CH 12

Name:Dudu's Diary Author:
Wang Bofei's remote-controlled plane got the attention of the children in the whole neighborhood. The little turnips gathered around him, either curiously or enviably looking at the remote-controlled plane in his hand, twittering all kinds of questions.

"Wang Bofei, did your father buy your plane for you?"

"Wang Bofei, how much is your plane? I want my father to buy me one, too. "

"Wang Bofei, can you lend me to play with your plane? I promise I won't break it."

Wang Bofei kept the remote-controlled plane firmly in his arms and did not let his friends around touch it casually. "Don't touch it. This plane is valuable. My father said it costs thousands. If it breaks down, he'll beat me to death."

The little turnips heard that it costs thousands, and although they didn't know how many thousands were, they all understood the meaning of a lot of money, and they all marveled, "Woooow" one after another, and they didn't dare to casually touch it anymore, for fear that they might not be able to pay for it.

Wang Bofei looked around and asked everyone, "Do you all want to play?"

A circle of little turnips immediately nodded their heads, one faster than the other.

Wang Bofei's a little embarrassed. "You all want to play, but there is only one plane. Who should I give it to?"

As soon as these words came out, the little turnips raised their hands one after another and scrambled to say, "Me! Me! Let me play! Let me play!"

One of the children rolled his eyes and picked up his remote-controlled car and squeezed forward: "Wang Bofei, my remote-controlled car is also very fun. My grandfather bought it for me. If you lend me your remote-controlled plane to play with, I will give you my racing car in exchange."

Wang Bofei was immediately moved by the words and without the slightest hesitation, he handed his remote-controlled plane to the racing kid and bluntly said, "Then you can play with it, but you can't break it."

The racing child excitedly took over the remote-controlled plane, and gave his own remote-controlled car to the other, they couldn't wait to play.

The rest of the children were very disappointed and looked longingly at the racing children.

At this time, another little boy jumped out and gave his latest Galactic Armor to Wang Bofei and said, "Wang Bofei, then I'll exchange it with you. This is the Galactic Armor my mother bought for me. It's very fun. You may play with it. Why don't you lend me your plane later?"