Chapter 419 The Dao of...

Name:Dual Cultivation God Returns Author:
Chapter 419 The Dao of...

?"Why didn't you stop her? None of us could, but you..."

Cai Yin looked at Wu Long with some red in the corners of her eyes. She felt the soul fluctuations of the maiden that she previously was attuned to because of the latter's first performance, so she was very sensitive about her condition.

"Fairy Gong Cui is a Music Dao cultivator, and as such it is very important that her thoughts flow freely and unimpeded. Had I blocked her performance in that particular circumstance, it would have been tremendous harm to her way as a practitioner of the Music Dao"

Wu Long shook his head as he was not immune to the emotional turmoil of the lady either, but could not sacrifice her growth for the comfort of his consciousness.


Princess Cai Yin wanted to say something, but she could see that his mood was, albeit calm, still more melancholic.

"What about after? Will you be able to comfort her after?"

"That was my first impulse as well, believe me, Your Highness. But as someone who knows a little about Music Dao cultivators I am afraid I cannot.

I will also strongly advise you all to only give her comfort in your company and understanding, but not weigh in on the performance you just heard. That would only greatly hurt her as a Music Dao Cultivator"

"Music Dao Cultivator... but what about as a woman, as a person?" This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Princess Cai Yin could not come to terms with his logic, even though she knew he was right.

"Hmm... I believe you underestimate the position Music Dao holds for any cultivator practicing it in their mind and soul, Your Highness. Especially one as talented and brilliant as Fairy Gong Cui.

It is not only a way to cultivate for them, but their crux and soul itself. The moment one steps on the road of Music Dao, it becomes the Grand Dao of their life.

They might have other important things, things they value even more than the Music Dao, emotions that govern their actions and connections that bring them joy and fulfillment, but they can no longer part with Music Dao or cut it out of their life. It is still that which dictates their well-being and the quality of their life"

Wu Long softly spoke, as his gaze became a little distant. While his words were hard to swallow from the emotional stance, they could all feel something profound in them.

"But is that not cruel? To leave her alone?"

This time Gong Liwei was the one who spoke up, as she could not imagine what her little sister would be going through in the coming days and perhaps even weeks.

"Who said about leaving her alone? That is far from what I am talking about. It is important for her to feel the support from people around, to feel the care and love, as well as feeling of having someone to lean on. Though, unfortunately, in this particular case it cannot be me"

Wu Long shook his head once more, this time with an encouraging smile and then a rueful one since he could not be the one comforting the lady.

"But then...?"

Gong Liwei widened her eyes since his words seemed contradictory.

"Some experience"

"Hahaha, I seem to notice that there is a lot you have 'some experience' in, though most of it concerns women it seems"

"Haha, you flatter me Your Highness"

"Most men would take offence at that you know?"

"I am not most men, and what is shameful about admitting who I am?"

"Someone very experienced with women. Hmm, if Fairy Gong Cui's crux is the Dao of Music, is yours the Dao of Seducing?"

Princess Cai Yin revealed a playful smile, her tone light and joking. It was clear that this was not an attempt to demean or insult him but a gentle wordplay which naturally flowed from their previous conversation.

She was, after all, sensitive to emotions and could see their conversation taking a lighter tone, appropriate for some teasing words.

"Hmm, mine is the Human Dao I suppose. To seduce a fine woman you must first be a decent person, and to receive someone's affection you must first know how to give it"

Wu Long chuckled, his tone still joking but the words he spoke stirring Cai Yin's thoughts as he surprisingly answered quite seriously, while keeping the tone of the conversation light.

"It seems that is something you care about"

She smiled, her eyes turning to the reflection of the moon on the surface of the pond, a little happy to learn something genuine about him.

"I do. Dual Cultivators are mostly thought of as people who give in to their carnal desires but that is the perception of someone not familiar with its principles, even by many Dual Cultivators who mistakenly believe it to be the Dao of Carnal Pleasure.

The Dao of Dual Cultivation is in its purest form the Dao of Human Connection, and the Dao of Human Being. All of those techniques, tricks and skills are perfected in order to deepen and perfect that connection"

Wu Long spoke as his gaze turned to the reflections of the two and the moon shining above as well.

Cai Yin's gaze, however turned back to him as there was something magnetic in his voice and profile. The feeling his speech gave her was profound and deep, so much that she could not see its bottom.

She looked at him as if enchanted as he pondered on the Dao a little.

'Hah, that is why I dislike my title'

He inwardly chuckled, as he was not very pleased when he heard that he was titled God of Pleasure, perhaps even more than when he was titled the God of Slaughter.

He did not care for either of those, but the second title he got directly contradicted his view of the essence of Dual Cultivation.

Their conversation continued after a little pause, as it turned lighter again until Shen Min came back to show the princess to her quarters.