Let him calm down.”

After successfully solving the big problem of Mu Lang, Su Yuli was in a good mood and couldn’t help but want to celebrate. But Mr. Lin was obviously worried about Mu Lang, and Ding Yuan has had a relationship with Mu Lang so now he definitely doesn’t want to hear Mu Lang’s name. In the end, Su Yuli could only drag Lin Suiyan out to celebrate together.

Su Yuli invited Lin Suiyan to have a beautiful meal, and finally returned home drunk.

After a war-like bath, Su Yuli rolled onto the bed, put his arms around Lin Suiyan and kissed him, and said with a silly smile: “The big trouble has finally been solved, Luo Xing is not a threat, and our happy days are coming.”

Lin Suiyan laughed: “What are you talking about?” He rubbed Su Yuli’s hair and tucked him into the quilt: “Go to sleep.”

“Xiao Yu, Xiao Yu.” Someone kept calling his name in his ear, Su Yuli turned over in a fit of annoyance and covered himself in his quilt.

The next moment, Su Yuli sensed something was wrong and opened his eyes – the man had called him by his real name.

Su Yuli sat up suddenly and looked at the person beside the bed. Both of them were startled.

“Li Hai!” Su Yuli looked at his roommate and was shocked: “You’ve also transmigrated into the book too?”

“What transmigrating into a book?” Li Hai rushed over and hugged Su Yuli fiercely, “You are well in the dormitory. You suddenly fainted in the dormitory, and you wouldn’t wake up, so I sent you to the hospital. Fortunately, you woke up. You scared me to death.”

Su Yuli was still a little stunned, and turned to look around. It was white, and the air was full of the smell of disinfectant. He blinked. He passed out? He clearly had transmigrated.

What’s going on?

Before Su Yuli could sort out his thoughts, he was checked by his roommate and the doctor from head to toe, and he was released only after they were sure that everything was fine.

Su Yuli sat in the back seat of the car and asked, “How long have I slept?”

Li Hai, as the head of the dormitory, had been worried sick these days. He yawned and said, “Three days.”

Su Yuli frowned, He touched his body and said, “Where’s my phone?”

Li Hai threw his mobile phone to him, and Su Yuli took it and scrolled to the novel “Substitute”. Looking at the familiar names on the page, he was anxious. How did he come back? Clearly, the plot wasn’t finished.

He came back, what should Lin Suiyan do?

Su Yuli crossed inexplicably, and there was no warning when he came back. He held his forehead. Li Hai kept an eye on him at all times and immediately asked nervously, “What’s wrong? Not feeling well?”

Su Yuli shook his head. He turned to Li Hai and asked, “Brother Hai, do you believe in transmigration?”

“Transmigration?” Li Hai frowned, “You mean like in transmigration novels?”

Su Yuli said solemnly, “Let me tell you something.” Then he briefly explained what had happened, and Li Hai laughed his head off.

Su Yuli got angry: “Don’t laugh, I’m serious.”

“Okay, okay, no laughing.” Li Hai said while typing, apparently reporting to the other two roommates.

Li Hai saw Su Yuli shrink into a depressed ball and said, “Xiao Yu, I think you’ve  slept for too long and haven’t woken up from your dream. I do that too sometimes. When I wake up, I don’t know what day it is, and I still think I’m in a dream. “

Su Yuli said, “It wasn’t a dream.”

Seeing that Su Yuli was so stubborn, Li Hai just sighed and said nothing.

Su Yuli returned to the dormitory and was warmly welcomed by his other two roommates. Su Yuli was in low spirits and he threw himself onto his bed as soon as he entered the room.

After sleeping for three days, Su Yuli was not physically sleepy at all. He just clung to his cell phone. In the beginning he had read the novel and then crossed over. He must go back. However, he stayed up all night and never returned to the world of the book.

Seeing that Su Yuli had been staring at his phone all the time, Li Hai advised: “Stop playing with the phone and staring at it all day long. If something happens to you again, my little heart can’t stand it.”

Su Yuli replied vaguely, and suddenly remembered that he was chatting with Fa Xiao before he had transmigrated. He contacted Fa Xiao.

Not many people knew about Su Yuli’s sudden coma, and he didn’t know it either.

However, when Su Yuli’s message was sent, it was like a clay ox entering the sea.1 Finally, Su Yuli made a phone call. On the other side of the phone, there was a little wheezing, obviously Fa Xiao was doing something unspeakable.

Su Yuli hung up the phone expressionlessly.

Half an hour later, Fa Xiao contacted Su Yuli. Su Yuli forced Fa Xiao to recreate the text messages of that day. Fa Xiao was confused but he still did it. Su Yuli fell asleep with anticipation, but when he opened his eyes, he found himself still in the dormitory.

Su Yuli frowned, and he began to search the internet for ways to transmigrate.

Netizens responded in a variety of ways, including car accidents, drowning, falling down  stairs, and even…electric shocks.

Su Yuli watched intently and didn’t notice that three heads leaned in behind him. It was his roommates.

Li Hai looked at Su Yuli’s mobile phone search page and knew he was in some kind of daze. At last, the three of them decided that they couldn’t let Su Yuli go on like this, and they dragged Su Yuli out, saying that they wanted to celebrate his discharge from the hospital.

The table was full of food and wine. Su Yuli was still preoccupied so he finally chose to drink wine to drown his sorrows and drank with his roommates.

The meal lasted a long time. As a result, Su Yuli got drunk and passed out.

Su Yuli opened his eyes and was relieved when he saw the familiar room. He went back for three days, which had felt like a year.

Su Yuli rolled over and saw that the other side of the bed was empty. Lin Suiyan wasn’t there.

Su Yuli took a look at his mobile phone by the bedside. It was ten o’clock in the evening, it was so late but Lin Suiyan hadn’t come back yet?


1.泥牛入海  lit. a clay ox enters the sea (idiom); fig. to disappear with no hope of returning

T/L: AHHHHHHHH! Tell me truthfully who was expecting that ending? I wasn’t! When I first read this I was really surprised when he suddenly transmigrated back to his old world!