Chapter 342 A sign of a change

Name:Dual Cultivation God Returns Author:
Chapter 342 A sign of a change

Wu Long sat on a sofa in Sui Luxiao's office, looking at the bathroom where she took off her tights and panties off. Her smooth supple skin being uncovered bit by bit from the semi-transparent fabric. The curves of her body incredibly alluring, moving in slower, flowing motions.

The way she took the lingerie off her feet one by one was filled with gracefulness.

The whole routine was reflecting in his eyes that glinted with appreciation, and there was an added satisfaction of seeing her disheveled appearance that was caused by him.

As she finished up she came out and circling around the low table bent down to kiss him, sitting next to him as their mouths parted next.

"The construction of the new headquarters already started in the town outside your sect, with the amount of resources we poured it would be complete by the time we get there"

She said as she placed her head on his shoulder while his arm wrapped around her.

"You are as amazing as ever"

Wu Long smiled as her preparations were done extremely fast despite the scale and importance of the undertaking. It was the same brilliance and efficiency she displayed when she managed to separate the two companies while preparing her divorce. She smiled, pleased at his praise. It was nice to receive acknowledgement and encouragement, something she was not used to, but more than that, her joy came from the fact it was him who was giving her that acknowledgement.

"But didn't you say that there is trouble in your sect, don't you think moving the company there at this time will destabilize it even more?"

She then remembered Wu Long talking about the brewing disturbance within the Yin Yang Unity Palace during the first dinner they had with Wu Mengqi.

"On the contrary, it will quell the unrest for some time and give time for the person who is tasked with solving the problem time to grow"

Wu Long shook his head with a calm smile, and she first raised her eyebrows, and then smiled with understanding.

"Heh, they would get greedy to get the trading company that suddenly sprang under their nose?"

She chuckled at the cruel plan as Wu Long was basically planning to dangle a delicious fruit in front of their faces that they would never get.

"Mm, the trading company would need to stabilize for some time after the sudden change of headquarters, and during that time there would appear an Alchemy Pavilion, and a transportation and travel security agency that would be also operated by the sect.

They would not start moving until all three are stable enough so that they could gobble them up along with the sect, creating a period of peace, like a calm before the coming storm"

Wu Long chuckled as he spoke, nodding to her assumption.

"But if this is true, how long will that peace last?"

"That is the beauty of it, we control the process, so it would take however much time we need, within reason of course. The clouds shrouding the continent would also not start pouring rain until then so it is an added bonus"

Later in the day, when Song Minfu requested Yu Huan's membership be revoked, the Alchemy Tower protested the meddling of the Crown Prince in their affairs to the Imperial Crown but the issue was dismissed before there was even a deliberation, as the Emperor foresaw where that would lead, and was not in the mood to receive another verbal face slap from Wu Long in the same day, and possibly loosing some Imperial Heirs at the same time.

Since the day was mostly lost in the argument whether to let the Crown Prince and his daughter go, as well as the Alchemy Tower's dispute the caravan departed only the next morning.

The journey proceeded peacefully, but relatively slowly as they stopped for the night at every town they passed and two months later the group arrived at a city near the Frozen Garden Palace that Wu Long first met Song Lingfei in.

In this time, as they stayed in inns along the way, Wu Long has advanced to the 2nd level of the Revolving Qi Realm, and even approached the bottleneck of the 3rd level.

During the travel Wu Long's group almost always were in contact with the princess, as she was delighted to talk to so many people outside her small circle of connections. Wu Long told some stories from time to time, entertaining the group of heavenly beauties as a tinkling laughter resounded in the large carriage, adding some more weight to the looming premonition of the Crown Prince when he heard it from his carriage.

And when they stayed for the night this time, the whole city was buzzing since the word got out that the Crown Prince was in town.

"We would have to make a stop here a little longer since I would have to make a visit to the Frozen Garden Palace"

Song Minfu informed Wu Long as due to the connection to one of the Five Great Sects, as well as the previous favor for Song Lingfei, he could not simply pass by without making a visit. Especially since his presence was noticed.

"Wu Long, can we... also make a visit?"

Sui Luxiao asked him as he nodded to the Crown Prince and he looked at her slightly surprised, but then smiled.

"Of course"

It was only normal that she wanted to visit her former sect while they were nearby and had a chance. He was also interested in the place so he had no reason to refuse.

As they were going to their rooms, the ground beneath and the whole city trembled. Wu Long stopped and soon understood that it was not only the city, but as far as he could sense an intense tremor was going through the lands.

'Is it...?'

Wu Long's face became serious and he looked in the direction of the Inner Sea as he soon realized that what shook was likely all of the three continents.

"What is it, honey?"

Seeing this unusually serious expression on his face, Wu Mengqi asked as she was also surprised by the phenomenon, but earthquakes were a relatively common experience, albeit not as strong as this one, thus his reaction seemed a little exaggerated.

"A sign of a change"

Wu Long chuckled as he turned back to her, a hint of both anticipation and caution in his eyes. She smiled back, noticing that glint because it told her that it was something good for them.