Although Su Yuli didn’t have an invitation letter, there were no social circles in City A who didn’t know him, and he was let in without much hindrance.

The hall where the dinner was held was brightly lit, champagne, wine, and food were readily available. The guests were beautifully dressed and smiling.

Su Yuli hadn’t participated in such an occasion for some time, and was a little uncomfortable for a while. However, he adapted very quickly and met some acquaintances here.

Su Yuli chatted with those people for a while, then excused himself and walked away. He looked around the hall, but didn’t see Lin Suiyan. In the end, an enthusiastic guest told him.

“Mr. Lin? I seem to have seen him go outside.”

Su Yuli thanked him and walked out of the hall in the direction the man had pointed. There was a garden behind the hall. The flowers and plants were neatly trimmed and brightly lit. Several people were out here to get some air.

Su Yuli’s arrival didn’t attract the attention of these people, and he looked around and couldn’t see Lin Suiyan’s figure. Su Yuli thought that the person who showed him the way was wrong, or that Lin Suiyan had already left from here. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a familiar voice coming from behind the flowers not far away.

“Are you feeling more comfortable?”

That was Lin Suiyan’s voice.

Su Yuli stopped as he was about to leave. He looked at the flowers. Who was Lin Suiyan talking to?

After a short silence, Lin Suiyan said again: “It’s cold at night. You’ve been drinking too much. Go back, so you don’t catch a cold.”

There was a slight sound from behind the flowers, it should be Lin Suiyan getting up. At that moment, for some unknown reason, before Su Yuli had realized he’d reacted, he’d already squatted down.

Almost at the same time as Su Yuli squatted down, another voice rang, with some ambiguity, as if drunk.

“Suiyan, don’t go. Sit with me for a while.”

Su Yuli’s heart skipped a beat. It was Luo Xing’s voice. He took a deep breath, and moved quietly to look behind the flowers. There was a bench for guests to rest on. Luo Xing took Lin Suiyan’s hand and prevented him from leaving.

Lin Suiyan paused, then really sat back.

Su Yuli’s heart was pounding. He saw Luo Xing reaching out and tentatively holding Lin Suiyan’s arm. Lin Suiyan just glanced at it and didn’t refuse.

Before Su Yuli could get up and separate them, he heard Luo Xing say: “Suiyan, you know, all this is like a dream to me. I thought you didn’t like me.”

Su Yuli was nailed to the spot by this sentence. What did Luo Xing just say? What is “I thought you didn’t like me”, does it mean that Lin Suiyan likes him?

Bah, it’s just a fool’s dream.

As soon as Su Yuli finished scolding in his mind, he heard Lin Suiyan say: “How could it be, senior? You are my first love and the love of my life. However, I’ve made a lot of enemies, and I wanted to tell you after they’ve been resolved.”

Su Yuli’s head was buzzing, and he couldn’t help but raise his hand to test the temperature. He thought that his fever had confused him. He was having auditory hallucinations. Otherwise, how could Lin Suiyan say such a thing?

However, the reality didn’t allow him to deceive himself. Luo Xing continued to say: “I don’t believe you. What about Wen Jin? You are so nice to him and now you say that you like me, liar.”

Su Yuli’s entire attention was on Lin Suiyan, and he didn’t react to Luo Xing’s pretentious and disgusting remarks. There was a voice in his heart telling him to leave quickly, that Lin Suiyan’s next words might not be something he could bear. But he remained motionless as if he had been immobilized.

The next moment, Su Yuli heard the voice that always spoke soft and loving words to him say in a very strange tone: “Wen Jin? He’s just a stand-in for me to protect you

Stand-in… that’s all.

Su Yuli never thought Lin Suiyan would talk about him in such a dismissive tone, as if he were a dispensable person. At first, he had said that Wen Jin was stupid, but he was the same as Wen Jin. He clearly knew how good Lin Suiyan’s acting was, but he still deceived himself and thought that the other party had deeply  loved him.

Su Yuli once thought that he was a straightforward person, and if his other half dared to put a green hat on him, he would definitely make the other regret being born. But now that this kind of thing had really happened to him, he suddenly found that it was not the case.

Lin Suiyan had just said a few words gently and skillfully, trampling all of his dignity under his feet. He just felt too embarrassed. He wanted to leave here. At least he couldn’t be seen by Luo Xing.

Su Yuli almost fled out of the hotel. Uncle Kang was waiting outside, and immediately greeted him when he saw him.

“Xiao Jin, what’s the matter with you?” Uncle Kang was taken aback by Su Yuli’s pale face, and asked repeatedly, “Feeling sick?”

Su Yuli shook his head and got into the car: “I’m fine, Uncle Kang, Let’s go back.”

Uncle Kang was afraid that Su Yuli would faint on the road, so he responded and got into the car. The car drove a certain distance before Uncle Kang came back to his senses and asked, “Aren’t we going to wait for sir?”

Su Yuli looked out of the window as if he were in a trance. After a while, he said in a hoarse voice, “Lin… Suiyan is talking to someone about something. He will go back very late. I’m sleepy, so I won’t wait for him.

Uncle Kang sighed, keenly feeling that Su Yuli’s mood wasn’t right. He wanted to ask, but he saw in the rearview mirror, that Su Yuli had covered his face.

When Su Yuli went back, he said nothing and went to sleep. He had a fever again in the middle of the night. It was fierce. It was only when Aunt Xu called the doctor to put an IV drip on him that the high fever was brought down.

When Su Yuli woke up, it was already noon the next day. He looked at the familiar room and suddenly felt a little disappointed. Why was he still in this world?

But since he was still here, he had to get his act together. Su Yuli lay down again for a while, washed up, changed his clothes and went downstairs.

Downstairs, Aunt Xu was ironing. Su Yuli recognized at a glance that Aunt Xu was holding the suit Lin Suiyan wore to the dinner last night. He stared at the suit, thinking that if Aunt Xu hadn’t washed it in time, he should still be able to smell Luo Xing’s cologne on the suit.

Aunt Xu noticed that Su Yuli had come down. She quickly stopped what she was doing and said, “Xiao Jin is awake. Are you feeling better? You must be hungry. I’ll make you something to eat.”

Su Yuli answered, “Don’t bother. Just cook me a bowl of noodles.”

Aunt Xu said, “That’s no good. I’ll fry you two more dishes.”

Su Yuli sat on the sofa and asked, “Where’s Suiyan? At the company?”

Aunt Xu quickly put on her apron and replied, “Yes, he left early in the morning.”

Su Yuli snorted: “What a busy man.”

He just didn’t know if he was busy with work or was having a tryst.

Mr. Lin had called in sick for Su Yuli, so he didn’t have to go to school today. He sat down in the garden after eating. The warm sun was shining on him, and Su Yuli was rather drowsy. He basked in the sun for a while, and suddenly felt a little thirsty, so he got up and went to the kitchen. As soon as he entered the living room, Su Yuli noticed that Aunt Xu and Uncle Kang were whispering at the door.

Uncle Kang’s worried words swept along the wind to Su Yuli’s ear.

“I think Xiao Jin seems to be in a bad mood. Did they quarrel?”

Aunt Xu said, “I don’t think it’s anything, with Xiao Jin. It’s Mr. Lin…. He always works overtime recently and doesn’t go back to his room to sleep. Don’t you think it’s strange? “

Uncle Kang smiled: “What’s so strange? He just doesn’t want to disturb Xiao Jin’s sleep.” After that, he was a little worried: “Every time he works so late, no matter how good your health is, your body can’t bear it.”

Aunt Xu was silent. After a while, she seemed to have made up her mind and said: “I went to the study to deliver a late-night snack to Sir some time ago, and found that he was talking and laughing on the phone, and it didn’t seem like he was talking about work. This has happened several times. You said that Sir is like this now, is there someone outside?”

Uncle Kang’s expression changed, and he scolded: “Don’t talk nonsense. How is that possible?”

After a few seconds of silence, Uncle Kang’s brow wrinkled, and he sighed, “In fact, I can also feel that something is wrong with Sir these days. I heard the driver say that he has been very close to that Luo Xing recently, and they often eat together.”


“You’ve seen him before,” Uncle Kang said, “It’s the young man who came with Mu Lang last time, you… …” As soon as he turned his head, he happened to see Su Yuli standing not far away, and immediately fell silent.

Aunt Xu noticed Uncle Kang’s face, and looked over. Her expression also changed.

“Xiao, Xiao Jin.” Aunt Xu stammered: “Why are you here?”

Su Yuli smiled, pretending not to see the panic in her eyes, and said with a smile, “I’m thirsty. I came over to pour a glass of water.”

Aunt Xu hurriedly said, “I’ll pour it for you.”

Su Yuli said, “No need, Aunt Xu. I’ll do it myself, you and Uncle Kang continue to chat.”

Aunt Xu glanced at Uncle Kang and said, “There is nothing to talk about. It’s just that the old man wants to eat braised pork at night. It’s too greasy to do it.”

Su Yuli smiled: “It can’t be done, it’s better to be light.”

Aunt Xu nodded again and again for a while. Not daring to look into Su Yuli’s eyes. She quickly walked into the kitchen.

Su Yuli took the glass of water and left. He felt that his facial expression should be perfectly controlled. At least when Aunt Xu asked him how long he had been waiting, she was relieved to hear his answer.

Behind Su Yuli, Uncle Kang said to Aunt Xu: “Okay, let’s stop guessing. The Lin family’s teaching tutor wouldn’t allow him to do such a thing. Old Mr. Lin wouldn’t forgive him. And Xiao Jin is so clever and sensible Mr. Lin wouldn’t do anything to wrong him.”

Su Yuli’s sudden appearance greatly frightened Aunt Xu. She nodded and said, “I know.”

Su Yuli returned to the yard and sat down in his original position. The sun was shining brightly at the moment, but he felt a biting cold, and the hand holding the water glass trembled uncontrollably.

He thought it was very ridiculous. When he thought about it carefully, Lin Suiyan was different after he had solved the matter of Mu Lang. Lin Suiyan has long known that Mu Lang was a very dangerous existence. Once the matter of Mu Lang was solved, he didn’t even want to pretend. He couldn’t wait to get with Luo Xing.

Even Aunt Xu and Uncle Kang found out that something was wrong. He was the only one who foolishly believed that the years would be peaceful and dreamed of growing old with Lin Suiyan in this world.

Su Yuli felt that it was ridiculous that he tried his best to establish a relationship with “Wen Jin” during this time. He was also worried that “Wen Jin” would destroy the relationship between the two of them, but in the end he found that “Wen Jin” was not needed at all. Lin Suiyan is still the same Lin Suiyan from beginning to end – he is a liar with superb acting skills, and he has never changed from beginning to end.

Su Yuli thought blankly, what did Lin Suiyan think when he saw him falling in love? He must think he was a fool, so easy to deceive.

Now that the crisis is completely over, no one can shake the Lin family’s position. No one could hurt the people around him, so Lin Suiyan naturally doesn’t need him as a stand-in.

Luo Xing…

Luo Xing was going to be taken back by Lin Suiyan, just like in his dream. They’re going to have a big wedding.

Su Yuli was depressed, far from his former vitality.

The next day he started to go back to school. After the afternoon class was over, instead of rushing home to talk to Lin Suiyan. He called Shuo Yang and Ding Yuan and grabbed a seat at the food stall near the school.

When Ding Yuan arrived, Su Yuli and Yang Shuo had been sitting for a long time.

Ding Yuan looked at the empty beer cans in front of Su Yuli, and glanced at Yang Shuo in confusion, as if asking what was wrong. Yang Shuo shrugged and said that he didn’t know either.

Su Yuli threw a can of beer to Ding Yuan: “Drink with me.”

Ding Yuan looked at Su Yuli and opened the beer, but before he could bring it to his mouth, the beer can was taken away by Yang Shuo.

“You’re not in good health, so you have to take good care of yourself. Don’t drink.” Yang Shuo asked the boss for a carton of milk, and put the straw in and handed it to Ding Yuan, “Drink this.”

Ding Yuan lowered his head very naturally, and took a sip from it in Yang Shuo’s hand, and then took the milk.

Su Yuli looked at Ding Yuan and Yang Shuo, and found that the two of them were very close. He asked, “Are… you together?”

Ding Yuan’s movements froze. During this time, Yang Shuo had been taking care of him, which could be described as very intimate. He also got used to it, and for a moment forgot that Su Yuli was still there.

Ding Yuan lowered his head and seemed a little embarrassed, while Yang Shuo nodded calmly.

Su Yuli snorted and lifted his head to drink the rest of the wine in the jar.

Yang Shuo frowned. In the past, Su Yuli would definitely jump up to say congratulations and ask for a red envelope. He would never be so indifferent.

When Su Yuli opened another can of beer, Shuo Yang grabbed it and frowned at him: “What’s wrong with you? Did you quarrel with Lin Suiyan?”

“No quarrel.” Su Yuli pulled the corner of his mouth mockingly. “What’s there to make so much noise about?”

Yang Shuo was even more puzzled: “Then what are you …?”

Ding Yuan hesitated, “Xiao Jin, what’s wrong with you? If you feel uncomfortable, tell me and Shuo Yang. We’re your friends, and we’ll help you with any difficulties. “

Ding Yuan is different from Yang Shuo’s firmness. He was very gentle, and he spoke softly. Su Yuli looked at him, and the grievances in his heart suddenly came up.

By the time he reacted, Su Yuli had already told him what had happened recently.

Ding Yuan and Yang Shuo didn’t believe it at first: “Mr. Lin doesn’t seem like such a person. Are you overthinking it?”

Su Yuli smiled bitterly. Look, Lin Suiyan’s acting skills were so good that he not only tricked him, but also Yang Shuo and Ding Yuan were deceived.

Su Yuli shook his head. “I saw it with my own eyes and heard it with my own ears. There can be no mistake.”

He opened another can of beer. He was very tired now, but he didn’t want to go back to the Lin house, nor did he want to go back to the Wen family, and have his parents ask him why he wasn’t going back.

Su Yuli now just wanted to quickly return to his original world, never to come back, never to see Lin Suiyan again.

Su Yuli obviously wanted to drink wine to drown his sorrows, but Yang Shuo and Ding Yuan naturally couldn’t let him do what he wanted. Yang Shuo resolutely put away all the beer. Su Yuli reached for it, but was stopped by Ding Yuan.

Su Yuli hugged Ding Yuan and burped a little. He murmured something to himself but his voice was too low for anyone to hear him clearly.

Seeing that his friend was in such pain, Yang Shuo clenched his fists and stood up and said, “I’ll help you beat him.”

Su Yuli shook his head: “No, don’t go. It’s not worth it… it’ll just dirty your hands.”

Su Yuli looked like he was drunk, but in fact his mind was surprisingly calm.

Lin Suiyan used him and made fun of him. He was both disappointed and angry, but he couldn’t let himself throw, cry, fight, shout or sell misery. He was highly educated and had his own dignity. He should be decent and draw a clear line with Lin Suiyan, and he shouldn’t be cheaper than Lin Suiyan and Luo Xing.

Su Yuli let go of Ding Yuan and said to Yang Shuo, “Brother Shuo, help me find a lawyer, a divorce lawyer.”