CH 1

Name:Dudu's Diary Author:
Highlighted words are explained in the footnotes.

My name is Dudu, and I’m three years old. I’m a cute and smart baby. Though my mother will never admit this and will always say that I'm spoiled and fat, but I know that my mother only said this because she is jealous of my cuteness. In fact, she's the one that's spoiled and fat. But this cannot be said in front of her, otherwise she will explode.

My father is a great hero, his duty is to save the world, that's why he didn't come back to see me until I was 3 years old, but since I'm broad-minded, I don't blame him at all.

There are still many stories about our family, so let me write them down for you one by one.


"Children, open your hands and keep your back straight, like a beautiful little swan, come, follow the teacher......."

In a huge dance classroom, a female teacher with a beautiful figure and a soft face is wearing a beautiful white ballet dress. She's in front of a floor-to-ceiling mirror slowly doing ballet movements. Behind her is a group of girls in small ballet costumes, aged five or six years old, Each one is seriously imitating the teacher, trying to complete the graceful  movements being taught to them.

Many of the parents waiting for their children outside the classroom looked at the serious and lovely appearance of their little girls through the glass on the door, with smiles on their faces, feeling very satisfied with the teaching quality of this dance art center.

This is a well-known dance art center in the whole city and even the whole country. It is called Tianyi. It is located in the business district of the city center, which is large in scale and professional in teaching. All the teachers under its name come from professional dance colleges and universities and are considered as the best in their profession. Just for these teachers alone that countless people had come to sign up every day.

This situation has led to a large number of people coming to seek advice every day. Tianyi's consulting teachers are as tired as dogs every day.

As at this time, in the counseling room, five counselors are busy receiving consultants, patiently answering their questions.

"My baby has to drink a glass of milk and small fruit snacks at ten o'clock in the morning and three o'clock in the afternoon, but I have read your class schedule. There's no rest at 10:00 or 3:00, this is really unreasonable. You need to adjust your class hours, in this way, I can safely send my baby to you to practice dancing. "

At the desk of the last counselor, a woman wearing a bright silver skirt with heavy makeup and wearing a pair of super-large sunglasses is holding a Louis Vuitton bag on one hand and a six or seven-year-old girl in the other. While pointing at the timetable, her face was full of dissatisfaction with the class schedule of the training center.


It was a few hours before Yu Shanshan came out of the supervisor's office.

Wu Jing, who had been waiting outside anxiously for a long time, saw that she's finally out and hurried to meet her. She took her arm and asked, "How did you get out? How's it going? You okay? What did the supervisor say? "

Yu Shanshan pouted depressingly, the whole person looks gloomy. "I lost my salary and bonus this month"

"Only salary and bonus are deducted?" When Wu Jing heard the words, she was greatly relieved and patted her chest, "That's good, that's good, it scared me to death. I'm so afraid that the supervisor will fire you directly. I won't be able to save you by then."

Yu Shanshan crouched down, hung her head in pain and pulled at her hair,

"I've just been deducted my salary and bonus, do you still say it's okay? What's so good with that? I can't live without salary and bonus! The heavens want to kill me!"

Wu Jing hates iron for not becoming steel and poked Yu Shanshan in the forehead.

"You have the nerve to say that! You know you can't live without money but you're willing to fight with customers? How many times have I told you need to keep your temper. Who do you think you are?"

Yu Shanshan feels aggrieved. "It's really not my fault this time. I did try to keep my temper. It was that woman who was unreasonable, you have no idea how strange she is. Why does her baby need to eat snacks and milk at 10am and 3pm? Then she demanded to change the class schedule. I can’t make any sense to her! And it’s not my initiative. It was that woman who hit me first, that's why I fought back."


I was confused on how to write the name of the kid, it's 嘟嘟 which is an onomatopoeia. Other MTL says it should be "Doodle" but it doesn't seem right. Right when I was about to give up, I finally discovered this page 

So Dudu it is. It's a nice name. 

(╯°□°)╯︵ oɥʇǝɯɐusƃopɐʇᴉsᴉʎɥʍ

"Bao Fa Hu" 暴發戶 - A person who suddenly became rich due to luck. They usually are stereotyped as arrogant upstarts and does not behave nicely.

恨铁不成钢 a Chinese idiom which is literally translated as 'to hate iron for not becoming steel' which means to feel resentful towards something or someone for not meeting expectations and/or impatient to see improvement