Chapter 111 Yearning for Warmth

Name:Dual Cultivation God Returns Author:
Chapter 111 Yearning for Warmth

While Shen Min gradually came back to reality, Wu Long collected the Yin Qi into a small bottle with a formation carved into it. He once used this bottle with Sui Luxiao at the banquet. This was not an ideal method, as the Yin Qi would drop in quality over time even with various preservation formations carved in addition to the gathering formation. The main reason was that the formations were of too low quality. But he did not need to preserve it for a long time, as he could cultivate it this night, and the main reason for using the bottle in the first place was not for gathering but erasing evidence.

He then took out a towel and gently cleaned up her thighs. She slightly trembled from his touch at first but then a comfortable feeling of him cleaning up her legs spread through her. And she held her breath as she was not sure what to do. She wanted to clean herself up since she did not want to bother him with it, but at the same time she did not want to sound ungrateful for his care.

"Thank you"

She said to him and he only smiled at her in return.

He then cleaned up the floor and used a talisman to clear the smell in the air.

When she got up, the room looked exactly like before they started, with nothing out of the ordinary. Her cheongsam was still raised up at the bottom, and she took the underwear from both sides and slid them down while lowering it as well so that her bare plump ass or her pink flower would not be seen. She bent down as her round and juicy butt wrapped in the luxurious fabric was shown in an alluring profile, and took off the underwear from both legs one by one. As she finished, she straightened up and saw a new and clean towel offered to her.

"You really came prepared"

She said, as she marveled at how prepared he was for something like this, having the tools to deal with what comes after, and cleaned herself. She then traced her spatial ring and suddenly froze.

"Hm? What's the matter?"

Wu Long noticed shock and a little dismay on her face.

"I...I don't have a spare..."

She said in a slightly lost voice, inwardly cursing the 'light side' her physique created for being too inexperienced. The matters between men and women were not the only reason women cultivators preferred to have spare underwear with them at all times, as there were all kinds of emergencies in which they might need them, and it was just generally a good idea to keep spares in the spatial ring.

"Hmm, I obviously don't have any women's underwear either, I guess you'll just have to go without"

Wu Long said, and she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Without? Y-You mean walk around with ... with nothing there?"

She said in an astonished voice.

"Well, I doubt it will be pleasant to wear those back... Relax, it is only until a nearby store where you can buy a new one"

He said with a light chuckle as he pointed at the drenched underwear she took off. She looked at it and it was obvious from her expression that wearing it back was not an option, so she helplessly sighed and recovered it into her spatial ring.

Wu Long put back the dishes he cleaned up to his spatial ring from the table before, and removed the talismans around, as they withered and turned to dust.

"So, how were your gains?"

He asked her, as he specifically induced the movement of her Yin Qi in a way she could more easily grasp its circulation routes and patterns. She thought for some time, digesting her experience, and asked him some more questions, which he answered patiently and diligently.

She felt what he talked about earlier when he taught her theory on practice, and was now more familiar with concepts she only vaguely understood before. Controlling Yin or Yang Qi was one of the fundamental requirements for Dual Cultivators while being largely neglected by others. So it was no wonder that she was hearing and learning all of this knowledge for the first time. She also had Extreme Yin Qi instead of a common one, making it that much harder to control.

The way he taught was basically just repeating the text he read word for word, as he was not very good at teaching. It required her own understanding, and thus this practical experience was of great help to her.

After some more discussion, he placed his hand flatly on her abdomen, and she felt a tingling sensation between her legs, as her body instinctively reacted to his touch.

"Here, follow my Spiritual Qi"

He said with a smile to her, showing her more specifically using his Spiritual Qi to guide her perception.

She followed it closely, as she consolidated what she learned and felt. She would need some more time to practice using her Yin Qi alone, and once she is done digesting this part he can give her another lesson.

"By the way, I suggest you stop wearing a disguise as you don't need it anymore"

He said as she picked up the earring. Her hand froze and she looked at him questioningly.

"I mean that you wore it so you could protect yourself from the Supreme Master Pavilion, and now I can do that so you don't need the disguise while you are with me"

He said, and a light surprise mixed with an unknown feeling of reassurance spread through her mind. She suddenly felt warmth from those words.

Shen Min slightly hesitated and then retrieved the earring into the spatial ring, then proceeded to fix her clothes a little more, trying to bring the bottom part even a little lower.

They went out of the room and she felt extremely nervous for some reason. It was not only her first time in a long while not wearing a disguise in public but also the absence of underwear underneath while there were people around that was making her heart race. She felt a little windy down there, and this unfamiliar experience was making her slightly tremble.

She felt the gazes of people on her, and she felt acutely self-aware. All of the eyes that looked at her were in her vision filled with astonishment and rebuke. Wu Long wrapped his hand around her waist, and she somehow felt a little better as she felt his warmth.

Outside in the cold weather, she felt his Spiritual Qi cover her from the cold, and a new realization came to her. No matter how cold she got from living as a killer for some time, and no matter what bitter things she experienced, it was still a wondrous feeling to have someone care for her. His warmth and care felt so tender and precious that she could not look straight at him for some reason.

He smiled and led her to a nearby store where they purchased a lot of new underwear,? which he paid for while she was changing. She tried to pay him back, but he adamantly refused and said that it was his fault for not checking if she had a spare, as she blushed, covering his mouth. There was the store owner lady who now had a knowing smile on her face, which made Shen Min extremely embarrassed.

As they went outside, they noticed a steam buns street stall on the corner, and Wu Long led her to it. They each took one and the warm steam bun felt exceptionally delicious and warm in the cold of the last and most severe winter month. Even if winter was a lot milder here in the Tingren Kingdom, the last month was still the coldest one. nOve)lb.In

At the same time, there was a slight regret that she had her underwear on that surprised her, and then she understood that it was a regret that what she really felt regretful about, was that she no longer was nervous and thus lost her reason to be held in embrace. Shen Min was astonished at this discovery, as she was in his embrace for a very short period of time, but it still had a profound effect on her. The weather somehow felt even colder than it really was.

But the warm steamed bun and his smile created a warmer atmosphere as she gradually felt better again. It was a wondrous experience for her, as she never felt like this even when she was little and with her family. Her family was a strict one, and she had a rebellious attitude, wanting to pursue more than simple marriage to whomever her father wanted, so their relations were always strained. But she still felt betrayed and hurt when they decided to give her away to the demand of the Supreme Master Pavilion. Her heart which did not experience warmth from her family was further cast in cold chains of betrayal.

The warmth he gave her now was so unfamiliar and yet broke straight into the depths of her soul. She was like a stray cat that was first living with a cold person who did not care for her and then thrown out, shunned and shooed off everywhere, that was experiencing someone caring for her for the first time. It raised her caution extremely, and yet there was a deep yearning somewhere inside her.