Chapter 430 Accident

Name:Dual Cultivation God Returns Author:
Chapter 430 Accident


A loud explosion sound resounded on the mansion premises as the whole territory shook like it was suddenly thrown up along with the earth beneath it and then fell back down. Butler Bang and his subordinates appeared near the training field, and Wu Long's women soon arrived as well.

All the guests and parties who were at the mansion also appeared further away, as a cloud of dust was settling on the open space while slightly glowing shards of Spiritual Qi fell around, dissipating into the air.

Soon, a figure could be discerned in the dust, and then a small crater in front of it.

Something falling nearby among the shards of Spiritual Qi caught Ye Ling's attention as she snatched it from the air. A torn piece of burnt paper talisman was reflected in her blue eyes that widened at the sight, and then turned back to the figure near the crater.

Wu Long stood with a puzzled and slightly surprised expression as he looked at the crater, part of his robes torn and most of them tattered.

"Hmm... interesting..."

A curious light appeared in his eyes next as he went over what happened in his mind.

He was experimenting with creating mist, with Water Qi controlling water and Lightning Qi to change it's state.

At one point in time, as he was thinking that since the temperature in the air was too high for a fog to gradually be conjured, and he had no control over it, he decided to test creating a large quantity of fog at the same time so even if it dispersed it would still cover the vicinity for a moment.

However, due to difficulty of control and lack of experience, the electric charge he used was too powerful, nearing that of a strike of natural lightning. nove(l)bi(n.)com

Something spontaneously and unexpectedly changed as the water started expanding into pressurized gas at a tremendous rate not perceivable to mortals or even cultivators of Nine Mortal Realms for that matter.

It then ignited from the residual sparks of the lightning, all of this happening almost at the same time and yet seemingly in a sequence.

Liang Yuhan's eyes were glued to the crater as she wondered what he did, since it did not seem like a technique from the way he had to shield himself.

She could also feel the residual Water Qi and Lightning Qi in the air, something that surprised her since there was no way for a Nine Mortal Realms practitioner to manipulate Elemental Qi, something only people in her realm were only starting to obtain.

But since she now knew who he was, she was not as bewildered, only surprised, and did not intend to pry into his secrets so she tactfully moved away as well.

Meanwhile, after sending his ladies to rest, Wu Long resumed his experiments, this time setting up Spiritual Qi barriers in advance and having a flurry of talismans floating around him on the ready.

But, no matter how he tried to recreate the phenomenon it strangely did not occur as it seemed that the accident before was triggered by a set of yet undiscovered conditions aligning in a right way due to pure coincidence, and it required far more than simply discharging a lightning into a mass of water.

He suspected that to recreate the blast, he had to manipulate both the Water Qi and Lightning Qi in a very specific way, possibly even too complex for him to currently be able to do so.

He also now kept track of every minute perceptible change in both Elemental Qi and the Dao Runes as he was now aware that his training and experiments could lead to completely unexpected results, and knowing what led to those results was incredibly useful.

Close to the evening he had to pause his training as using the Runes drained too much of his Spiritual Qi.

Even though he was not successful in recreating the blast, he was now aware of the possibility, and at the same time determined to be more cautious in his experiments so that he did not cause accidental destruction on a large scale at the wrong moments or gravely injure himself.

There was also another thought in his mind as he was now thinking if his Golden Yang Dragon Body was truly something as powerful as he once thought.

It truly could be considered to be among the top cultivation techniques for body tempering in the Seven Boundless Worlds, but he was no longer satisfied with just that, as his worldview greatly expanded each day as he contemplated the Dao Runes.

'There are so many new avenues of gaining strengths, and so much to explore'

In his mind, a new possibility was forming as the technique he created took on a different form.

He also lacked the Dragon Race bloodline to truly exhibit the strengths of this body tempering technique, but seeing Song Lingfei's bloodline of The Great Void Eagle, and a secret of this world he heard from the Wood Spirit gave him a new idea.